Showing posts with label Mac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mac. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

IRC client TalkSoup 1.1 released

I am pleased to announce that after months of work a new release of GNUstep's IRC client, TalkSoup, is ready!
Being essentially abandoned the last released sources (alpha version)have been  imported some time ago in GAP with Andrew's consent. I also merged in some enhancements from the GIT repository code.

This new release was really started because the original code was not working at all anymore, it did not compile on certain platforms and elsewhere it crashed really often.

  • Very important Crash fixes due to Strings vs AttributedStrings
  • Native XCode port to Mac (both PPC and x86 do work), no GNUstep makefiles necessary
  • Memory leaks and fixes as recognized by clang's static analyzer
  • Tweaks to the user interface
  • Import and addition of the IGNORE plugin
  • Fixes to work on current GNUstep runtime and on MacOS
  • Preference fields send action on end editing, not enter
  • Install plugins locally inside Application resources with .bundle extension
  • Fixed myriads of crashes due to code using "id" instead of an explicit type and thus picking up the wrong methods
  • 64bit fixes with NSInteger/NSUInteger

Due to the change of plugin placement, you may need to delete your defaults.

Check more on it's GNUstep Appliction Project page, where you can download it or go to the savannah project page and learn how to check out the SVN sources.

Here the most classic and nostalgic setup: my iBook running Debian (without evil systemd) and the classic GNUstep theme and WindowMaker. Works fine!

Here instead on my other iBook, still running MacOS. Do you see some similarity? Although TalkSoup did run in the past on Mac, this is a native XCode build. Having it run on my ol' clamshell makes me feel cozy.

And something less common too, to prove the enhanced portability: GNU/Hurd on Debian, with the Sleek theme from GAP:

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

FTP 0.5 for GNUstep and Mac

I'm happy to announce a new release of FTP, the file transfer application of the GNUstep Application Project.

It is designed for GNUstep and completely native on the Mac too, with version 0.5 being available as a binary for both for PPC and Intel, as well, of course, as the usual source tarball for Unix.
(Please wait for the mirrors to propagate the files or grab the sources from SVN)

There are some new features as well as bug fixes:
  • Creation of local and remote directories
  • Command to refresh the current directory listing, local and remote
  • File renaming, local and remote
  • Drag&Drop for uploading a file from GWorkspace/Finder to remote file panel
  • better handling of local and remote write errors
  • better parsing of File Sizes returned by FTP servers
  • better handling of file adding to the views, so that less "refresh" is needed
  • Bug fixes with multiple selection uploads
  • Code cleanup for better portability (gcc/clang, old and new runtime, Cocoa)

Friday, January 09, 2015

DataBasin 0.8

DataBasin 0.8 is out!

After several months of development and testing, many news:
  • DataBasin is now divided in its DataBasinKit framework which is LGPL'd and the application itself
  • (CSV writing) Support of empty fields in empty semi-joined objects through query parsing
  • (CSV writing) Support for writing fields in exact order as in user query, trough query parsing
  • Select Identify supports LIMIT
  • Customizable CSV file quoting and separator
  • Support for COUNT and aggregate queries
  • Object Inspector supports selection of values in cells
The most important news is the DataBasinKit separation.
The most important feature instead is DataBasin ability to parse the SOQL query and thus rearrange the output fields in CSV files not as Salesforce returns them but as the user requested them. The same feature allows related objects (. notation) to be null and retain the correct columns in the CSV file.

Monday, October 27, 2014

New GNUMail release 1.2.2

After Pantomime a GNUMail release had of course to follow.
The same words as for Pantomime apply.

Due to the inactivity of CollaborationWorld and Ludovic, we(*) decided to import the sources in gnustep-nonfsf at

(*)German, Sebastian and myself with the contributions of others

The download is at:

This release contains updates and some important, long-needed fixes:
* critical fixes on GNUstep which finally make SMTP usable again (including security detection in preferences)
* use the corresponding Pantomime to finally run on NetBSD
* Many 64bit fixes
* port to MacOS re-instantiated (10.3/10.4 tested)
* Memory problem fixes
* General code cleanup to compile on modern compilers (gcc4 and clang) and on modern obj-c runtimes
* works slightly better on small displays
* crash fixes

There is still quite some stuff to do, but at least GNUMail can be compiled, run and used again and I hope other will enjoy it!

GNUMail on MacOS

GNUMail on GNUstep

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

DataBasin 0.7

DataBasin 0.7 is out!

If you need to query, update,  create data on and are on a GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris system or MacOS-X... try it out! Do you need to perform a query having objects or IDs instead of a where clause? Select-identify will come handy for you.

Some of the news:
  • Save results of update and create in a results.csv file with succeess and failure
  • Progress monitor of operations shows time remaining 
  • The login panel shows a visual icon if login happened successfully or not
  • Progress monitor for Query, Delete, Insert
  • Select identify now supports ORDER BY
  • Internal core enhanced for Delete
  • Many bug fixes and clean-ups

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cynthiune running on Macintosh

Cynthiune is working again on the Mac! I was able to compile a limited set of bundles on Mac again! This is good because it also confirms that some of the latest playlist changes work fine!
I am unable to compile the ID3 Tag bundle for some weird compiler errors I don't get on any GNUstep machine, so I won't prepare a binary release.

Monday, July 18, 2011

GMastermind running on Macintosh

During the weekend, I rewrote the whole graphics core of GMastermind to use NSBezierPaths instead of PS operations. Furthermore it uses a gorm file to create the menus and instantiate the application Controller.

With these changes, a port of the code to Cocoa is possible! The screenshot shows the game running on my iBook with 100% the same code base of GNUstep.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

DataBasin Object Inspector sorting

The fields are now sortable by Label and Developer Name. A little feature that was sorely needed within orgs with almost 500 fields per object!

This feature is currently not available in GNUstep.

DataBasin, Objective-C portable data access tool.