Showing posts with label SAL#6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAL#6. Show all posts

February 28, 2014

SAL #6 - I've Started Stitching

One mouse down, and many stitches to go...

I was snowed in on Monday so I finally had some time to get started on our SAL #6 picture. Luckily I had already bought the fabric, and I was happy to find I had all but one of the colours in my stash already, making it easy to begin.

I'm not as far along as Debbie yet, but I have been able to find a bit of time to stitch each day this week. By last night you could see the little mouse's big buddy taking shape:

I'm really enjoying working on this picture and I'm glad we chose it for one of the stitch alongs this year. I can't wait to see how everyone finishes off their Sunday Snooze pictures!