Showing posts with label GSpdf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSpdf. Show all posts

Monday, June 04, 2012

GSPdf 0.5 released

GSPdf 0.5, the ghostscript front-end for GNUstep, suitable for PDF and PS viewing (and thus also as GS print preview application) was released on June 3rd.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Native Print Preview in GNUstep

The upcoming GSPdf version can be used seamlessly to do Print Preview in GNUstep. The provision to do that has long been in GNUstep's printing code, but no application exploited it.

GSPdf is undergoing quite some restructuring and is now a true document-based application. This allows it to register properly for the post script viewing task. Activationg GhostScript's anti-aliasing is supported too (look at the screenshot, where Graphos itself is running without).

GSPdf is an interface to ghostscript as gv is, so the displayed quality should remain the same.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

GSPdf 0.3 released

Version 0.3 GSPdf has been released The main feature is a Preference Panel where the user can select the GhostScript binary to use. Packagers are still encouraged to set the default path which is correct for the operating system they target to, but now for example multiple instances of GS are easily supported.

GSPdf is a PDF and PostScript viewer for GNUstep, it is a backend to GhostScript.