Tuesday, October 25, 2011


If you have boys than you know how they are--everything becomes a weapon of sorts. I saw Logan even chew down his toast until it was gun shaped. haha And Landen's new obsession is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A fun throw back to when I was little. I remember my brothers jumping off the couch with their foam Knumchucks and screaming "Cowabunga!" It makes me happy that Landen is having the same experience! I'm hoping to get him some really cool TMNT stuff online for Christmas!

I have a couple fun cards for you today--

And if you haven't noticed... I've filled up my ETSY shop with a TON of handmade cards. I'm swamped with them here and need to get rid of some. So I'm selling them for almost nothing! They are $1-$2 a card--go check it out!

Have a fantastic Day!

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