{Daily Anecdotes}

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Crafting

My sister and her family finally made it in town for a visit! She has three kids and always seems overwhelmed which I don't quite understand. To me being a stay at home mom seems like the perfect job! When they are here I get so much done during naptime and I have a blast with the kids! After attending Gabi's basketball game early Saturday morning and visiting with Dad we headed home for lunch. After lunch Sally laid down and took a nap with the youngest and I decided to do a little crafting with Gabi and the twins. I whipped up some salt dough and divided it equally among the three kids. They kneaded it and had fun cutting their shapes. We baked them and they couldn't wait to paint them. After dinner I raided my scrapbooking stash and got out the acrylic paint, stickles, glimmer mist, and sequins. The paint went on well but unfortunately the stickles and glimmer mist just turned watery and ran off making a mess. So we decided that the paint was good enough! I tied a little ribbon loop on each one and bagged them up for each kid. They were so excited but secretly I had just as much fun as they did! I think I missed my calling. I should have been an art teacher!


Unknown said...

Speaking as a SAHM mother of just one, it really can be overwhelming for some of us and if I had three I would absolutely feel three times the stress I do now. Have you tried to sit down and have a meaningful conversation with your sister as to why she feels this way?

Every mother is very different and handles different levels of stress and responsibility differently. It's because we are all human beings and have been given that gift of difference to go with it. What you can handle and what she can handle are very different things. She might love to know she has support.

As I don't know her, I don't know if this is correct, but just maybe she wishes she could spend all day in the hectic crazy world of teaching, or even Corporate America because that's what best fits her soul. She may see your daily challenges as a dream come true.

Kozy Krafter said...

Very cute pics!