Showing posts with label primitive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primitive. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2012

OMG has it really been that long, since February..I'm embarrassed, but please know that I have been extremely busy.

Have I mentioned that we are preparing for a move from California to Arizona in about 2 weeks?? So it's been crazy around here. It's just me and my husband because all of our children already reside there, so we are packing and packing some more. It seems it's never going to end. Not to mention that we are moving from a 2670 sft home down to an appx 1500 sft home!! So that's a big downsize. I'll tell you if you ever need to purge that's the way to do it! It works everytime. In 1999 we moved from California to Pennsylvania in a same type of situation from an 2000 appx sft home to a 3 bedroom apartment!! YIKES That was major!! and each time I tell myself I will never accumulate (collect or hoard) this much stuff again, but how soon we forget those words!!!!

Anyways we have been giving good stuff you know how hard it is to donate stuff, and I mean good stuff, not junk, to Salvation Army??? I swear every week we have them here to give our good things away and the guy is so lazy to take it he knocks on my door to tell me what they can't take and what I didn't have on my list when I read it to the lady!!!What's up with this???

After 3 times of donating within 6 months, I have decided to donate to another charity that might appreciate my stuff!geesch!! and worse yet, try complaining..the person who's in charge is just as lazy as the one that picks the stuff up!!!

I have alot of people asking if I'm retiring from designing as I have been listing loads of fabric on ebay lately and selling my dolls for alot lower than normal..Well the answer is yes, I'm sort of retiring from my business in a sense..There's a slight chance I might be seeking a job..part time or full time, if I can handle it with my medical problems. There's alot of job opportunities where we are moving (now everyone don't move to Arizona cuz I said that!!! hehe).

With the economy the way it is, dolls of course are not selling like they did a few years ago, so with that in mind, I am thinking about perhaps altering my designs to some other mediums..kinda getting tired of the primitive sort of things..please comment and let me know what you think. When I see prim decor it doesn't excite me the way it did years ago. I mean my bears/dolls will always have an old fashioned air about them. Oh well I guess I'm rambling..

On another note, I love having the opportunity to just pick up and go if hubby is available on a whim. But then again he will be looking for some sort of job over there. He is retiring from this job he has here in California but doesn't intend to really retire..he would go nuts and as much as I thoroughly enjoy his company and love it when he's off on every one 3 day weekend, I wonder if he would drive me crazy like alot of women say. I don't think he would. I'm hoping he takes up some hobby or something. He loves to golf but golfing is expensive. We'll see, but our son lives in AZ and they enjoy going camping, hiking etc which will be nice.

I'll have my 4 daughters there and we have alot of catching up to do and then there's the 12 almost 13 youngest daughter is pregnant and she'll find out which sex it is next week. I'm hoping for a little boy! Please Lord I beg you!!! I love boys and only had one.

Okay..back to my business..while I was restricted to my recliner for my broken leg, which btw is doing much better..not perfect but better every week. I still wear my boot when I'm going to have to walk alot or an ankle brace, anyhow I designed several needlepunch patterns to be released soon. I actually really enjoy needlepunch. Have you ever delved into this medium? It actually goes very fast, just be careful of the pointy needle.Have a great Memorial Day holiday weekend. I have to shout out to all the troops now and ones that preceeded these...Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your bravery and for serving your country and protecting even the least deserving of us. Lord protect them.

I promise to not be so long in posting next will be from Arizona!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas is Coming!

Yep! It's right around the corner and will be here before we know it. I will only be listing items on ebay till probably the week of the 12th, that's Christmas items. There might be some Valentine and more snowy items tho, so stay tuned.

Wanted to share with you all my latest ebay listings that have LOW starting bids. First is Santa Claus with is decorated tree in a wooden sled and a peaceful white dove in a nest of greenery.

Now isn't he a cutie? Be sure to check out the slideshow below for great closeups of the uniqueness of these designs.

Then comes Sunbright Snowball who is dressed in a blue winter scened dress with lots of snow and german glass glitter and glitz and mica flakes. She holds a great star ornament which could be used separately or hung on your Winter tree till Spring.

I would really appreciate you taking a look at my auctions. Please remember to support your favorite Artist of Handmade in USA designs. This helps to create jobs for Americans when they otherwise wouldn't be able to find any jobs for one reason or another.

On another note, I am requesting prayer for our family. If you are a follower of my blog, then you know the headaches we've had with my dd's exhusband and custody of our grandson. Well he did not return him from his weekend custody yesterday (as he had a plane ticket) and is causing all kinds of headaches for our family now, once again. So looks like we will be heading back to Court once again. Please pray for wisedom, empathy from the Judge who has always been on her ex's side to truly see how manipulating he is once and for all and bring some punishment so he gets the message that he can't treat my dd with name calling, cursing and swearing constantly to and about her and make him responsible for the bills that he is supposed to pay. He has not followed the Court order at all but expects us to bring our grandson back (350 miles) 2 times a month to see him at our expense! And my daughter isn't even making as much as he is. Furthermore, the wage garnishment is a joke! He has a way of working around it with his boss so that she only gets a small portion of what he should be paying, yet he has a new just goes on and on and my nerves are shattered.

He even got in my face at the airport the other day when I simply said something to him that I didn't like the way he talked to my dd. He was lucky my dh wasn't there or he would have gotten decked for sure. He has totally changed. Nothing like he used to be and I think that is in part because he married a hot headed witch who hates my daughter, even though she doesn't even know her and is acting like a loon. Please pray they both grow up!
Anyways I will continue to pray that he goes away somewhere..maybe his job can transfer him overseas or something. But something has to give! And my poor grandson is probably wondering why he hasn't gone back to Arizona with my dd. Who knows what his dad is telling him. I hate to think that.

Oh well didn't mean to get on that subject but it's close to my heart and we really need prayer to bind all this anger and resentment etc he has for us up.

Thanks for listening

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mustardseed's Back on Ebay!

I don't know how many of you know that I used to sell on Ebay in the early 2000's up till a few years ago when it started going south.

Us girls at TDIPT Mercantile HERE decided to do a "Best of Show" group launch and I decided, what the heck, I'd give it a try. So I created "Sam Celebrating the 4th of July". I didn't realize how I had forgotten how to list. My goodness, it took me a few hours just to get it listed. What's even worse, is that the templates I had purchased back then don't work because the folks that made them were hosting them and no longer doing that. UGGHH So I have to go revamp them all. Meanwhile I purchased a template from Deb at Deb's Lost Treasures Here and she was nice enough to get it to me ASAP. I'd highly recommend her to anyone looking for some graphics or templates. OUTSTANDING SERVICE!!

If you'd like to follow him, he has 2 days till he goes off, CLICK HERE

He had a reserve, which has been met and the bidders have been very gracious in their bidding.I just might have to list some more items.

On another note, check out my friend Jane's ebay listing "Nothing Plain by Jane"HERE Awesome listing huh?

It's summer and that means it's time to gear up for the fall season designs. My all time favorite things to create besides Americana.

I've also been working on catching up with my orders. That always feels good to have them completed. Watch for new listings and happenings at Mustard Seed Originals soon. Be sure to sign up to be notified when I have new designs by clicking HERE and I'll get you added. Meanwhile take a browse around my website HERE

Have fun in the sun!
Blessings to you

Friday, April 23, 2010

More News to Share

Hi, I hope you're having a great day, thanks for stopping by. I have more great news to share.

In addition to being published in Stampington's newest "PRIMS" magazine, this month is my debut with "Create and Decorate" magazine.

"Mary" is my little garden doll. Her pattern is included in the magazine. I will also be selling the pattern on my website for folks that would like to purchase it and don't receive the magazine.

I am so excited to be designing for C&D. They are such wonderful people!


I'll be posting again later. Till then, I'll be designing.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I made an awful mistake of not backing up my email addresses; and consequently when my new (Aug 09)computer (Gateway) crashed I lost all of my mailing list addresses. So if you're one of my customers who were on my mailing list, please email me so I can add you to my new mailing list.

I had heard that Gateway were not that great brand of computer, however, after dealing with Hewlett Packard, I decided that Gateway was probably better than HP. HA!! 1 week after my purchase my new computer crashed...and now again this last week. This time it is sent away for a new hard drive. From what the geeksquad guy says..this happens all the time with computers!! Thank goodness I paid for the blacktie service, because I should expect to get my computer back in 3-4 weeks...without any data being saved because I didn't pay the extra $, money, money..didn't I pay enough already???

Onto better news...Did you hear about the giveaway we are having over at TDIPT Mercantile? Check it out HERE Lots of great items to win. I even contributed one of my primitive santie makedos. Also check out our "Fall Into Christmas" booklets filled with all sorts of recipes, tips, and several patterns including one from me of my scarecrows. It is well worth the $6.95. Would make great gifts for the upcoming holidays. All funds go to charities - Miracle Network and ASPCA for animals. So be sure to check it out.

I also have several santie makedos for sale over at Humblearts. Watch for some new holiday designs on Pfatt Marketplace on the 10th and The Primitive Gathering on the 15th.

Tomorrow's going to be a FUN day for me. My dd and I are going to a sewing, craft festival in Pomona, California. It happens 2 times a year and I missed it the last few years. We always go to some thrift shops around that area too. We recently lost our biggest thrift shop last month and are down to just a few littler ones. Bummer!

I'm having a sale off all my Fall, Halloween designs on my website....25% off..with this password "autumn".Click HEREHope to hear from you,till later, keep safe.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Some Good News

We received some great news today...our offer was accepted for a house in Avondale, Arizona. Here's a picture of what's in the backyard

Nice huh? We told ourselves (after having a pool at the home we currently reside in California) that we would never have a pool again, but this one was so pretty and inviting we couldn't turn it down. Plus having a pool in Arizona is certainly different from having one in the desert with all the wild winds and high temps in the daytime and low at night which never allow the water to get warm. Don't think we'll have that problem there. Plus I know our 12 grandchildren will love it. I'm just as excited about the above ground spa too. Just love those. We had one several years ago and for my fibro it'll be great.

I didn't mention in my earlier post that I was having alot of pain from the stress of everything. I was totally miserable. My holistic doctor called me in some strong painkillers which really helped. So now it's subsided.

My sister kept me abreast as to how the private viewing went and it seems everything was smooth as creamy pb. She sent me some pictures of the family and a few of my brother. He looks so peaceful and just the way I remember him. Odd but true.

So back to the home in Arizona, unless the Lord has other ideas, we will be renting out the home till we retire from California (which today isn't soon enough hehe) and head over there. Never know what the Lord has planned. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Mike (dh) was offered a job out of the blue, the way everything is falling into place. That's just the way the Lord's plans work.

On another note, if you haven't visited my website lately, take some time next week to stop by as I am updating it with more items at low prices.

CALLING ALL CHICKEN LOVERS~~us gals at Humble Arts are having a "Wing Ding Chicken Fling" challenge in May. So watch for great chicken creations and maybe even some door prizes! Don't miss out!

Also there will be a brand new selling site called "Early Work Mercantile" that I will be a part of. I know, another site! YIKES, I just couldn't resist. Be sure to watch for some great primitive designs from top artists in the primitive world.

I also will be starting a selling blog and will have some giveaways there too. AND...I will be offering more patterns soon on my website. I guess I have my work cut out for me. Be sure to stop by Pfatt Marketplace ..the April issue came yesterday. Remember also to check out The Primitive Gathering for April on the 15th. Some great designs will be up for purchase there too.

K, that's it for today. Hope everyone has a good Easter tomorrow. Gotta go color eggs with my grandson. Later

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy March 1st

Can you believe it's already March? Time is flying by! Happy St. Patrick's Day~a wee bit early.

It's also that time again for new issues of several online websites chuck full of great new Spring designs for your purchase consideration.

However, this month is a very special month for us TDIPT designers...the Mercantile is officially 2 years old!! We are so excited about this and are having a big ole birthday bash on TDIPT Mercantile this month that you won't want to miss!! Among the fun, we are having all kinds of prize giveaways. Not just your ordinary stuff you can find or purchase anywhere, but folks, this is quality, top notch, from the heart ..ART! and it's FREE. Be sure to check it out HERE

Be sure to check out all the newest March designs offered by the first of the monthers on TDIPT Merc. as well. This month I am offering 3 great Spring Rabbits! I just love designing these and boy, oh boy, do they steal your heart! Be sure to stop by my personal selling page of TDIPT HERE . Be sure to refresh your page if you are not viewing the current issue.

Then moving right along, I have 3 more great new designs on Humble Arts HERE . If you've seen my newest "mini rabbettes"..well these are "hares" and "more hares". Wee little rabbits (5-7" tall) at very affordable prices. It's first come, first served folks so hurry and go look. Also another adorable rabbit named "Flopsy" is in need of adoption. Have fun sure to peek at all the other great designs by the other artists as well.

and then lastly, as far as offerings this Simply Primitives. There's more rabbits hiding out there..I swear these rabbits are multiplying faster than I can keep track of! hehe Oh yeah and you've got to see my sooo ecentric Patrick..a unique shamrock doll just too cool HERE Again, be sure to check out all the first of the month offerings there as well. Us starving artists appreciate it!hehe might sound funny, but true for some.

Phew, that was a onto some other news. Gosh it's been so long since I blogged this might be a long post.

I have alot of new happenings going on for Mustard Seed Originals. Watch for a new selling blog!'s coming this month. There will be auctions; items for sale (early bird gets the worm kind) which are all one of a kind only; and GIVEAWAYS too!! Too much fun! Stay tuned for more.

Also if you haven't joined Facebook, Linked In or Ryze, you need to! It's a must for all business owners. Besides, they're fun too! I've also got something else up my sleeve, but have to research more on it. A tutorial site for primitive designs..whatcha think? I might not be able to teach many of you great primitive designers but there are some folks that I think would love it! A group limited of course that would be walked through a process...sorta like taking a class at your favorite quilt shop or what have you. Too much more fun huh? Lemme hear from you about what you'd like to see in a class, ie..needlepunch, rug hooking, dolly designing...

Please remember that I DO accept Layaway on my designs. Email me if you are interested. I know how tough it is for everyone in this current economy so please don't be shy. Everyone needs a "pick me up" and I'm glad to help out.

Have a great March 1st

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Summer is in full force here at the Stevens household. I have been trying to update my website with alot of fall and Christmas designs while it's slow.

Between that, I have been making homemade laundry detergent. If you haven't made any, or tried it, you are missing out! It cleans so much better than storebought and costs so little. It makes everything very soft too. Here's a big ole batch I made the other day. I tripled the recipe so I don't have to make it so often. I store mine in plastic Hawaiian Punch bottles that we go through like water. They hold 1 gallon. In this particular batch I used Zote soap, that's why it's a pretty pink. However, I used Ivory Soap last time and I think I'll stick w/the Ivory. Just personal preference.

How's your pocketbook holding up in all this crazieness with gas prices, food increases, etc etc etc..Alot of folks are losing their homes here in California. Thank goodness we are not one of them. We have alot of taxes on everything here and our gas tax is crazy. However, hubs said that the price is going down. Duh yeah, when people aren't purchasing it. I heard on the news that the gasoline companies made another HUGE profit. I can't believe those jerks actually have the gall to broadcast what profits they are making, all the while taking from the middle class and poor. It's a crime!!

Okay, I'm off my soapbox about that. Can't control it, why worry about it.

On another note, wanted to let you all know that Eric is now on a 30 day leave and is back home in Phoenix visiting with my grandson and his parents. He will then report back to his home base in New York, and await arrival of the rest of his unit and be discharged in November. My daughter said his hand looks pretty bad but that's to be expected. Oh by the way..found out he had a staph infection in the bone of his wrist. Don't know how he got it. So thanks for the prayers and expressions of concern. Please remember to keep all the servicemen and women in your prayers.

Sometimes in my "spare" (which is rare) time on the computer, I like to find new blogs that I wouldn't really search for. Back in November of 2007 I found this blog of a Christian Love Story author named Kristy Dykes. She was a beautiful women inside and out. And although I never knew her personally, I kept up with her blog as best I could. She was diagnosed with brain cancer (the kind that Sen. Kennedy has, I believe)around that time.

Her faith in Jesus Christ was nothing more than simply amazing!! She was such a perfect example of what Christ is like!!! If you ever get a chance, check out her blog. Her husband, Milton, is a pastor at their local church, of course, Kristy was a pastor's wife. He is continuing the blog with memories of their life together. It is a perfect love story in itself.Click Here to readI tried to reduce her picture but it wouldn't take. Sorry so big. But isn't she beautiful?

Now for some upbeat, positive stuff..I have been creating alot of new fall designs like I stated above. Plus all the many primitive co-op websites that I'm on have some awesome designs for sale. Be sure to check them out.

To help ya out click on these links PFATT MARKETPLACE; TDIPT MERCANTILE; THE PRIMITIVE GATHERING; HUMBLE ARTS; and SIMPLY PRIMITIVES Some good eye candy for ya on those places. Be sure to check em all out. Also, like I said, I added some great fall/christmas items on my website, here's a few up for adoption, Let me know if you see anything in the slideshow or on my website you can't resist.

One last thing that I want to share w/you is my trip last Saturday to the Quilt Festival in Long Beach, California. We were so happy to finally have a place to come together and be able to purchase some awesome stuff. Course, being a fabriholic, this was a bad place on my pocketbook to say the least, but I tried to contain myself and promised myself that "I WILL USE THIS FABRIC OR KIT". I am determined, and I have to say that I have successfully completed a kit that I purchased about 2 years ago hehe. That's because I received some injections from my pain management doctor and had to take it easy, so I handstitched the woolen pincushions (applique). The design was by Lisa Bongean from Primitive Gatherings which used to be "Backyard Quilts".

WOOO HOOO YOU FOUND IT>>NOW JUST EMAIL ME AND TELL ME THE TITLE OF THE POST IT'S IN to get another entry in the box. GOOD LUCK-- She has so many awesome designs and they are much better looking that on her website. Check out her site. Awesome stuff!! It's okay to Drool hehe

With that I leave you the task of reading this post. Sorry it's so long. I really have to work on disciplining myself more. Maybe tomorrow :-)