Showing posts with label GO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GO. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On My Way Back to One Flower Wednesdays

Hand sewing hexagons flowers is relaxing and enjoyable.  A cup of coffee, some tv to listen to and before you know it, a flower has bloomed.  BUT, tracing all those hexagons and then cutting them with scissors is anything but relaxing and enjoyable!  I tried with a rotary cutter but that was a disaster.  I haven't been in the mood for the tedium, nor have I had time for it, so my Wednesdays have been without flowers for weeks.  

Enter the GO! cutter that Karen so generously lent to me.  I ordered a hexagon die and I'm back in business!

 Perfect hexagons so very quickly and easily!
Look at them all! 

I'll have flowers to show next Wednesday for sure!
Thanks again Karen!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let Me Tell You About A GO! Giveaway

I was a little slow to catch the GO! fever bug. I saw all the buzz about it and thought "enh, whatever".  Then I started hand sewing hexagon flowers.  You know, Grandmother Flower Garden flowers.  I love sewing them but they come out wonky if you aren't careful cutting.  Marking the fabric with a template and then hand cutting them is SO tedious. So for want of a hexagon die I'm hooked.  Then I saw the light and realized it would open up a whole new world of FUN!

So I've been browsing the AccuQuilt website and drooling. 

I've been saving pennies....that's really going pretty slowly.

And I've been watching for giveaways...
 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts is having one now!