{Daily Anecdotes}

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crunch Time

Where did the summer go? Really, I know people say this all the time and I know I've said it before but this summer was a blur! And once August 1 hits I always feel a bit overwhelmed. School starts in just 20 days (less for teachers) and I still have so much I need to get done! It is what I consider "crunch time." Time to get serious and tackle all those projects left on my to do list. So what exactly is that? Well, we had planned on painting our bathrooms this summer but Rick and I have done some serious soul searching and decided that it would be best to sell our home, pay off some debts, and move on to something smaller. So that being said I doubt I will spend much time or effort painting our bathrooms a fun color when white will do just fine! I do need to pare things down in the closets and clean out some drawers!

I also need to finish implementing my Library of Memories System and get photos in albums as well as my layouts. I scrapped an unbelievable 50+ layouts last month so the pages have piled up! I'm debating whether I want to fully implement Stacy Julian's Albums concept. She buys albums in 4 different colors and categorizes her layouts into one of the four albums: All About Us, People We Love, Places We Go, Things We Do. Within each album she also has subcategories. For example, in the All About Us album she has a section for each member of the family. Under the Things We Do she has a section for each holiday. I do love this concept and want to implement it somewhat but I don't know to what extent! I currently have the 3 ring binders and have a People We Love album as well as an All About Us album with a section for both Rick and I. The remaining layouts are currently stored chronologically. I like being able to look back on our year. Here is what I have to ponder. This summer we went to Florida again. If I continue chronologically I would have to go through each album to see the vacations we took each year. If I used the Library of Memories System I would file most vacation layouts in the Places We Go album and could therefore thumb through one album and see our Florida trips throughout the years. But here is something else to think about. I also did a layout oI"n Gabi's fearlessness in the water and that could be filed under the Gabi section in the All About Us layout. So essentially Stacy has layouts about a single vacation stored in various albums depending on the specifice topic of the layout. Have I lost you yet? Sorry, I am really just thinking through this whole process. I really just need to decide how I'm going to store these pages and just do it! Any thoughts? Well, the clock is ticking so I will log off now and get busy on my to do list!