{Daily Anecdotes}

Monday, December 29, 2008

Project 365!

I haven't been sleeping well while on Christmas Break so I was up late one night surfing the internet when I stumbled across Becky Higgin's Blog and saw her Project 365 album. The idea is to take a photo a day for a year. It is not a new concept but Becky has created a great kit that is perfect to display these pics and the stories behind them. I love the idea of taking a photo a day and hope it will make me a better photographer. Using my camera every day will help me learn its limits. I will get better at composing my shots, I’ll start to care about lighting, and become more creative with my photography when I'm forced to come up with something new every single day. The reward too is a great "slice of life" at the end of the year. So since January 1 starts mid-week I'm starting my Project 365 today so each two page spread in my album will run Monday-Sunday. I took lots of pics today but I think this will be my pic of the day. Rick was doing laundry in the basement late when he realized the water was backing up the drain. He ran to Nick's house to borrow a snake to snake out our pipes. When he returned around 10 p.m. with Gabi she was carrying a new cat that Nick had given her! She's never had a tabby cat and loves his coloring. Rick stayed up late fixing the clogged drain, Gabi played with her cat, and I scrapbooked. It was a late night for all of us! A perfect slice of our life. Things happen!


Jen said...

I decided to do this too - you know there's a challenge over at sb.com about this too if you want to join.

Marci said...

What a beautiful kitty!