{Daily Anecdotes}

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Isn't this just charming? Well, I decided to join a fun altered charm swap at 2 peas. I've never made handmade charms before so it has been quite the adventure. I initially decided to try shrink plastic. Remember shrinky dinks from when you were a kid? I cut out these cute bats, baked and attached a clasp! Of course it took some experimenting and I ran out of shrink plastic before I was able to make a full set for the swap! So I then stumbled across the idea of scrabble tile charms. They were quick, easy, and turned out even better than expected. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry to get these mailed out and didn't have a chance to take a picture of them. I had been tossing around the idea of opening an etsy shop and since I had these extra bat charms I finally set one up tonight! I'm hoping to list a few more items this weekend!


Marci said...

That is darling! Best of luck with your shop!

Jen said...

The bat charm is so cute! Best of luck with your etsy shop!

Anonymous said...

wow...how neat! Good luck w/ the etsy shop!