OK, I keep saying I'll do more posts and that I was going to schedule this but by the time I got to posting my last post, I'd forgotten. It's late and I should go but I'm going to put this up. Things have been busy, getting used to the new kindergarten routine and care groups starting back up and FaithBuilders (kids club at church) starting again...we have to find the new groove. It's so weird how it feels like I have so much less time with school on. I guess it's just because I now have times that I HAVE to be home, otherwise, I'll miss Xander's bus. Xander is having fun at school and learning lots so that is awesome!
My exciting scrapping news is that I'm now a ScrapMatters Girl!! A new forum I've been hanging out at, ScrapMatters, has a team of us that encourage people with compliments on their work, police the gallery and things like that. We get "paid" with scrapping stuff and the amazing inspiration we get from looking at everybody's work. I've learned so much and gotten so many ideas already and am loving the fun chatter we get to have in our forums!
Out house renos are finally coming along, too. The roof was re-shingled Friday and the deck is well -formed...it just needs the top! The roofers came Thursday to prep - drop off shingles, put them where they'd need them, get the ladders set up etc. But, it only took them Friday (and not even all of it) to do the actual shingling. It was very impressive. I thought we'd be without the satellite dish for a couple days but it turned out to be more like a couple hours! We were very pleased and we really like the new shingles. Now, I'm just super excited for the deck to be done!
Here are some other pages I've done recently.
This picture was for a photo challenge to try to emphasize the eyes. I really like how the photo turned out! The layout might be a little girlie but I just loved the cute little flowers!
Kit - Forget-Me-Not by Andilynn Designs
This was for a ScrapMatters Girl speed scrap (or chat and scrap later :) ). I love how it turned out!

Kit - True Blessings by LDrag Designs
Brown, Green & Music papers, sparkles - Into the Night by Stolen Moments
Template - Scraps by Number B.L.O.C.K.E.D. by Stolen Moments
This was a kit I won and I love the colours. I simply adore this photo of Rene and Jonathan!

Kit - Modish by geniaBeana Scraps
Template by Connie Prince Digital Scrapbook Designs
OK Mom - this is it...the photo I was telling you about. I totally LOVE this photo of Xander at the beach! I didn't even do very much editing on it - just a little lightening!

Kit - Vintage Summer by WM[Sqaured] Designs
Background Paper - Wynken, Blynken & Nod by Stolen Moments and Scraps by Jenn
Alpha - Modish Acrylic Alpha by geniaBeana Scraps
Date Element - Simply Dated v8 by WM[Squared] Designs
OK - so now you're sort of up to date. I may type more in a bit and we have some fabulous family photos that I will post at some point in time! I am actually thinking of starting up a second blog for all my photos and talking and just leaving this as a scrap blog to post kits and pages on...I haven't decided for sure but we'll see how that goes!
Until next time...