{Daily Anecdotes}

Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Full Week

We have just completed our first full week of school! It has taken its toll on us and we are looking forward to the long weekend! Gabi is still adjusting to kindergarten! Of course, the first day she was excited to start school but the following day was more traumatic (for the both of us)! I explained that I can not walk her in each day and have to drop her off at the cross walk. As I dropped her off the second day she had tears rolling down her face and looked back at me as she got out of the car with the saddest face! It broke my heart. She can be shy and even though she likes her class and teacher she does not like walking in by herself and having to walk into a gym of older kids. She is now all smiles when she gets off the bus each afternoon but the morning drop off continues to be full of tears. On Thursday she was crying so hard that she told me a teacher took her under her wing and let her be their helper until school started. Friday was better so I'm hoping we are now making the transition! Gabi truly does love her teacher. She is excited to show and tell me what she has learned each day and each day that she is on her best behavior they earn a green popsicle stick. Once they earn 5 they get to dig into the treasure chest! Gabi earned her 5 for the week and couldn't wait to show me the cute little stuffed monkey she picked out of the treasure chest! Unfortunately, not all of the kids in her class were given this privilege. Gabi came home on Wednesday and told me that one of the kids has already been sent to the principal's office. When I asked her why she said she couldn't tell me because it was really bad. After about 15 minutes of prying I finally learned that when they were going over the class rules this student yelled "you are a bitch" at the teacher! This is a 5 year old! Sadly, this is probably what he hears at home. Normally kids are on their best behavior the first few weeks of school. This is the first time in my 12 years of teaching that I've had students refuse to participate in class. I'm really apalled at the behavior I've seen so far and worried at where we'll be as the year wears on. I've tried being proactive and have already asked several students to stay after class to discuss respect! I know I have to set the tone now before it gets out of hand! Well, Gabi and I are now both fighting off colds and getting into the new routine is exhausting! I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in and relax this weekend. We are going to dinner at Huhots tonight and I can't wait! Rick and I ate their for our anniversary and I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with Gabi!