Thursday, September 26, 2013

California Vacation

We do Disneyland every other year and this year was that year.  It's fun because every time we go, we usually have a 3 year old that is ready to experience Disneyland's magic for the first time.  We also usually have a baby that poor Grandma and Grandpa need to keep happy all day.  I'm thankful for my parents willingness to accompany us on such occasions to help us survive the happiest place on Earth.

We, of course, had to stop by the Jedi Academy (our favorite place). Blurbles, Lil' N, and Bug all got picked.  It was so fun to watch the battle the bad guys.  

 James went first...
 This is them waiting to battle...

Bug went next...and he was the only kid in line that got to use is force to make the two droids fly backwards...

Lil' N went last and took his job VERY seriously.  :)

We went to Disneyland on the first day and California Adventure the next and then were exhausted after that.  We made ourselves swing by the beach on our way home...

I'm glad we have two more years to gear ourselves up to do it again.  :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Triplets Are Baptized

In our church, children are baptized at 8.  We believe that is the age of accountability...when they are able to discern between wrong and right.  It is at that age that they can make covenants with Heavenly Father and decide to join His church.  Blurbles took this assignment very seriously.  He decided he was not going to be baptized unless he knew that it was the right thing to do.  He read the Book of Mormon (not completely, but quite a bit), and then decided to pray about it.  He was having a hard time getting an answer (and starting to feel discouraged, until one night, he had "The Big Miracle" (his words).  This is what he wrote in his journal:

I was praying to know if I should be a member of the church and get baptized.  But, I was confused about how to get an answer.  I asked my mom to be with me when I prayed.  I was so excited to know if Heavenly Father wanted me to be a member of the church or not and know if the Book of Mormon was true.  When my brother’s prayer was done, it was my turn to say my night prayer.  My mom told me to stop and feel in my prayer.  She told me that if you feel the same, you should keep praying.  If you feel bad, the answer is no.  And, if you feel happy, then the answer is yes.  That night, I prayed and said, “Heavenly Father, thank you for my day, please tell me the if the Book of Mormon is true and I want to be a member of the church, and is that what I should do?”  I waited and felt excited and I felt joy.  I said, “Thank you for answering me.  Amen” Heavenly Father said yes, and I know that Heavenly Father loves me.  

He submitted it to the Friend Magazine and they said it would be published in March, keep an eye out for it.  

Squeakers and Lil' N both did the same thing...but, James was the one that made it his mission to know God's will in the situation.  

The big day was filled with dear friend came into town (who I never get to see) and helped me so much to prepare (thank you Amy!) And, both sets of grandparents came into town (and Aunt Tay!):


This is how they described their day:

Squeakers: We walked into church and saw grandma and granddad.  I felt so excited.  We all liked our baptism and I felt extra happy!

Lil' N: Yesterday, all of my brothers and me had a baptism.  While we had the baptism, I felt warm and happy inside.  I was glad my siblings came to celebrate because those are my most special siblings.  I really try to stay close to my parents because they take really good care of me.  I am glad my two brothers and me had a baptism.  

Blurbles: Today was our baptism day and it was fun.  We got dressed in the men's dressing room. (RANDOM!)
When we came out, I saw Grandma and Granddad were waiting for us.  We hugged them and while mom and the kids came in, I got baptized and received the Holy Ghost.  I felt great!!

I am proud of the choice my boys made.  They shared their thoughts and feeling in church the next day.  Lil' N cried as he expressed his happiness at the decision he made.  Blurbles said he knew that it was right to be baptized, and Squeakers said that he knew "Jesus loves my heart" and that "I am so happy that my friends could come to see me be baptized".  It was all so special and I am so very proud of the little men they are turning into....

Sheva Grace...Our Love

Our baby girl has turned one.  It has been the sweetest year.  Everyone in the house is charmed by the pink, the bows, the shoes, and the ruffles.  The boys are excited to see what she will wear, and compliment her all the time.  "Sheva! You look beautiful today!" And...she smiles like she understands.  We have loved every baby that has come into our home, but we have all been mesmerized by the difference of having a girl in the home.  She has more words than any of my one year olds combined: please, thank you, that (with her pointer finger), milk, daddy (to mean "I want..."), doggy, tickle-tickle, I love you, stop, all done, and I'm sure a few more I don't understand yet.  She finally decided to get off her lazy cute knees and start walking (Yea!! No more holes in the knees!).  We know we are nearing the end of babies in our home, and everyone knows it.  So, she has gotten all the love 8 people can give out. 

Here birthday was fun...Daddy bought so much stuff that Mommy needed to help him sort out a pile for "birthday" and "at a later date".  :)

Her first experience with cake was successful...

One of her favorite toys is the pink pony. 

We love our little girl!