{Daily Anecdotes}

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Magical Day

This morning we got up and headed to the Magic House. I've heard great things about it and can't believe we haven't gone till now! Gabi loved it! You can touch an electrically charged ball and make your hair stand on end; transform your silhouette into a kaleidoscope of color; lift yourself with a pulley; freeze your shadow on a wall; experiment in a water playground; make a three-dimensional impression of yourself; and zoom down a three-story slide! They had so many fun, interactive things for Gabi to play with. She got to learn about sound, play with magnets, climb a tree-house, paint, and play in a bank and grocery store. Her favorite though was sandcastle beach! We could have spent all day there but after the full day yesterday we decided to get back on the road and head for home. Gabi was hungry so we stopped at Historic St. Charles and had a little picnic along the river! It is such a beautiful spot. After lunch we walked down Main Street and grabbed an icecream cone at a cute, old-fashioned ice cream parlor. This is such a great place to visit! It is a real brick street lined in old, historic buildings that now are homes to great little boutiques and antique shops! So many fun, eclectic items to see. It was a truly magical but also exhausting day!


Melissa said...

Sounds like it was an awesome day! :) I wanted to go just reading about how cool that place sounds!

LAURA said...

wasn't this place just too cool?! My kids love it when we went. Glad you all had such a great day. :)

Britt said...

hey beautiful lady! I have something on my blog for you!