Showing posts with label weekend cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend cooking. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

Baccala through the Mail

This post is a part of the Virtual Advent Tour. Thank you, SpriteWrites, for allowing me to once again be a part of this fantastic blogging tradition. The following is an excerpt from my newest book, Italian Family Christmas

The Feast of Seven Fishes is the traditional Christmas Eve meal of southern Italy. The religious significance of this feast is deeply rooted in Roman Catholic tradition. Each of the seven fish courses relates to the holy sacraments. A modified three-course version represents the Holy Trinity. 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Spinach Bread

This will be the 27th year I have prepared the Christmas Eve Vigil. My husband experienced this Italian Feast every year of his upbringing - and I was fortunate enough to take part in this time-honored tradition with Cora for about ten years. But when we moved to Kansas in 1990, Cora passed the torch to me. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly - and I am honored to continue the tradition.

My children grew up around the Christmas Eve table laden with a variety of fish dishes and Italian delicacies. Over time, we each have selected our favorites.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Strufoli (Italian Honey Balls)

My husband's grandmother, Cora McKee, was from a small region about one hour east of Naples. The Feast of Seven Fishes is typically a southern Italian custom, and most of the peasant-style dishes Cora prepared for the Christmas Eve feast find their roots in Neopolitan cuisine.

Strufoli, bite-sized balls of dough fried to a golden brown and drenched in honey, is no exception.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Italian Family Christmas

I first had the idea to write Italian family Christmas in December 2016. I wanted to document our holiday traditions to leave as a legacy for my children.

The cornerstone of our celebration is Christmas Eve - when we prepare the Vigil, or The Feast of Seven Fishes. This tradition was introduced to my husband's family by his adopted grandmother, Cora McKee. It has been a part of southern Italian heritage for centuries.

The origin of the Feast is linked to the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Some Italian families pare the feast down to three courses, representing the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

By the time I joined the family, the tradition remained without the religious symbolism.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Poor Man's Pecan Pie

I'm not sure where my mom found this recipe, perhaps in one of her many church cookbooks she collected throughout the years.

The pie got its name because it tastes like a pecan pie but uses oatmeal to replace the expensive nuts. Seeing how I was never fond of nuts to begin with (and neither were my children), this pie became an instant family favorite.

In fact, one year my son requested this pie instead of birthday cake.

For those who enjoy the taste and texture of nuts, you can easily decorate the top of the pie with pecan halves.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Angel Bites

Most of you would recognize this confection as Puppy Chow, but in our family, it is affectionately known as Angel Bites. Personally, I think we should rename the recipe and call it "Heavenly Crack" ... because once I take a single bite, I can't seem to stop.

My mom collected angels for years. At one time she was even a member of the Angel Collector's Club of America. At one of their annual conventions, she purchased a fundraiser cookbook that included this recipe, and it was love at first bite.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Monkey Bread

Monkey Bread, along with Sausage Balls, are family favorites on Thanksgiving morning. I take the bread out of the oven around 8:30am so it is still nice and warm by the time the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade begins.

However, for those who prefer to sleep in rather than watch the Parade, both recipes are quite tasty served at room temperature.

The combination of gooey Cinnamon Bread and savory Sausage Balls makes for a filling breakfast treat. And we eat enough of both to keep us satiated until the traditional dinner is served around 4:00pm.

I don't remember where I first found this recipe. It was shortly after we moved to Kansas, circa 1990, and I vaguely remember finding it in an old recipe book my grandmother gave me.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Sausage Balls

I am sure most families in America have some version of this basic three-ingredient appetizer. And while this one is not particularly unique, it is the one my kids associate with Thanksgiving and grandparents.

My mom was not much of a cook. What she prepared was always delicious, but she didn't necessarily enjoy the culinary arts. So when it came to holiday feasts, she was content to let me prepare the main meal. However, she would always volunteer to bring sausage balls for Thanksgiving breakfast.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Anginetti Cookies

I started this series of blog posts last fall. Our Nashville kids continued to request recipes for several Thanksgiving favorites, so I thought it might be more convenient to share them online.

This time of year is steeped in Totoro traditions, and I realized if I wanted to post all our holiday treats before the New Year, I needed to start immediately.

So from now until January, I will be posting our favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas recipes. This will also coordinate with my newest book, Italian Family Christmas, due to be released in November.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Eggnog Streusel Muffins

I'm convinced holiday elves are responsible for transforming grocery stores from Halloween headquarters to Winter Wonderlands in the wee hours of November 1st. Warm fall colors are now festive reds and greens; candy corn gives way to ribbon candy; and delicious eggnog is now front-and-center on the dairy shelves.

I realize not all are fans of this holiday drink. Truth be told, I only indulge in  a glass each year. But I do enjoy the flavor and enjoy adding a bit to baked goods and morning coffee.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs

For as long as I can remember, I have loved the idea of decorated sugar cookies: the variety of shapes, the colorful icing, and the whimsical decorative elements.

And every year since the kids were old enough to help me in the kitchen, circa 1992, I have made a batch of holiday cookies. I've tried a variety of recipes (although the one in this cookbook is the current favorite), watched numerous YouTube tutorials, and performed LOTS of culinary experiments. Somehow... my cookies never quite measure up to the gorgeous creations on the Food Network Channel.

My cookies don't measure up BUT... my girls create masterpieces.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Graddy Pralines

Dad's handwritten recipe
My dad was not a chef. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of times I remember him showcasing any culinary expertise: carving the Thanksgiving turkey; carving the Christmas Prime Rib; cranking homemade ice cream on the 4th of July; turning the marinated chicken quarters on the Weber Grill; and making a double batch of pecan pralines in December.

I don't know where the recipe originated or even why it was special to Dad, but about a week before Christmas he would begin his annual candy-making ritual.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies

Several years ago I decided to add variety to our traditional Christmas cookie platter.

I originally found this on All-Recipes. However, I wanted to make it more festive for the holidays, so I changed a little here and there, to the point that this could almost be considered a Totoro original.

This recipe makes a LOT of cookies - between 60-65! I often make the entire recipe and freeze half  OR... I half the recipe.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: M&M Cookies

If I had to choose one recipe to fully represent our family kitchen... it would be M&M cookies.

I fondly remember helping my mother decorate the tops of these colorful morsels.

I relished the opportunity to share this tradition with my eldest when she was old enough to participate (I think the first attempt was when she was about 18 months old).

And we now have three generations of Totoro women making these traditional cookies for the holidays.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Cranberry Orange Muffins

I must admit, I am more a fan of cranberry for the holidays than any other members of the Totoro family.

I really like this particular recipe book because it gives a basic muffin mix that can be used in a variety of different ways - savory as well as sweet.

The quick mix recipe yields enough for several batches of muffins, but it can keep up to two months in the refrigerator. A perfect on-hand starter for unexpected holiday company.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Pumpkin Nut Muffins

Last week I posted my quintessential fall recipe, Fresh Apple Cake, even though we are still in the dog days of summer. Perhaps I owe a bit of an explanation...

When I first started posting Totoro Family Recipes, the primary reason was to document family favorites for the next generation. I have a Pinterest board to collect them all for easy access.

Most of these family favorites center around the fall holidays, from October 1st through December 31st. I calculated the recipes I wanted I share and the number of weeks until the New Year.  And I realized... in order to share them all, I had to start mid-August!

Be prepared for Christmas cookie recipes sometime before Thanksgiving :)

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Fresh Apple Cake

According to the note on Mom's hand-written card, this recipe came from my great-aunt Helen. I'm not sure where she obtained it.

This cake is the ultimate flavor of fall. It is the essence of spice, apples, harvest, and cool weather.

I remember Mom would send me a care package each first semester I was in college. The only contents I remember was a full bundt cake - and I hoarded it! If I shared a slice with you... I considered you a very special friend.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Pasta Salad

This recipe means summer in the Totoro household. And it is the only salad recipe my young children would request.

The kids loved the combination of pasta, pepperoni, and mozzarella.

I was thrilled they ate a few vegetables, such as carrots and broccoli.

And the colorful dish is as much a feast for the eyes as for the tummy.

When all three kids lived at home, the recipe made enough to feed hungry teenagers and provide a few leftovers. Now that we are empty-nesters, I need to remember to cut the recipe in half. Otherwise, we would eat pasta salad for a week!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Oriental Cabbage Slaw

I'm sure every cook has a recipe for Oriental Cole Slaw in their repertoire. Each one is slightly different, however. Some are heavy on the oil and light on the vinegar. Some use 1/4 cup of sugar (or more) while others just a couple of tablespoons.

This is the only recipe we used, however. It appeared in our church cookbook from the mid 1990s, and we've enjoyed it as a tasty summer side dish ever since.

As I recall, the adults enjoyed the recipe more than the kids, but now that the children are grown up, perhaps their tastes have changed.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Totoro Family Recipes: Giffy Bacon Dawg

My husband is a hot dog aficionado. He enjoys them boiled, broiled, grilled and roasted. While some condiments are optional, yellow mustard and sauerkraut are an absolute must.

Geoff knows his way around the kitchen, and several years ago he invited some family friends over for a cookout. Little did they realize the simple hamburger - hot dog fare would be taken up a notch or two.

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