Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustration. Show all posts

I must be living under an internet rock because I've only recently come across the delightful site They Draw and Cook. You can find an endless selection of delicious recipes, wonderfully illustrated by artists from all around the world. There's a huge collection to browse through, and even a number of books published already. I love the above Italian recipes by Aliona Bereghici.

Also a must check-out: They Draw and Travel

Call the Midwife is high up there on my list of TV shows I must not miss a second of. I absolutely adore Chummy (of course I love Miranda Hart!), and these illustrations by Jana Christy are such a delightful portrayal of her. How I wish I could illustrate like this. Found from Jana's blog.

I adore these illustrations by Naomi Murrell. I love the clean simplicity. The few line strokes and the minimal dollops colours are put together so elegantly.

These art prints are available from Naomi Murrel's online shop.

Gorgeous illustrations by Sunny Gu. Images found via her etsy shop.

P.S. for those that asked, the camera in Monday's post is a tiny digital camera called Clap Your Hands.

Print via etsy by artequalshappy.

Every now and then i forget to do this, and become my own worst enemy and harshest critic.
What's the nicest thing you've done for yourself lately?

This awesome art print by Parada Creations made me laugh, and I just HAD to share it with all you fellow bloggers out there! True for all of us, is it not? ;)
Have a great weekend and keep blogging friends. x

I adore these sweet illustrations by Kareena Zerefos, especially that first one with the 2 children holding hands. I think of sibling tenderness when I see it and it reminds me of my big brother and I. Not that we ever dressed up as canaries though, but I'm sure we played our fair share of make believe games. These illustrations are a part of the "if i were an animal i would be..." series.
So, what animal would you like to be?
(a penguin or a giraffe for me!)
Artwork by Valerie Chua

It's always exciting when I unexpectedly stumble upon amazing talent, which is what happened when I  found myself at the blog Quiet Girl, and discovered these lovely Japanese-style illustrations by Valerie Chua. Pretty pretty!


Pop Pop Portraits is created by Helena, a creative talent originally from Melbourne who now resides in Los Angeles. She creates such cute characters, with stylish outfits and lovable personalities to match. Whether it's Paige who loves to dress up as a 1930s paper boy, Ginger who's trying to perfect a magic trick, or (my favourite) Simone with the sadness in her eyes - it's hard not to fall in love with each one!

Now here's some good news: Pop Pop Portraits is kindly offering one of you Much Love readers the chance to win a set of 4 prints of your choice! To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment and include your email. For an extra entry, leave another comment if you follow my blog. Open to readers worldwide, and will end this Friday (the 10th).

Also check out the Pop Pop Portraits blog.

P.S. the winner of the Beta Boutique giveaway, as chosen by random.org, is #4: alexkeller. Congratulations!


Absolutely adorable prints and plates by The Storybook Rabbit. Each and every one of those illustrations look like they hopped out of a beloved children's storybook, and are just the sweetest things ever!

{ guest blog post by Christina (Down and Out Chic) }

Sweet illustrations from UK based artist, Clare Owen:

I love the whimsy and soft palette of these illustrations. Aren't they lovely?
links: flickr / website

Christina from Down and Out Chic

For the 3rd day of this "Made This Myself" Week, I thought I'd do some illustrations: a flapper from the roaring 20s, and a groovy girl from the 60s! I'm not entirely happy with the end results (a little too sloppy), but I did say from the beginning that my projects weren't going to be about perfection. They were just something different and fun to do. So there - that justifies the sloppiness ;)

Are you blogging about something you've made this week? Then add your post to the Linky at the end of yesterday's post! I'd love to see it!


Okay so this is yet another self-promo blog post (sorry!), but I couldn't wait to share this with you. You know that 3rd Etsy shop I mentioned before? Well here it is. Come and see Dahliaville. It's a collaboration between me and my brother. He does all the drawings (the most important stuff!), while I do the digital colouring and manage the shop. It's inspired by retro pin up girls and the style of old Archie comic books. For a limited time and no additional cost, you can request us to customize some of them. We can change most of the colours (prefer blondes to brunettes, maybe?), and also change the letter on the cheerleader's top.

It's still in it's early stages, and there are still lots more illustrations in the works that I'll add in within the next few days. So do come and have a look. Any feedback is much appreciated, and maybe "heart" us if you really do like what you see. I almost forgot how exciting it is to start a brand new shop and see the page views and favourites slowly climb up one at a time. I'll probably be jumping for joy when we actually make a sale (*EDIT* .. and we just did! yay!).


Lab Partners illustrations, found via matouenpeluche. I love the retro style, the fun characters, and the bright fresh colours. It makes me happy to just look at them!

P.S. The winner of the Beta Boutique giveaway is #85, and that's Ronit. Congrats! I'll be emailing you soon.


Photography by Nicoline Patricia Malina
Illustrations by Ykha
from Harpers Bazaar Indonesia
*EDIT (16 April)* Just added the illustrator and magazine source. Thank you to Andra for letting me know! She also told me that they shot these near her house in Jakarta.

I really like how they combined photography and illustrations in this editorial. Both have a very delicate and romantic feel to them, making them fit so perfectly together. Also, did you notice her magnificent bow-covered skirt in the first photo? Love it!


A delightful little zine, Spoonful, is holding a giveaway asking readers to draw a bunny by this weekend. So here is mine! Wearing a love heart bow-tie of course. My scanner actually distorted the colours pretty badly, but I managed to fix it up a bit with some Photoshop clickity-clicks.

In other news.... I've been invited to take part in an art swap, and I'm looking for others who are willing to join too! Basically you send 1 piece of handmade goodie (it can be hand-drawn, hand-sewn, hand-crafted, anything!) and you will get 36 pieces of art in return! So if you'd love to play along, please say so in the comments (with your email) and I'll contact you with the details. I just need 2 more people, but if more are interested, let me know anyway because I can pass along your emails to my other friends who are also looking for participants.

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!

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