{Daily Anecdotes}

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Gabi and I were hanging out in the pool this afternoon and noticed a lot more butterflies than usual! We had thrown our watermelon rind out by the garden and they were attracted to its juicy sweetness! Gabi picked off a piece of watermelon and was able to lure them into her hand! I ended up taking over 50 pictures! These are a few of my favorites!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I have said it before but I feel blessed to have a home in the country. Today on my way to the mailbox I noticed these beautiful butterflies fluttering around the clover in bloom in our field. I yelled at Gabi to run back to the house to grab my camera and stood there forever photographing them. I love photographing nature, architecture, and landscapes. I love to travel and have been known to take over 600 photos in one day! It is so rewarding to capture these beautiful photos!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer is Here

I'm back! I am hoping to get back into the blogging world! School is out and summer is here! Well, it felt like it was here last week but this past weekend was chilly! My sister, brother, and their families were in town this weekend to celebrate my Aunt's 80th birthday. The kids were disappointed they didn't get to go swimming but the weather was perfect for hanging outside on the patio. Rick took us on a little "hay" ride back to our new pond and the kids played in the mud. I love this rock Gabi found on the bank of the pond. She thought she discovered an old treasure map and I have to agree it does have that look to it! Sunday we went to the park. It was great to hang out and have the chance to visit with cousins we haven't seen in ages and celebrate our sweet Aunt Rose's birthday! She is a special lady and does so much for everyone in her family so it was nice to be able to do something special for her!