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Viser innlegg med etiketten butikk. Vis alle innlegg

lørdag 16. februar 2013

Today's work

I have finished the purple runner and it has got its place on the counter in the shop. The designer, AnnAKa, is visiting Quiltekroken this weekend to teach a class. Wonder if she notices it.... :o)

There were quite a lot of leftover - fabric from the twisterquilt. So today was the day to do something about that :o) I cut the biggest pieces into 5" squares, this will be a little twister-runner, a pillow or something made with the little twister-ruler. But I also got quilte a lot of 3"/ 2,5"/ 2"/ 1,5" squares. I hope this was the beginning of a new activity for me, cutting bits and pieces to make usable pieces!! And of course, in time, use them :o)

I spent most of the afternoon cutting and sewing, love it! I almost finished 'Mona's toalettveske', I have some seams left for tomorrow. This is one of our most popular patterns, and a lot of you have made it. Its a very good pattern, so I probably will make some for gifts :o)

So long!