{Daily Anecdotes}

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's the Holiday Season

I absolutely love this time of the year! I have actually been in the Christmas spirit since November! We normally put up our tree Thanksgiving weekend but I couldn't wait and it went up a few weeks early! You would think having a head start I'd feel a little less busy but December has been a crazy month. Gabi is now in the third grade and the third graders are responsible for the Christmas Program at the Elementary School each year. Gabi has been singing songs every day from the program. She was super excited for the day to arrive so when it did and I found her in tears I was quite surprised. She finally confided in me that she was nervous to perform in front of the school but when she came home that afternoon she was ready to go back and perform it again for the parents and she made the cutest elf.
Spanish Club raised money again this year for the Adopt a Family Program and we rasied over $200. I had so much fun shopping for our 4 year old boy and he is going to have one very special Christmas. We were able to buy him a winter coat, boots, snow pants, gloves, hat, pajamas, clothes, books, and big Thomas the Train Play Set. It is always a joy to deliver the gifts to the Community Help Center and see their faces light up!
The Santa Train returned this year and although we had to wait two hours out in the cold it was well worth the wait. I love walking through the cars and seeing all of the beautiful decorations. Gabi has said she is too old to set on Santa's lap and said she would just stand next to him but Santa wouldn't allow it so she sat on his lap! Several of her friends no longer Believe but Gabi is still a believer! Her little face lit up when she got her annual email from Santa! She was a little nervous to hear if she had made the naughty or nice list but of course she made the nice list! So Christmas is just around the corner and we are looking forward to Christmas Break and spending time with family and friends!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Gabi and I were hanging out in the pool this afternoon and noticed a lot more butterflies than usual! We had thrown our watermelon rind out by the garden and they were attracted to its juicy sweetness! Gabi picked off a piece of watermelon and was able to lure them into her hand! I ended up taking over 50 pictures! These are a few of my favorites!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I have said it before but I feel blessed to have a home in the country. Today on my way to the mailbox I noticed these beautiful butterflies fluttering around the clover in bloom in our field. I yelled at Gabi to run back to the house to grab my camera and stood there forever photographing them. I love photographing nature, architecture, and landscapes. I love to travel and have been known to take over 600 photos in one day! It is so rewarding to capture these beautiful photos!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer is Here

I'm back! I am hoping to get back into the blogging world! School is out and summer is here! Well, it felt like it was here last week but this past weekend was chilly! My sister, brother, and their families were in town this weekend to celebrate my Aunt's 80th birthday. The kids were disappointed they didn't get to go swimming but the weather was perfect for hanging outside on the patio. Rick took us on a little "hay" ride back to our new pond and the kids played in the mud. I love this rock Gabi found on the bank of the pond. She thought she discovered an old treasure map and I have to agree it does have that look to it! Sunday we went to the park. It was great to hang out and have the chance to visit with cousins we haven't seen in ages and celebrate our sweet Aunt Rose's birthday! She is a special lady and does so much for everyone in her family so it was nice to be able to do something special for her!

Monday, January 3, 2011

One Little Word

I've been inspired by Ali Edwards to think about what my one word will be for the new year! Of course with the end of 2010 I am always thinking about goals I want to accomplish in the new year. Last year's resolution was to spend 15 minutes a day organizing my massive collection of photos. Like any new year's resolution it wasn't a routine I fully latched onto. I also always wish in the back of my mind that each new year will be the year that I finally get into shape and lose those extra unwanted pounds. Once again it hasn't been a change that I've fully made. So as I was reflecting over my goals for 2011 the word perseverance popped into my head. Perseverance is defined as a steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. So this year I will persevere! I will continue on my weight loss journey and finally finish what I've started. I know that along the way there will be obstacles and difficulties but I hope my one little word will remind me to persevere!