Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2010

What's Been Happenin


Alot has been happenin at Mustard Seed Originals! I attended "Glitterfest" in Santa Ana, California, this past weekend. If you live in the local area, I would HIGHLY recommend attending in the fall, October 2nd from 10:00 t0 3:00. You will be so glad you did.

This show was chock full of all sorts of artwork. No imports!! Just pure art. Wonderful jewelry, primitive dolls, crazy dolls from Christy Salacci, halloween art, felted designs by Kerry Schmidt of Papermoon Gallery HERE , and too much to mention. There were shoppers galore.

I got to meet alot of great customers new and old. I was offering a drawing for my little doll that was featured in PRIMS as a giveaway. Each $50 purchase received an entry for her. The person who won was Lonnie Jenck, from Oregon. So this little doll is being sent to her today. BTW I sold the Americana set of mother and daughter that was featured in the PRIMS magazine at Glitterfest.

Cudos to my husband, Mike, for helping me at the show.He's a great salesman and my best fan. Everyone's items were great. Don't miss it in October.

I finally got my spinal cord nerve stimulator implant about a month ago and it is working fantastically!! Now, if I could get rid of this fibromyalgia I would be brand new. Really this scs implant makes life great. I have so much energy but I have to be careful and not overdo or I will pay for it. It's hard because there's so much I want to do now and for someone who basically wasn't able to do anything, my muscles are weak and I have to go slow. But I would recommend this to anyone in pain.

On another note, I will be restocking my website with all new goodies left over from the show and more. However, me and hubs are taking a much needed vacation meeting my dad and stepmom. We haven't seen them for about 3 years. Time flys.

Okay that's it for now. I'll leave you with these photos of some of my designs at Glitterfest. Not the best photos but you can see some of my new stuff. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I made an awful mistake of not backing up my email addresses; and consequently when my new (Aug 09)computer (Gateway) crashed I lost all of my mailing list addresses. So if you're one of my customers who were on my mailing list, please email me so I can add you to my new mailing list.

I had heard that Gateway were not that great brand of computer, however, after dealing with Hewlett Packard, I decided that Gateway was probably better than HP. HA!! 1 week after my purchase my new computer crashed...and now again this last week. This time it is sent away for a new hard drive. From what the geeksquad guy says..this happens all the time with computers!! Thank goodness I paid for the blacktie service, because I should expect to get my computer back in 3-4 weeks...without any data being saved because I didn't pay the extra $, money, money..didn't I pay enough already???

Onto better news...Did you hear about the giveaway we are having over at TDIPT Mercantile? Check it out HERE Lots of great items to win. I even contributed one of my primitive santie makedos. Also check out our "Fall Into Christmas" booklets filled with all sorts of recipes, tips, and several patterns including one from me of my scarecrows. It is well worth the $6.95. Would make great gifts for the upcoming holidays. All funds go to charities - Miracle Network and ASPCA for animals. So be sure to check it out.

I also have several santie makedos for sale over at Humblearts. Watch for some new holiday designs on Pfatt Marketplace on the 10th and The Primitive Gathering on the 15th.

Tomorrow's going to be a FUN day for me. My dd and I are going to a sewing, craft festival in Pomona, California. It happens 2 times a year and I missed it the last few years. We always go to some thrift shops around that area too. We recently lost our biggest thrift shop last month and are down to just a few littler ones. Bummer!

I'm having a sale off all my Fall, Halloween designs on my website....25% off..with this password "autumn".Click HEREHope to hear from you,till later, keep safe.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rules for Humble Arts Giveaways

Happy Monday all!!

Let me clarify the rules of our giveaways so everyone knows exactly what has to be done in order to qualify to win!

FIRST AND MUST visit HARTS (HUMBLE ARTS) HERE to be eligible to win.

Here are the ways you can get entries:

First, you can get one entry in the drawing for one of these goodies by putting our fun little banner on your blog. Grab one from earlier post.

Secondly, you can get yet another entry in by promoting our Wing Ding Chicken Fling on your own blog.

Lastly, you can find a feather on each of the participating member's(THAT INCLUDES ME!) blogs - find the feather,(hint hint: Who is Lisa Bongean?)
email me with WHERE you found the feather.

On May 1, we will also have a few feathers flying around The Humble Arts. Find those and you will get YET ANOTHER entry! Wee Dawgies!


Good old fashioned fun!! So make sure you get those peepers to start searching on May 1st. Cuz before you know it it'll be over and you won't have won (NO FUN).
Here's some of our offerings for sale on May 1st edition of Humble Arts:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fun, Fun, Fun and FREEBIES!!!

As some of you already know, we are celebrating "chickens" on Humble Arts (HARTS) site for the month of May. You will be in for some fun!!

Here's the rules:
Here is the first rule of the Humble Arts Wing Ding Chicken Fling giveaways.
Take either picture below and post it to your blog. Leave a comment here, letting me know that you have done so. That is one automatic name in the pot for the drawings.
I will be posting some pics of the giveaways later.CLICK HERE

NOW..I KNOW ALL OF YOU LOVE GIVEAWAYS!! So get busy and tell your friends..c'mon don't be stingy..shame on you! Believe me, I have seen some of the giveaways an they are awesome! You won't want to miss out.