{Daily Anecdotes}

Monday, December 29, 2008

Project 365!

I haven't been sleeping well while on Christmas Break so I was up late one night surfing the internet when I stumbled across Becky Higgin's Blog and saw her Project 365 album. The idea is to take a photo a day for a year. It is not a new concept but Becky has created a great kit that is perfect to display these pics and the stories behind them. I love the idea of taking a photo a day and hope it will make me a better photographer. Using my camera every day will help me learn its limits. I will get better at composing my shots, I’ll start to care about lighting, and become more creative with my photography when I'm forced to come up with something new every single day. The reward too is a great "slice of life" at the end of the year. So since January 1 starts mid-week I'm starting my Project 365 today so each two page spread in my album will run Monday-Sunday. I took lots of pics today but I think this will be my pic of the day. Rick was doing laundry in the basement late when he realized the water was backing up the drain. He ran to Nick's house to borrow a snake to snake out our pipes. When he returned around 10 p.m. with Gabi she was carrying a new cat that Nick had given her! She's never had a tabby cat and loves his coloring. Rick stayed up late fixing the clogged drain, Gabi played with her cat, and I scrapbooked. It was a late night for all of us! A perfect slice of our life. Things happen!

Welcome Molly Ann!

My sister had a C-section scheduled for January 2 but she woke us up early this morning to let us know that her water broke around 2 that morning and Molly Ann was born a few hours later. She weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. and both her and Sally are doing fine! Sally said the doctor said "look at those thighs" when he pulled her out. So I couldn't resist buying this cute onesie that says, "Does this diaper make my butt look big?" Sally gets out of the hospital on Thursday and Gabi and I are looking forward to heading to Kansas City on Friday to see them.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today's Horoscope

My horoscope for today was right on target! "Interactions with your boss or someone else who can exert control over you may not go as smoothly as you like. You are more willing to relinquish control if you have respect for the person who wields the power. But it's challenging for you to acquiesce to anyone who assumes authority without having mastered the skills necessary to earn it. Stand up for your beliefs; if you back down for the sake of convenience, you'll just need to face the same issues again soon enough." Ha! I couldn't have said it better myself.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Love Snow Days!

I love snow days just as much as the kids do! We didn't get the entire day off unfortunately but we did get out early today. I'll take whatever I can get. I used that extra time today to work on some Christmas gifts. I stumbled across these cool name frames on 2 peas and decided to give them a try. The lovely ladies there have been so generous to share their pictures. I have finished several already for family and friends. They've all been uploaded to be printed and I can't wait to get these back and frame them! This is going to look awesome in our living room!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tis The Season

I'm so happy to be able to finally sit down, kick up my feet, and relax for the evening! Gabi had her first sleepover last night and I feel like I've been on the go ever since. So much for sleeping in on Saturdays. With Gabi's basketball games every Saturday we have to start off the day earlier than we'd like. This morning I woke up extra early since I had 2 kids to get ready and feed breakfast. Then we were off to the game. After the game I did a little shopping for my secret Santa at work and then Gabi and I headed home for lunch. We just settled in when my Dad called to let me know my Aunt and Uncle were in town. So Gabi and I dashed out the door to visit with them for a bit. We don't get to see them often so it was nice. My cousin just had her baby so I enjoyed seeing all the pics! While we were there we got on the topic of the Santa Train. I thought for sure it was scheduled to stop in town on Wednesday so was surprised to hear it was in town tonight. So as we left Gabi and I drove down to the tracks and even though it had arrived two hours earlier the line was still wrapped around an entire block! The Santa Train really is a magical experience and it was warmer than usual so we bundled up and stood in line. It is worth the almost 2 hour wait out in the cold! Gabi got to see Santa and the train is decorated beautifully! So it turned into an unexpectedly long day! I sure hope tomorrow is a little more relaxing.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Manic Monday

Just another manic Monday! Monday started off that way and it has not eased up all week! I need a break! So, Monday morning I was greeted by the principal. He let me know that my colleague would not be returning effective immediately. I knew she had resigned but she had planned on finishing out the semester. My mind was racing with questions. She did call me Monday night to let me know what happened. She met with the principal on Friday over an issue and let him know she was not pleased in the way he handled it. She has a temper but I do think her argument with the principal was valid. Apparently she was called on Sunday and asked not to return for the remainder of the semester although she was told she would still receive her salary. Once again I don't think our leader has thought any of this through and we are providing a real disservice to our students. I'll admit I'm a little resentful. I was never asked to put together sub plans yet had Laura and I not stepped up the sub would have had nothing to do with the kids all week. So here I am with the added stress of not only teaching my own students but trying to help the other classes finish out the year as well. O.K. I'm very resentful. This teacher is continuing to get paid and no longer has to deal with any of this crap while I'm dealing with the fall out! The principal has asked Laura and I to meet with him tomorrow morning to help plan out the rest of the year and discuss finals. We've been asking him all week how they will handle grades. There is a stack of papers on the desk that still need to be graded and it is unfair to these kids to just give them the grade that is currently in the computer. They all assumed they still had several weeks left to improve their grades and turn in missing work. Honestly our building is in turmoil. I do not know how the school board could possibly renew the principal's contract with all that has transpired this year! It is almost unheard of to have a teacher ask to be released from their contract mid-year and we have two! If this isn't a wake-up call for them then I don't know what is!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Natural Beauty

Rick never calls me at work so I was surprised to hear my cell phone ringing and see his name in the caller ID. He left the cutest voicemail and was just beaming! He has been working hard the past year trying to establish a small farm and he called to tell me we had two newborn calves this morning! He couldn't wait to show Gabi and I when we got home from school. We bundled up and went in search of the calves. It reminded me once again how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place. I hate the cold but I need to get out more often with my camera. I was able to capture some beautiful pics! Here are a few of my favorites!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank You!

I have been a little stressed this week knowing that we have a Spanish position to fill in less than 3 weeks. The job has only been posted for 2 days on the website so I was surprised to hear that the principal had already received a letter of interest today. He forwarded me the email and I was even more surprised to see that it was from one of my former students and student council officers! I don't know what the next 3 weeks will bring but it eased my mind to know that there is a qualified teacher that is both interested and available. I know she would do a great job if offered the position and being from the community she is familiar with our building!

Speaking of surprises, a student I had in class last year popped into my classroom a few weeks ago. She dropped a card and a little box on my desk. It couldn't have come at a better time! It has been a difficult year and I have been discouraged and questioning my career path. She reminded me why I do what I do! Her words and gift touched me more than she will ever know! In the box was a beautiful letter opener that she had engraved with the inscription, "You opened your heart." Her sweet note brought tears to my eyes. It read: "When times were rough you were there for me. You taught me to always push forward no matter what people say. Through some of the roughest years I knew I could come to you for support. God blessed me with an amazing teacher that went out of their way to help me not only in the classroom but also with real life issues. I do not know where I would be today if it were not for you. Thank you so much for going out of your way and caring about me!" It is nice to be reminded once in a while that you are appreciated! Thank you Amanda. Your strength, ambition, and courage have inspired me as well and I wish you all the best in life!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gonna be a Bear

I'm sitting on my couch sipping a mug of steaming hot chocolate and it is lightly snowing outside! I am not a fan of the cold! It reminded me of my "Gonna Be a Bear" mantra. I really need to scrap this and this pic I took at the zoo last summer would be perfect!

In this life I'm a woman. In my next life, I'd like to come back as a bear. When you're a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you're sleeping and wake up to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that. If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. you swat away anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that. If your a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat. YUP, GONNA BE A BEAR!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Red Flag!

This morning I was called into the principal's office. We have not had the greatest relationship so I was a little worried when he began the conversation telling me he had just heard something he wasn't too happy about! I was taken aback when he told me that a teacher in my department had submitted her letter of resignation and wanted out of her contract as of December 23! This is the second teacher in our small building that has asked to be released from their contract at the end of the semester! I am shocked, saddened, and scared at what this news will mean for our school and students. It should definitely raise some red flags for our school board and superintendents. I know that they have taken some steps this year to get our building back on track but so far those steps just haven't been enough. With less than 3 weeks until Christmas it will be difficult finding quality teachers to finish out the school year!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Seriously Neglected

So after hearing so many of my students and coworkers discuss the Twilight Series I decided to pick up the first book. Well, it only took me two days to read and I was hooked. I ordered the other three books in the series from Amazon.com and in only two short weeks I have now read 3 of the 4 books. So I haven't spent much time online and I have seriously neglected my blog! I convinced Rick to go with me to see the movie opening weekend! It was a little strange knowing everything that was going to happen but the scenery was amazing! This pic is Gabi's interpretation of the cover!

Well, I am currently blogging from the comfort of my couch on my new laptop so I have no excuses not to check in more often. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I was thankful Rick did not have to work this year and we were able to spend the day with his family. My brother didn't have plans this year and suprised me too by coming for lunch with Landon. It was so nice to see them! Gabi and I hit the sales Black Friday which turned out to be more exhausting than fun. It is definitely not worth getting up early. Next year we will sleep in and hit the stores later in the afternoon after the rush. We did get our laptop though and a few other good deals! We had a nice 5 day break from school but unfortunately with family dinners, shopping, and putting up our tree it went way too fast! Gabi was excited this morning when she woke up, looked out and discovered we got a second dusting of snow last night. It is always difficult heading back to school after the long break and I have to admit I was secretly wishing for a snow day! Gabi was equally excited that it is December 1 which means the beginning of our Christmas Countdown! I made a magnetic cookie sheet calendar several years ago and it has become a holiday favorite!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Big Game

Well, yesterday was Gabi's first basketball game! Did I mention I was coaching?! I was standing on the sidelines clueless when the director told me I could be out on the court with my team. If you know me at all I'm generally the sidelines type. I do not get into sports but I made the best of it and got out there and cheered on my team! They are actually pretty good. Three of the six played last year and can really dribble and shoot. Abby and Ty were our star players and put up basket after basket. Had they kept score our team would have won for sure! Gabi reminds me alot of myself on the court: totally clueless but happy. She knew she was supposed to have her hands up on defense so she ran up and down the court the entire game with her hands up! So cute!

Rick and I went out to dinner just the two of us last night. With our crazy schedules we barely get to see each other. It has really put a strain on our relationship lately and we've decided we are going to try to spend more time together in the evenings. So with that I better sign off and we are going to curl up on the couch and watch a movie!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I am so thankful the week has come to an end! It was a busy week with basketball practice, my card swap group, and making food for a carry in dinner at work as well as Gabi's Halloween Party at school. Gabi was a witch this year. We had trouble finding an appropriate costume that would fit but she fell in love with this hat as soon as she saw it. She had a little meltdown Friday morning as I was dropping her off at school. Suddenly, she was upset that she didn't have an entire costume from the store. I was a little surprised since this is the first year I haven't made her costume. However, after school we talked and she realized that she was lucky to even have a costume! I got some cute pics this year so thought I'd share a quick digi layout I did today! This was the first weekend in a while too that we haven't had any plans. Gabi and I have enjoyed hanging out, scrapping, and even doing a little shopping this weekend!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Happy Ending or Beginning?

Most of my family and friends know that this past year was difficult for me at work. I did not agree with the way many things were being handled and had conflicts with my boss. I learned to stay in my classroom and this year had been feeling better about things. You know what they say, "Ignorance is bliss!" This afternoon we received an email that we would have a faculty meeting today immediately after school that was called by the superintendent! We had no warning notice and we were all speculating what the meeting was about. The superintendent has been quite visible in our building this year and I was worried we may be getting a lecture on professionalism. I was pleasantly surprised to hear the superintendent thank us for our hard work and let us know that she was aware of problems or issues our building was having. She wanted us to know that as of Monday we will have a new person in our building working as a mentor that is there to help us feel more secure. Essentially she will be our new principal for a while. She recently retired from our alternative high school, is very energetic, and I am excited to work with her. If anyone could turn around our building it would be her! Can't wait to see what the year will bring!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Basketball Coach?

I signed Gabi up for a basketball program through the YMCA. About a week ago the program director (Gabi's summer t-ball coach) called and begged me to coach a team. Me?! Well, I agreed and attended the coach's meeting last week. The meeting just confirmed that I didn't have the slightest idea what I was doing. I mean going over the rules they discussed things like a full court press. Of course playing basketball for a year in junior high I was familiar with the term but when I leaned over and asked Rick he was clueless! So tonight was the first practice. Luckily, the director's son is on my team and she has agreed to help. Well, in all honesty she actually ran the practice. An hour practice is just way too long for 5 year olds! About 30 minutes into practice they were getting restless. I'm thankful there are only 6 kids to a team. I don't know how I'd survive an hour with more. We worked on dribbling, running, passing, and shooting. Gabi was the only girl there tonight and she was way out of her league too! So it looks like it will be a learning experience for the both of us!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wacky {Hair} Day

Yesterday must have been a full moon because the kids were crazy! In one class I was busy collecting all missing work for end of the quarter grades while the students were supposed to be working on an assignment. Meanwhile I have a cellphone that rang 3 times. Each time the kids chirp, whistle and yell trying to cover the ringing of the cellphone. So I confiscate the phone only to have it ring again! At the same time I have a girl come up to me in tears because someone stole her work off her desk and the rest of the class is yelling at me because they need help and I can't help them while also dealing with all of the immature behavior! Needless to say I am so glad it is Friday and also glad it was an early dismissal day too! Instead of our normal meetings we were actually given the afternoon to work in our rooms on quarter grades.

Today was wacky hair day at Gabi's school. She wanted to color her hair but we didn't make it to the store in time. So instead she decided on pigtails! She hates having her hair done so it was quite the challenge getting her to sit still long enough for me to accomplish this style! It turned out cute though and lasted all day!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Talk

You've gotta love friends that encourage you to work out! Well, Michelle, a colleague, convinced me that we needed to get back into Zumba. I am sad to admit I haven't been since school got out last May! So I agreed to meet her at the gym on Tuesday. They have a play room for kids and Gabi loves going too! So after my workout I stopped by the room to pick up Gabi and was met by a little boy that told me Gabi kissed him! Gabi was denying it but said the other kids were pushing her and telling her to do it. So although I didn't think I'd be having this conversation with her at the age of 5 it is never too early to start! So when we got home we had a long talk about peer pressure. I explained that she would be presented with situations in life where her friends would pressure or push her to do things that she may not want to do. I told het that she needed to be strong and stand up against peer pressure for what she knew was right in her heart. We also had the talk about saving her kisses for someone special. O.k. really they are just kids and I know it was probably harmless. They are in a tiny room with 2 adults which pulled the boy aside when he was tattling and told him to stop telling stories. So I don't think it is that big of deal. What bothers me though is that another co-worker pulled me aside at work to let me know that she had heard what had happened and thought I should know! She has brought it up several times and it really makes me mad. So for those of you out there with kids what do you think? Should I be concerned that she kissed a boy? Am I making too light of the situation or is it really just kids being kids?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Gabi wanted to plant gourds this summer and once they started growing they took over our entire garden! We got our tomato plants in late due to all the rain and only ended up with a few. The gourds, along with the weeds, seemed to flourish though. It was hard to tell exactly what was growing among all those weeds but today we dug through the weeds to pick our gourds! Gabi enjoyed finding all of the long "snake" gourds and we had fun spelling our names with them. There were several other styles of gourds that we plan on painting white and turning into ghosts and some we hope to dry out and turn into birdhouses!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Meeting Nicholas Sparks!

I was so excited to have the opportunity to meet Nicholas Sparks last night! I was impressed with how genuine and personable he is. He is an amazing author and person both inside and out! The event did not start until 7 p.m. but Nicholas was in the auditorium when the doors opened to pose for pics. Isn't he a cutie! I own and have read every book he has written including his memoir: Three Weeks With My Brother. So I wasn't expecting to hear much during his lecture that I didn't already know. Nicholas is full of surprises though! He started by talking about his passions. Of course his passions include his wife and five children. In addition, he coaches high school track at his local high school. He has worked with at-risk youth, believes in them, and has shown them that they can be successful. He was proud of the track records his team has set as well as the number of his former runners that have gone on to college with full ride scholarships. His newest book which he was promoting, The Lucky One, has recently made it to the top of the New York Times bestsellers' list. He has sold the movie rights to yet another book and has even sold an idea to Disney that will star Miley Cyrus! What I was most impressed with however was hearing about the Christian school he and his wife started. It is a global school that requires a passport. It is grades 6-12 and students visit the places they learn about. While studying the Incas they travel to Peru and hike through Macchu Picchu or during a unit on rainforests they may take a trip to Costa Rica. What an amazing experience these kids will have! Upon graduating from high school they will have visited more than 20 countries on 6 continents. There was a brief question and answer session following his talk and then he signed books! It was nice getting the chance to see my sister and spend the evening together without kids! I wish I could have stayed longer but I had to drive back early this morning as this week is both Homecoming and Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Isn't this just charming? Well, I decided to join a fun altered charm swap at 2 peas. I've never made handmade charms before so it has been quite the adventure. I initially decided to try shrink plastic. Remember shrinky dinks from when you were a kid? I cut out these cute bats, baked and attached a clasp! Of course it took some experimenting and I ran out of shrink plastic before I was able to make a full set for the swap! So I then stumbled across the idea of scrabble tile charms. They were quick, easy, and turned out even better than expected. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry to get these mailed out and didn't have a chance to take a picture of them. I had been tossing around the idea of opening an etsy shop and since I had these extra bat charms I finally set one up tonight! I'm hoping to list a few more items this weekend!

Gabi's First Race

The three elementary schools in our community host several runs a year for the students. Gabi, like me, is not a runner but if she participates in all 3 races she will receive a medal and she loves medals! So off we went bright and early this morning to the Pumpkin Run. After registering the kids are lead through stretches and warm up activities and then lined up for the race. It is not a competitive race and I was pleasantly surprised to see that parents were participating as well with the kids so I lined up with Gabi! It was a 1 mile run around the lake. Gabi and I started out joggging. She ran into her best friend, Grant and they were adorable running around the lake together. Grant asked Gabi if she wanted hold hands but Gabi said no! Gabi and Grant were both exhausted at the half-way mark but they harvested a lot of energy, leaped through the pumpkin patch, and did not "bale" out, but picked up the pace in cardiovascular training to reap the rewards of active living. It was a great workout for all of us!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nicholas Sparks!

So I was flipping through a magazine late last night and noticed an advertisement for a new Nicholas Sparks' book. I own every one of his novels and love his work! Many of his books have been made into movies: The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Message in a Bottle, and more recently Nights in Rodanthe. All are great movies but I still prefer the books. Well, I had to run to WalMart tonight and headed straight for the book aisle to pick up his latest. I was headed home when I got a call from my sister! She informed me that she just found out today that Nicholas Sparks was doing a lecture and book signing in Kansas City next week. She told me she'd get me his latest book and have it signed! Talk about crazy coincidences! Well, I'd love to go but it is such bad timing. We have parent/teacher conferences and Homecoming next week and it would be no easy feat working around all of that just to attend a book signing, not to mention the amount of money it would take to drive there for the day. It would also mean arranging transportation for Gabi to and from school for the day. I was surprised when I jokingly ran the idea past Rick and he said I couldn't miss it! So I'm off to call my sister and hope she can get tickets tomorrow! Then I'll worry about the minor details! I'm so excited!

Utter Disbelief!

I cannot believe that it is already October 1! Was September 6 really the last time I posted? I thought having Gabi in kindergarten on my schedule would simplify our life some and wasn't prepared for how busy our lives would become. I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of papers Gabi brings home each night and it is no small feat keeping all of it organized. She has already been asked to participate in two fundraisers for her school. Each night she brings home homework, notes about extra-curricular activities, as well as field trips. Not only is it challenging balancing all of this but it is expensive too! Although it has only been a few short months since school started I am amazed at how much Gabi is learning. She comes exhausted each night but eager to read a book, write a few new words, or work on math problems. She was so excited last Friday to report she had her first test! If only my high school students showed this much enthusiasm! Where does that desire to learn go?

So, besides school what else has happened? We had a huge garage sale and finally cleared our basement of all the junk! Although we made about $150 it doesn't seem like much considering we sold our baby crib, pack and play, 2 carseats, baby swing, and strollers! It was a little sad since it makes our decision to only have one child more final but that's o.k. Rick is completely stressed about the economy these days so financially one child is about all we can handle! My cousin and his wife had a beautiful baby girl this month! My sister and other cousin are both due in December so our little family sure seems to be growing without my help anyways! Although our family isn't getting any bigger our farm definitely is! Rick bought 2 pigs this month to add to our 8 cows, 8 cats, 2 dogs, and a bunny! Well, that about sums up our month. I hope to be a better blogger this month!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Falling to pieces!

Today was school picture day. Gabi was dressed up looking cute so of course I grabbed my camera. I hit the power button and was shocked to discover the screen was shattered on the inside. My immediate reaction was to blame Gabi. She is always taking my camera out of my purse and snapping pics. I asked her several times if she had borrowed my camera and dropped it until I remembered the nasty fall I took the day before! I'm devastated! It was a great camera and less than a year old. Rick just told me yesterday that he hoped this camera would last me a while! A new camera is totally not in the budget right now! So the day did not get off to a great start! Then I had to take off work early to take Gabi to the doctor. We both seem to get congested in the fall and suffer from minor allergies. She really hasn't been sick but she had complained several times that her ears hurt. She had several ear infections last year so she knows what they feel like. The nurse practitioner asked all the usual questions about pain and symptoms and was kind of surprised that I even brought Gabi in! She didn't have a fever and looks and acts like she is healthy. But when the doctor looked in Gabi's ears she confirmed that they were definitely infected. The doctor debated prescribing anitibiotics but with Gabi's history she ultimately decided to give her some and she wants to check her again in four weeks to make sure her ears have drained and the infection has cleared. So we are both home sick and still without water!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Raining Again!

We had an unusually wet summer and just when things were starting to dry up, here comes the rain again! Normally, I don't mind it so much but right now it is a huge inconvenience! We discovered a water leak in our yard that is pouring in through our basement wall a few days ago. Of course we immediately called a friend that does all of our digging work but he is booked until Friday. So we've been shutting the water off and turning it on for the necessities like showers. However, the water shut off valve is at the end of our drive which is almost 1/2 mile from our house! Again, it is a big inconvenience! But with the non-stop rain digging up the yard is now impossible and it looks like we are going to have to wait until it dries up. Then tonight when I got home from work I slipped on the wet step of our porch, hit my shin on the stairs, and landed flat on my back. So I'm sitting here in pain and really despising this rain! OK as I read back over my post I realize it is very whiney! I mean really there are people dealing with hurricanes, losing their homes, and I'm complaining about a minor water leak! I'll suck it up and deal with it. We don't realize how many of today's conveniences we take for granted until we are left without them!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Full Week

We have just completed our first full week of school! It has taken its toll on us and we are looking forward to the long weekend! Gabi is still adjusting to kindergarten! Of course, the first day she was excited to start school but the following day was more traumatic (for the both of us)! I explained that I can not walk her in each day and have to drop her off at the cross walk. As I dropped her off the second day she had tears rolling down her face and looked back at me as she got out of the car with the saddest face! It broke my heart. She can be shy and even though she likes her class and teacher she does not like walking in by herself and having to walk into a gym of older kids. She is now all smiles when she gets off the bus each afternoon but the morning drop off continues to be full of tears. On Thursday she was crying so hard that she told me a teacher took her under her wing and let her be their helper until school started. Friday was better so I'm hoping we are now making the transition! Gabi truly does love her teacher. She is excited to show and tell me what she has learned each day and each day that she is on her best behavior they earn a green popsicle stick. Once they earn 5 they get to dig into the treasure chest! Gabi earned her 5 for the week and couldn't wait to show me the cute little stuffed monkey she picked out of the treasure chest! Unfortunately, not all of the kids in her class were given this privilege. Gabi came home on Wednesday and told me that one of the kids has already been sent to the principal's office. When I asked her why she said she couldn't tell me because it was really bad. After about 15 minutes of prying I finally learned that when they were going over the class rules this student yelled "you are a bitch" at the teacher! This is a 5 year old! Sadly, this is probably what he hears at home. Normally kids are on their best behavior the first few weeks of school. This is the first time in my 12 years of teaching that I've had students refuse to participate in class. I'm really apalled at the behavior I've seen so far and worried at where we'll be as the year wears on. I've tried being proactive and have already asked several students to stay after class to discuss respect! I know I have to set the tone now before it gets out of hand! Well, Gabi and I are now both fighting off colds and getting into the new routine is exhausting! I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in and relax this weekend. We are going to dinner at Huhots tonight and I can't wait! Rick and I ate their for our anniversary and I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with Gabi!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back to School Shopping

Well, we survived the first short week of school, I needed some new clothes, and just wanted to do something fun! So Gabi and I decided to hit the mall today for some back to school shopping. There were some great sales going on and I scored some cute shirts! While we were out I also got a much needed haircut! As we were walking out of the salon Gabi commented that she loved my hair and wanted to get hers cut too! She never lets me do anything with hair and it actually can be quite the battle in the morning to get it out of her face. So I agreed and we stopped on our way home at a walk-in salon. It was pretty crowded so I let the stylist know that I wanted Gabi's hair cut about chin length and went and sat down. I was shocked when I glanced up from my magazine and saw her cutting the back of Gabi's hair shorter than 1/2 an inch! All of Gabi's beautiful, long hair was swirling around her on the floor and I wanted to cry! I walked back there to see what she was doing and she explained that she was undercutting it so that it would lay nicer and have more volume! Well, it is definitely short and I'm quite sad but Gabi loves it! She was all smiles! It is so easy to comb, doesn't get tangled, and stays out of her eyes! I keep telling myself it will grow back and it is starting to grow on me! While out shopping she picked out a dress with leggings because it came with some bling, bling! She is looking so grown up and I think that is what I'm having trouble dealing with! Where did my baby go?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School

Today was our first day of school! We went in last night to meet the teacher and drop off her school supplies. She was a little apprehensive about starting kindergarten until she saw her fun classroom. She wanted to walk around and look at everything. She was excited to see the computers, book display, and cool games. She did not want to leave. She just kept saying that seeing her room really made her want to start school the next day. Rick had the day off and we both took her to school today. We walked her into the gym where they sit and wait for school to start. She wasn't nervous at all. I think Rick and I were more nervous than she was. Rick, being the overprotective dad that he is, wanted to even go eat lunch with her today but I convinced him it wasn't a good idea! After school she will ride the bus to the high school. I met her at the bus stop, anxious to hear about her first day! I was surprised to see her getting off the bus in tears. Poor thing was so upset! I talked to her about her first day and didn't realize the real issue until I made it back upstairs to my classroom and saw Rick sitting there. He was so worried about her getting on the bus that he went to the school. She wanted to go home with him and it upset her that she had to get on the bus! Not to mention that getting on a bus filled with older kids can be a little overwhelming! I think she had a great first day other than the bus! School is exhausting though! Gabi and I both went home and collapsed and she fell asleep long before her 9:00 bedtime!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Things Are Looking Up!

I don't often read horoscopes but I just picked up a new issue of All You magazine and flipped to read mine! Here is the horoscope for Pisces: "It might as well rain until September." That's how the old song goes, and in a funny way it describes your experience of the last few months. It has been "raining" on and off, and you've become usd to an uncomfortable emotional climate. Overpowering experiences have caused you to expect difficulties at almost every turn, and you've come to the conclusion that there's probably no end in sight. You've armed yourself against the rain psychologically and materially; you've created shelters of one kind or another. But now it is September. Jupiter is changing direction and so is your life. It's improving as we speak. And it's about to get a whole lot better!" Wow! I have been feeling down and was having a hard time snapping out of it! It seemed like if it wasn't one thing it was another. Reading this really lifted my spirits! I do have mixed feelings about school starting again soon. There are lots of changes and to be honest I have not been looking forward to the new year. However, after reading this I am feeling a little more at ease! I'm not saying I truly believe in horoscopes or live and die by them but it did give me a little hope that it may not be so bad after all!

Rick is a Sagittarius and I couldn't believe how dead on his horoscope was for him too! His read: "We worry so much about saving money but pay scant regard for the need to save time. We undervalue our own importance. We often put ourselves through unnecessary experiences or treat ourselves to luxuries and then feel guilty about the indulgence. We are, however, entitled to comfort, and we are also entitled to a life full of meaning. The planets are now showing you your priorities. You are being offered the chance to get something you really deserve. First, though, you have to overcome the nagging fear that somehow you are not worthy of this. Be strong in September and you will be successful!" Rick is driven by money! He is very tight and does not spend his money on anything that is not an absolute necessity! He works any and all overtime offered and I worry that he works too much and too hard! He doesn't realize that time is just as important and that it may not be worth that extra buck to work when he could be spending that time doing something enjoyable! Rick agreed after reading this that it described him perfectly! So here's hoping that September is going to be a great month for the both of us!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Surprise Visit!

I had a nice visit from my brother today! He is going through a difficult time right now and I think he was just looking to get away from it all for the day! Because there are almost 7 years difference in our age we have never been that close. Whatever the reason it was nice to see him and the kids! It was a gorgeous day! He lives in the city so Landon and Madi loved playing with all the animals and playing outside! Gabi and I spend way too much time inside so I am thankful they were here today and we were able to enjoy the cool breeze! It definitley lifted my spirits! I carried my camera around all day and couldn't resist taking tons of pictures! Landon has gotten so big and is talking like crazy! He just turned two and can already keep up with the older kids and surprised me too when they were playing hide-and-seek and he could count past 10! He's such a cutie! Madi is so grown up too! Even though she is 18 months younger than Gabi they are the same size and are so much alike! Here are a few of my favorite pics from the day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

State Fair

This year we decided to hit the State Fair on opening day! Rick loves to look at all of the farm equipment and I like to see the arts and crafts exhibits. Well, we couldn't have picked a more perfect day to go. We finally had a break in all the heat we have been having and had a beautiful, breezy day to walk around the fairgrounds. Gabi was fascinated by the RVs this year so we toured each one. Of course she always likes the animals and food too! You can't go to the fair and not have a corn dog and funnel cake! I loved looking at the photography but wasn't that impressed this year. I am definitely going to look into submitting a few of my own photos next year! We walked until we were exhausted and then headed to Rob and Leslie's house. Rick got to go flying with his brother Rob and even went out again the next day before heading home! It was a nice, relaxing weekend and just what I needed to de-stress before the hectic school year starts in a week!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back to School Time!

I can't believe it is already August! Normally, by this point in the summer I'm getting excited to head back to school and looking forward to starting fresh, and getting back into a routine. Not this year. There will be lots of changes this year and to be totally honest that scares me. In addition to a new vice-principal I will be working with an entirely new department! I was sad to see the French teacher retire as we have worked closely together the last 11 years. Gabi will be starting Kindergarten this year too! She is excited and I know she will do well but I am terrified that she is now out of our close care and that I won't be able to protect her! It is tough letting go!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Nine Years of Wedded Bliss

Rick and I celebrated our 9th anniversary today! I really can't believe it has been that long. Gabi spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa and that was the first time in almost 5 years that Rick and I have had the day to spend together alone. Of course we missed Gabi but it was really nice to have some time alone too! Rick and I went to Huhot's Mongolian Grill for a late lunch. He was surprised to discover that it was just stir fry but ended up liking it. We then hit the mall and did a little shopping. We stopped by the bookstore and enjoyed spending some time there hanging out and reading some magazines. It was just like old times and a great day together!

Speaking of marriage, we just heard the good news that our niece is engaged! Now that makes me feel old! I mean she was just a kid when Rick and I first started dating and now she has already graduated from college, working full time, and getting married. Wow, where does the time go?

Friday, July 18, 2008


I was browsing the gallery at http://www.scrapbook.com/ when I stumbled across some fun new items being released at CHA this summer! The scrapbooking industry is such a tease! Why do they do this to us? They tempt us with all these yummy new products being released that we probably won't be able to get our hands on for months! And just when I think I have every tool I could possibly need they come out with another cool must have product! Here's a few examples:

I need a new trimmer. This Fiskars trimmer is not only pink and cute but also has built-in speakers to attach your mp3 player so that you can Rock out while scrapping! How fun is that! The next product would come in handy for mass producing cards for swaps. You just attach any clear stamp to the acrylic block and it turns it into a self-inking stamp! You could even add several stamps and stamp a pattern on cardstock to create your own patterned paper!

Well, just thought I'd share! Of course speaking of paper there are always fun, new lines coming out too! I think Fancy Pants is my new fave company! I finally broke down and purchased my first set of 12x12 stamps and love them! Of course now I have to have more of those too! So irresistible!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fun Weekend

My sister and the twins came down on Thursday and spent the entire weekend with us! Normally, our visits are centered around a holiday and we are all busy visiting with family, cooking, and celebrating. So it was awesome to have a fun, relaxed weekend with just us "girls." We scrapped, watched movies, and hung out! Sally has quite the movie collection. We watched the movie Enchanted on Saturday. She has been raving about it and said Sean even loved it. Our taste in movies is not the same. I was seriously traumatized by this movie and will never watch it again! I don't know where my fear has come from lately but I am deathly afraid of cockroaches! Well, if you have seen the movie we were watching the part where the cartoon character wakes up in New York City in a filthy apartment. She sings her tune for the birds and animals to come help. Being that it is New York City all the rats and roaches crawl out and come help her tidy the apartment! It was disgusting! We were sitting on the couch with all the lights off and I suddenly saw something crawl towards me! I freaked out! I really panicked and screamed! I jumped up and ran out of the room it was the biggest "roach" I had ever seen! Sally walked towards it on the couch and I was so scared I literally thought I was going to throw up! She picked it up and laughed because it was a tiny little plastic penguin that the kids had been playing with earlier! I'm seriously traumatized!

I have been working on recipe cards this month to add to my special recipe collection and Sally and I decided to make mom's Strawberry Pretzel Dessert while she was here. We used to have this dessert at Thanksgiving and I don't think I've had it since high school! It was yummy! We also made Monkey Bread for the kids! We pigged out all weekend! Gabi loved having her cousins to play with! She was really sad to see them go as am I but I'm definitely ready to get back to a normal routine and stop eating so much! Well, here are the recipes if you'd like to give them a try! The Strawberry Dessert really is heavenly!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Magical Day

This morning we got up and headed to the Magic House. I've heard great things about it and can't believe we haven't gone till now! Gabi loved it! You can touch an electrically charged ball and make your hair stand on end; transform your silhouette into a kaleidoscope of color; lift yourself with a pulley; freeze your shadow on a wall; experiment in a water playground; make a three-dimensional impression of yourself; and zoom down a three-story slide! They had so many fun, interactive things for Gabi to play with. She got to learn about sound, play with magnets, climb a tree-house, paint, and play in a bank and grocery store. Her favorite though was sandcastle beach! We could have spent all day there but after the full day yesterday we decided to get back on the road and head for home. Gabi was hungry so we stopped at Historic St. Charles and had a little picnic along the river! It is such a beautiful spot. After lunch we walked down Main Street and grabbed an icecream cone at a cute, old-fashioned ice cream parlor. This is such a great place to visit! It is a real brick street lined in old, historic buildings that now are homes to great little boutiques and antique shops! So many fun, eclectic items to see. It was a truly magical but also exhausting day!

Happy 4th!

Hope you all had a fun and safe holiday! Ours was definitely an adventure and a 4th to remember! Rick got free baseball tickets to the Cards versus the Cubs game in St. Louis. We waited last minute to get hotel reservations and unfortunately couldn't find a vacant hotel anywhere downtown. I called the Marriott about a month ago and they had a room about 8 miles from the Stadium so we took it! It actually turned out to be a great location. It was next to the Galleria Mall and just a block from the Metro Station. We checked in a little early and got a nice swim in before the game. We then headed to the Metro Station and grabbed a train to the Stadium. It was standing room only! We were only two stops from the Stadium when I realized I hadn't asked Rick if he had grabbed the tickets! He hadn't! So we hopped off the train and grabbed the next one headed back for the hotel. By the time Rick jogged back for the tickets and we got back on the train again headed for the Stadium it was even more packed! The motion really got to Rick along with the heat and obnoxious people so once again about two stops from the Stadium he had to get off! Well, we missed the first inning of the game but the weather was beautiful and we had a nice walk to the park. We were even able to sell our extra ticket along the way for some cash for drinks and food! It was a good game! The weather was perfect and even though we were pretty high up we had a great view of the arch! The Cards lost but we did get to see Pujols hit his 300th homerun! Well, at least Rick got to see it. I happened to be taking Gabi to the bathroom! The fireworks display over the arch was beautiful and we stayed a while after the game taking in the view. As we were leaving we were expecting to see a line at the Metro but not nearly as long as the one we encountered so instead we decided to take a walk and enjoy the night. We ended up at Union Station where they were showing a movie outside on a big screen so we sat down and watched for a while until Gabi just couldn't stay awake any longer. So we grabbed a cab and headed back to the hotel! So even though we had a few minor bumps in the road we had fun!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dive Right In!

I am so proud of how well Gabi did today at swimming lessons! She is one of the youngest in the class and now that she has conquered her fear of the water there is no stopping her! Today she was able to kick off the wall and do a front glide all by herself. They practiced their kicks with a kickboard and today they started putting it all together and adding the arms and kicks to their front float. The last 5 minutes of class the kids are given the opportunity to go down the slide. Today Gabi said she wanted to go off the diving board and she actually did! She told me it was a little scary once she got up there but she didn't hesitate at all to dive right in! Gabi, I hope you keep this attitude as you get older. When something seems too big or a little scary I hope you continue to take a leap of faith and dive right in! Love ya!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Addition

We have a new addition to our family! Yesterday I was heading home after getting my hair cut and passed Rick. He waved at me to pull over so I turned around and met him in a nearby parking lot. We talked a few minutes and then he slowly held up the cutest puppy! He had just left his sister's office and saw a family giving away free puppies. He got the last golden lab and she is a doll! Gabi gets to name her and she is tossing around the names Cici and Hannah. I don't know where the name Cici came from but Hannah is no surprise as she is all about Hannah Montana right now! She called Grandma today and they came over to see Gabi's new puppy and her new pink room. Which reminds me that I still need to post pics of it! Her room is growing on me but it still needs a few final touches!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

She Passed

Friday was the last day of the first session of swimming lessons. Gabi played in her little pool at home Thursday and was finally starting to get more comfortable in the water again and was able to do her back float! Her teacher handed me her class certificate and checklist at the beginning of class that said she wasn't quite ready to move on yet until she had mastered her floats. Gabi did the back float on her own in class so afterwards the teacher let me know that she felt Gabi was ready to move up to beginners! Gabi was excited that she is now going to be in class with older kids. We hit the public pool on Saturday and Gabi seemed to conquer her fear and has become a little swimmer overnight! She surprises me! She can now do a front float, back float, and even swim under water! As we were getting ready to leave she accidently opened her eyes underwater. She was surprised to learn it didn't hurt and she surprised herself at all she could do! I told her that she can do whatever she puts her mind to! Fear can be a good thing and keep us out of trouble but it also can hold us back from accomplishing big things!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

America's Next Top Model

Rick decided to take a drive today to the State Capitol. It is beautiful along the river but the draw for Rick is the nearby Central Dairy Ice Cream Shop! Anytime we are passing through town we have to stop. Since we had the day free we decided to actually spend some time inside the capitol touring the museum. Gabi was excited when she realized it was "just like the Art Museum" we recently visited. She takes after her Dad and is fascinated with history. She drug me all through the museum asking lots of questions! I tried to get a few photos inside the museum but she has been going through a phase where she does not want to be in pictures. So imagine my surprise when she not only allowed me to take her picture by the river but actually posed. She climbed up on the wall and started posing! Once I snapped a few pics there was no going back. She kept posing in different spots the rest of the afternoon asking for me to take her picture! I love these pics I snapped this afternoon and I'm surprised at how grown up she looks. Her hair is getting so long and light from the summer sun. She is such a doll but maybe I'm partial being her mom!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Gabi spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa on Wednesday. They took her shopping and of course spoiled her as usual. When I picked her up she was excited to show me her new flip-flops, t-shirt, necklace and ring set. She also told me she saw some cute earrings. I told her she had to ask Daddy about piercing her ears and he said she could. I explained the process to Gabi. She normally does not do well with pain but she didn't care. She really wanted to get them pierced. So today we hit the mall to do a little shopping and she could not wait! Claire's was our first stop! She wanted the biggest "diamond" earrings they had but I suggested she go with something smaller that wouldn't get caught on her clothing so she picked out these. She sat in the chair and the girl explained to Gabi the process of the piercing, how to care for them, and how long to leave them in. They gave her a bear to hold, counted to 3 and pierced the first ear. She was so brave! I could tell by her eyes that it hurt but she did not flinch or cry. When they went to pierce the second ear she even counted with the girl! She could not wait to see them and every mirror we passed she had to admire her earrings! They quizzed her before she left on how long to leave them in and how many times a day to clean them and Gabi knew all the answers! She can't wait to show Grandma! Gabi was in desperate need of some summer shorts so I was relieved to finally find some cute shorts, reasonably priced at $7.99 on our shopping trip! So she is now set for summer!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Riding in Style!

We finally gave up, walked into Sears, and purchased a riding lawn mower! With all the rain this spring we just could not keep up with mowing our large yard with only a push mower. We even decided to get a bagger with it! Rick thought it would come in handy to bag some of the grass to feed the cows. Gabi and I came home to get ready for her t-ball game tonight while Rick took the trailor to pick up the mower. It sure didn't take him long to get it home and take it for a spin! I heard the mower running and went outside to check it out. I was surprised to find he had already mowed the entire side yard in that short amount of time! Once the cows discovered that the sound of the mower meant freshly cut grass they came running! This is going to be such a time-saver this summer! The mowing is usually my job in the summer but Rick seems to be having so much fun playing with his new toy that I don't know if I'll get a chance to get on it ! I guess that leaves me more time to scrapbook!

Well, Gabi had her second t-ball game tonight. All of her grandparents came to watch and she was so excited. She did a great job playing and really went after the ball each time. On the way home she informed me that Isaiah, a boy from her team told her it was all about winning. Gabi said she let him know that it was all about playing the game and having fun and boy is she!

Friday, June 13, 2008

First Game

Since Monday night's game was rained out Gabi had her first t-ball game tonight! She was super excited. She finally got a new ball glove. She just had to have a pink one of course because the brown gloves are for boys! After her practice Wednesday night she was a little disappointed that the ball was never hit her direction so she could get it. They play 3 innings going through the batting line-up each inning. She's been practicing at home so her hitting is great! When it was time to play the outfield she started on 2nd base. She chatted it up with the runners on base and didn't pay much attention to the game. The 2nd inning she play short stop and the 3rd inning they actually put her on 1st! She finally got the action she craved but she still had a hard time paying attention! She has such great coaches and Ms. Janice was a big help! She has really worked with Gabi on her throw and Gabi definitely has the step-throw concept down! She had a great game and she can't wait till next week! Gabi has never watched a game so I think the Cardinal's game will be a great experience for her!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Crazy Pink

Being a teacher, I'm often asked each spring what my summer plans are. Many people seem surprised when I tell them that I do absolutely nothing but spend the summer with Gabi. I do not have the luxury of being a stay at home mom like my mom was but I am fortunate to have summers off. I hope to get alot accomplished this summer around the house. So far June seems to be off to a productive start. Gabi and I painted her room today. Gabi loves it but I don't know if I'm crazy about the color. It is crazy pink and the name describes it perfectly. We probably should have gone with a little lighter shade. We also worked at getting our upstairs studio cleaned up a bit and organized. I keep reminding Gabi that we are doing this work now while the weather has been gloomy and we will soon be spending more time outdoors. Gabi is signed up for swimming lessons again and we even bought a family pass to the pool! She is also playing tee-ball every Wednesday evening. So my summers are very busy and I love spending that time at home with Rick and Gabi!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

We got a bright and early start this morning to the zoo! When my alarm went off at 6 a.m. I was greeted by beautiful sunshine which is something we haven't seen a lot of lately. My brother met us at the park with Madi. It is our tradition to have a picnic in turtle park before we head into the zoo. There were guides throughout the zoo today with displays for the kids to learn more about the animals. Gabi was fascinated to learn that the giraffe's tongue is actually as long as her entire arm! This giraffe was sure showing his off! We walked around until our feet hurt and decided it was time to go. Rick and I then headed to the art musuem to check it out. It is set in Forest Park next to the water and is beautiful. I was quite impressed with the collection of art. I was also impressed with the interest Gabi showed. She took it all in, asked lots of questions, and wanted me to read the information about each piece to her. She loved it all: the mummies, paintings, sculptures. We take a trip to the zoo each year so I think she was ready to do something new! There is so much to do in St. Louis. We'd love to visit the Botanical Gardens and Magic House sometime this summer too.