Showing posts with label wicca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wicca. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2012

OMG has it really been that long, since February..I'm embarrassed, but please know that I have been extremely busy.

Have I mentioned that we are preparing for a move from California to Arizona in about 2 weeks?? So it's been crazy around here. It's just me and my husband because all of our children already reside there, so we are packing and packing some more. It seems it's never going to end. Not to mention that we are moving from a 2670 sft home down to an appx 1500 sft home!! So that's a big downsize. I'll tell you if you ever need to purge that's the way to do it! It works everytime. In 1999 we moved from California to Pennsylvania in a same type of situation from an 2000 appx sft home to a 3 bedroom apartment!! YIKES That was major!! and each time I tell myself I will never accumulate (collect or hoard) this much stuff again, but how soon we forget those words!!!!

Anyways we have been giving good stuff you know how hard it is to donate stuff, and I mean good stuff, not junk, to Salvation Army??? I swear every week we have them here to give our good things away and the guy is so lazy to take it he knocks on my door to tell me what they can't take and what I didn't have on my list when I read it to the lady!!!What's up with this???

After 3 times of donating within 6 months, I have decided to donate to another charity that might appreciate my stuff!geesch!! and worse yet, try complaining..the person who's in charge is just as lazy as the one that picks the stuff up!!!

I have alot of people asking if I'm retiring from designing as I have been listing loads of fabric on ebay lately and selling my dolls for alot lower than normal..Well the answer is yes, I'm sort of retiring from my business in a sense..There's a slight chance I might be seeking a job..part time or full time, if I can handle it with my medical problems. There's alot of job opportunities where we are moving (now everyone don't move to Arizona cuz I said that!!! hehe).

With the economy the way it is, dolls of course are not selling like they did a few years ago, so with that in mind, I am thinking about perhaps altering my designs to some other mediums..kinda getting tired of the primitive sort of things..please comment and let me know what you think. When I see prim decor it doesn't excite me the way it did years ago. I mean my bears/dolls will always have an old fashioned air about them. Oh well I guess I'm rambling..

On another note, I love having the opportunity to just pick up and go if hubby is available on a whim. But then again he will be looking for some sort of job over there. He is retiring from this job he has here in California but doesn't intend to really retire..he would go nuts and as much as I thoroughly enjoy his company and love it when he's off on every one 3 day weekend, I wonder if he would drive me crazy like alot of women say. I don't think he would. I'm hoping he takes up some hobby or something. He loves to golf but golfing is expensive. We'll see, but our son lives in AZ and they enjoy going camping, hiking etc which will be nice.

I'll have my 4 daughters there and we have alot of catching up to do and then there's the 12 almost 13 youngest daughter is pregnant and she'll find out which sex it is next week. I'm hoping for a little boy! Please Lord I beg you!!! I love boys and only had one.

Okay..back to my business..while I was restricted to my recliner for my broken leg, which btw is doing much better..not perfect but better every week. I still wear my boot when I'm going to have to walk alot or an ankle brace, anyhow I designed several needlepunch patterns to be released soon. I actually really enjoy needlepunch. Have you ever delved into this medium? It actually goes very fast, just be careful of the pointy needle.Have a great Memorial Day holiday weekend. I have to shout out to all the troops now and ones that preceeded these...Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your bravery and for serving your country and protecting even the least deserving of us. Lord protect them.

I promise to not be so long in posting next will be from Arizona!!!