Showing posts with label girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girls. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crinoline lady #2


Here's another crinoline lady for you - she's pretty cute, her slightly vacant stare notwithstanding. :)

And by the way, if you've been having trouble pinning my images to Pinterest I am so sorry! I hadn't visited Pinterest since they added Flickr attribution. The attribution is awesome, but it knocked something out of whack and pinning wasn't working for my stuff. :( But I found the right permission in Flickr and it's fixed now, so, happy pinning! :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

All the popular girls have tomato escorts

world's finest tomato escort service
free pattern - click to get larger size and print!

Yeah, I know my titles are getting weirder and weirder. Maybe it's the heat? Out of nowhere, it is 89 degrees in Manhattan. To give you a clue of how this feels, I haven't moved in about 20 minutes, I am drinking an iced drink and I am still sweating. In places that don't seem like they should sweat.

In any case, back to the transfers!

This gem was donated to me by the lovely Robin - it's a set that is cut but looks complete - 4 motifs for tea towels say "Breakfast", "Lunchtime", "Teatime", and "Dinnertime." Also a "Glasses" towel and a chubby-cheeked tot with an immense dinner knife that says "Silver."

And finally, my favorite, which I've included above - a horrified girl being escorted by a carrot with a cane and a jaunty tomato who tips his hat at her. (I removed the carrot to conserve space and somewhat lessen her psychological damage.) Two smaller potholder designs - a cross-stitch teacup and a big, sweetly smiling tomato. Thanks Robin!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Holly Hobby-esque

Holly Hobby-esque

Do you remember Holly Hobby? Back in the day I was a huge Holly Hobby fan and I remember my Holly Hobby lunchbox with special tenderness. I treasured my lunchbox and matching plastic thermos with all the love in my first grade soul, that is, until I lost it and found it... with a half-finished drink in the thermos and rotting cheese sandwich locked in its horrifically smelly depths. But now, Holly and I are reunited again! And this time with no accompanying bad odors.

This is an uncut, 8 by 19 in. red-lined sheet. Also on the sheet is a disturbingly faceless scarecrow, large poppies, and crazy-eyed Raggedy Ann.

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Holiday cuties

Xmas patterns  Xmas patterns

I have returned, with some Holiday goodies for you! Everyone knows that the second Halloween is over, it's time to eagerly plan and scheme what your Christmas gifts will be... why not try some cute holiday kids?

Here's one of 3 ornaments I made last year:
Holiday Greetings

I trimmed out a few motifs that were not as cute as the rest, like a rather plain stocking and stout scary Santa. This comes from a smaller, rectangular sheet - mine is uncut and unused.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mailorder - back to school kiddos

free pattern - click to get larger size and print!

I like to refer to these patterns as "the perils of public schooling..." :) Just check out cute little Susie - pert, groomed, and ready for learning. Contrast that with her backwoods cousin, who looks more like a character from the Dukes of Hazzard:

hillbilly boy
free pattern - click to get larger size and print!

Without even a shoe or chalkboard to his name, he manages to get himself to school, bandaged big toe and all... the boy and girl pattern are cut. I also have a schoolhouse pattern that seems to match their "Back to School" theme. They look like they'd be cute on a napkin or tablecloth corner.

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

sailor boy and hula girl

sailor boy and hula girl
free pattern - click to get larger size and print!

Isn't this adorable? I know I've seen this image somewhere before but I'm not sure where - help me out and leave a comment if you know.... In any case, this was on a large, white tissue-like sheet. Instead of being a normal transfer, there were tiny holes that marked the lines (I had to trace over them to make this image). Also on the sheet were adorable 40-s looking housewife days of the week patterns. It was really hard to make out the lines on those, so I traced this larger image instead. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Kid cuties

friendly eskimo
Of the 6 cute kid designs on this sheet, this friendly Eskimo is certainly cutest. I love the way he/she holds his/her little arms out as if to say "hot-cha-cha!" Okay, there is a cute little girl design that is a close second - she has Shirley Temple ringlet curls and stands under an umbrella in the rain... Also a cutesy bride (who is maybe not supposed to be a kid - that would be disturbing), a girl ballerina with a heart tiara, a "leprechaun"-themed kid and a boy with baskets of flowers who are equally glassy-eyed.

This sheet is smaller and rectangular in size, about 8" x 20" and uncut.

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Jitterbug dancers

jitterbug girl

First of all, allow me to begin by saying I don't use the label "scary cute" lightly. But these jitterbug dancers are most certainly scary cute, right down to this teenage girl's laugh lines. But even more endearing and unsettling are the duo of one-eyed dancers. These teens shimmy, stomp and twirl with the best of them, and all this, with only one eye apiece. I'm sure these dancers would look equally cute with 2 eyes. Just maybe not so scary cute... :)

This sheet also has a palm tree design, pineapple designs for placemats and coasters, a circle floral design, 5 small designs for "felt lapel pins" (girl's head, scottie dog, owl, leaf, flowers), and a few other floral designs. My sheet is cut, not numbered, and is missing one small motif.

jitterbug dancers 1 jitterbug dancers 2 jitterbug dancers 3

Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy Peasants

Mailorder 2-915 - Happy Peasants pattern
Being a peasant must not be all bad. I mean, if you're female you get to wear peasant blouses. And if you're male you get to enhance your rustic masculinity with embroidered suspenders, shiny shoes, and lederhosen. A lucky few were even immortalized on 1940's embroidered luncheon cloths, like this enthusiastic duo. I have one complete, uncut sheet, with a pattern for a peasant apron and hearts and floral embroidery motifs. Also a big bonneted girl stencil to make a big ol' trellis that just might keep doggies from doing #1 on your lawn...

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Mexican luncheon

Mailorder 2-903 - Mexican duo pattern

I love this shocked-looking senorita - perhaps she's astounded at the sheer volume of fruit one can balance on one's head? Or maybe senor is singing something a bit risque to her, somewhere along the lines of "Aya en el Rancho Grande?" In any case, they make a cute couple, and according to this sheet, are a "corner motif". The center motif is cut out of my sheet and missing. The rest of the sheet has patterns for heart-shaped mother and daughter aprons and bonnets- cute, eh? Also a couple of kissing doves, smooching bunnies, and two shocked-looking fuzzy kitties, and cursive lettering that says "Big sis", "Little sis", and "mom."

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Mexican tea towels

Mailorder - Cute Mexican pattern

Love... and a burro. Can it get any cuter than this?! Here are some Mexican cuties on an unnumbered sheet. I have 5 of the 7 tea towel designs - my sheet is cut and incomplete. Also on this sheet are some Mexican-style borders for guest towels, a cute panholder design, a pattern to make felt baby shoes, a bib pattern, and small floral designs for baby clothes.

this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Little Girl DOW

Mailorder 2-948 - little girl pattern
Okay, I'll admit I squealed with delight when I saw these sweet little girl days of the week patterns. It's quite embarrassing for me to squeal with delight, so I'm glad there was no one around... :) There are 7 girl designs with the words: Cleaning, Baking, Washing, Ironing, Shopping, Mending, and Resting. I love the 40's-style drawing - it reminds me of old Blondie funnies. Also a cute winter hats border to use on clothes, some nautical designs (which give me terrible 80's flashbacks - ugh), a floral motif for a tablecloth, and 3 cute baby designs, one of which has a baby with a crown and scepter as if to say "I'm the man..." :)

I have one complete, uncut sheet from Eydie.
this pattern donated by thanks Eydie!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Polly put the kettle on

Polly pattern

Polly's kinda cute, eh? I found this pattern wedged in with some other finds recently - she'd been cut out and traced over unflatteringly with black, red, and blue crayons. I took out a little tracing paper and did my best to find and re-create her original lines. This is a red-line transfer, maybe Workbasket, but it's not identified in any way. And, is it just me or does it look like Polly's got a pet boa coiled around her neck?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dutch Girl Days of the Week

Dutch girl pattern

7 days of the week Dutch girl motifs - this is a blue-line transfer I got in a batch of other patterns on Ebay. The motifs are all cut apart but not used - with all the exploring I've done online I still haven't found the source but I'm pretty sure they're not Aunt Martha's or Vogart. Each design features a Dutch girl with tulips doing various chores and singing a hymn on Sunday.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

American Weekly 3123 - Sunbonnet Girl

American Weekly 3123 American Weekly 3123 detail

6 sweet Sunbonnet girl designs, in most of which she is accompanied by a tiny, mopsy dog. The patterns on her dresses are all really lovely and probably look beautiful when they're stitched. My sheet is almost complete - 3 small motifs have been cut out, and judging from their position they were probably the cute puppy. All the Sunbonnet girls are there, however.

American Weekly 3123 - pattern

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Walker's 702 - Gay Mexican Motifs for Kitchen and Tea Towels

Walker's 702

These are the first embroidery transfers I bought online, and they really bit me with the embroidery transfer bug. :) My set is complete and unused, blue lines printed on very thin, tracing-like paper. There are two large sheets that are identical.

The drawing style is unique and very different from Aunt Martha's and Vogart transfers - using sketch-like strokes. There are 7 large images, probably intended for tea towels, and 4 smaller images maybe intended for potholders or placemats. They include beautiful dancing girls (one looking more like she's doing the can-can than any Spanish dance), Indian men in a market, sleeping under trees, and shaking their maracas, and other more suave-looking men in bolero outfits.

Here's a freebie I offered on my embroidery blog earlier last year:
mexican hats