To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?
My Answers:
Currently reading: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane. I rarely go to the movies anymore and I always prefer to read the book before seeing any movie, but this time I made an exception. I saw the movie last week and was so taken with the ending that I knew I either had to see the movie again or read the book. I have heard that the endings are quite different and I am looking forward to comparing and contrasting the two for C.B. James Book and a Movie challenge when I am done.
Recently Finished: The Cotton Queen by Pam Morsi. This book was originally recommended by Kim and I was interested in reading it for myself as possible "research" for my own writing projects. The book is told in alternating points of view of a mother and a daughter who live in a small, Texas town just outside Dallas. While both women are vastly different, they are also very much the same.
Reading Next: Walden by Henry David Thoreau. If I am going to read 3,300 pages by June 27, I had better get started! I have created a reading plan for my summer school course and I selected Walden for my spring break read because I think it will be reminiscent of a relaxing vacation sitting by the lake contemplating life (or at least that is my preconceived idea of the book). I want to find another "lighter" read for spring break as well, but I think I will let that be a spontaneous decision.