{Daily Anecdotes}

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Love Snow Days!

I love snow days just as much as the kids do! We didn't get the entire day off unfortunately but we did get out early today. I'll take whatever I can get. I used that extra time today to work on some Christmas gifts. I stumbled across these cool name frames on 2 peas and decided to give them a try. The lovely ladies there have been so generous to share their pictures. I have finished several already for family and friends. They've all been uploaded to be printed and I can't wait to get these back and frame them! This is going to look awesome in our living room!


Gabigabs said...

This one looks awesome. Great modern look to it.

Unknown said...

That Is Too Cool! I Bet His Family Will Love Them! Great Idea! I Think I'll Make A Few Myself :)

Margy said...

I think those look fantastic, and will make wonderful gifts!