{Daily Anecdotes}

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wacky {Hair} Day

Yesterday must have been a full moon because the kids were crazy! In one class I was busy collecting all missing work for end of the quarter grades while the students were supposed to be working on an assignment. Meanwhile I have a cellphone that rang 3 times. Each time the kids chirp, whistle and yell trying to cover the ringing of the cellphone. So I confiscate the phone only to have it ring again! At the same time I have a girl come up to me in tears because someone stole her work off her desk and the rest of the class is yelling at me because they need help and I can't help them while also dealing with all of the immature behavior! Needless to say I am so glad it is Friday and also glad it was an early dismissal day too! Instead of our normal meetings we were actually given the afternoon to work in our rooms on quarter grades.

Today was wacky hair day at Gabi's school. She wanted to color her hair but we didn't make it to the store in time. So instead she decided on pigtails! She hates having her hair done so it was quite the challenge getting her to sit still long enough for me to accomplish this style! It turned out cute though and lasted all day!


LAURA said...

Hi Julie! Just stopping by to catch up on you and your family. Looks like you've had some great adventures the past few months. Gabi's hair is too cute and the gourd names are very cool. (So is meeting Nicholas Sparks, btw!). I haven't been on the computer much lately but I've been missing some of my cyber friends. :( Take care.