Showing posts with label SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAL. Show all posts

November 30, 2013

Greetings from Indonesia

Hello ladies!
I can see that everyone's busy with the christmas exchange and the latest SAL #4.

Well, I'm happy enough to announce that I've finished my SAL #3
Outdated, yeah... But very happy & relieved...
Here, take a peek... :)

1st : Spring Cat - April 2012
2nd : Summer Cat - July 2012
3rd : Autumn Cat - August 2013
4th : Winter Cat - September 2013

Wishing you all a great weekend!
Happy stitching!

August 28, 2013

Better Late Than Unfinished... - SAL#3

Hi gorgeous ladies!!
I've been away for a loooong time... :(

I've seen so many updates on SAL#4 which I don't participate...
Well, I'm still struggling to finish my SAL#3.
Work, family, chores, etc got in the way; but I'm back!

Let me celebrate my cat #3 from Cool Cats, the Autumn Cat.

Now I have 3 of them...

Once I started, I can't stop!
This will be my last cat, the Winter Cat...

Wish me luck!

March 7, 2013

Sal 1

Hello friends :).
There I enrolled at the time of your SAL #1 because I thought it would last a long time, since last year I embroidered this SAL because I was waiting for the time for me to buy the threads and arrive to my mail, you can check on my blog for my ufo already started embroidering 2 years I think.: (

Nia you can check my name in this SAL.:).
Kisses and hugs

March 1, 2013

Summer is done!

Hello, long time no post here!  I have been stitching away most nights on the Easter Exchange and alternating with Cool Cats Summer.

At long last I have something I can show you all, and by showing you I can put a big green tick against SAL #3.  Happy dance!!

I finished the last of the back stitch on Cool Cat "Summer" the other night!  Wow, that was a tough one (all that white and cream) but he is now all done.  And just in time for us in the Southern Hemisphere to finish Summer and move into Autumn.

Now that I have finally finished all three of the original SAL's I can start SAL #4 with a clear conscience!  Well, almost a clear conscience as I haven't made them all up yet... but that part will happen soon.

MS Cool Cat Summer - SAL #3
And here they all are.... stitched and waiting for some place to go!

Finished SAL #3 Cool Cats
Finished SAL #2 Christmas
Finished SAL # 1 Culinary Cats
I can't wait to finally start the next SAL - "Puppy Love"... this weekend is the beginning of a new stitching adventure.

Well that's it for this update from me.  I will be back with an update on the Easter Exchange and "Puppy Love" soon...

Til next time, happy stitching
Stitching Noni

July 12, 2012

My Second Cat - SAL#3

Hi gorgeous ladies!!

I finally finished stitching my second cat, the Summer Cat.
A bit behind schedule, as always... but very glad & relieved right now..!!

May 20, 2012

A Finish and a Finish!

Hello again!

This month I have mainly been stitching on my Rose Garden Mandala, but I did take time out to stitch a little birthday card for the Craft Bubble "Crazy for Kitties" Birthday Exchange.

And this is the result!
Teacup Kitty - designer Margaret Sherry
Cross Stitch Card Shop issue 82
Stitched for Craft Bubble Crazy for Kitties Birthday Exchange
This cute little kitty was a freebie in the Cross Stitch Card Shop magazine, issue 82.  I used papers from various paper crafting magazines for the background and stitching surround.  The birthday greetings also came from a magazine.  The flowers and little butterflies were in my stash as was the gold ribbon that I tied into the bow.  The little bit of bling came from, of all places, the table decorations from my brother's wedding!  (Yes, I keep all sorts of strange things!!)  I made the 2 pins with beads from my stash.  This little cutie kitty will be in the mail to the UK tomorrow morning along with a couple of little kitty gifts.

I have also finished my Autumn Kitty into a little pillow.  I found the fabric for this a few weeks ago when we went to Handcrafters House.  Once I started to stitch the pillow I realised just how perfect the fabric was!  The pillow ended up being bigger than I had originally planned it to be....when I stitched the back to the kitty and looked at it I thought it actually looked nicer with the fabric on both sides of the kitty.... and so I continued along a different line!  Here is Autumn Kitty in all his glory!

Autumn Kitty - Cool Cats SAL
I haven't as yet started my next Cool Cat or my Summer Exchange, but they will be started in the next week.  I still have to "finish" off my Culinary Cats from the first SAL.  All the cats are stitched and I have now finally decided how to finish them off.  That may take a few weeks before I have another update on the finish.

Pop on over to my blog for further stitching updates!

Til next time, happy stitching

Stitching Noni

April 9, 2012

Culinary Cats all finished - finally!!

I did it!!      

I have finally finished the third cat for the Culinary Cats SAL #1.  Yes, a big tick off my stitching list for 2012 - little happy dance happening here!!
Margaret Sherry Culinary Cat #3 - finished

MS Blog Lovers SAL #1 - Culinary Cats
Margaret Sherry design - Cross Stitcher issue 222

Now all I have to do is the final finish.... it will either be a hanger or a cushion, but no final decision has been made yet!
Pop on over to my blog for further stitching updates!

Til next time, happy stitching

Stitching Noni

April 4, 2012

My First Cat - SAL#3

Hi gorgeous ladies!!

I finally finished stitching my first cat, the Spring Cat.
It's quite overdue, but I'm very happy to be able to finish this cutie..

I haven't had any idea how am I going to finish this piece. I better do some research then...
Now, let's proceed to second cat!

March 27, 2012

My first cat Sal!!!

I present my first kitten Sal!!!
I'm enjoying embroidering these cats and now I will start the second.
Hope you enjoy!!!


March 26, 2012

SAL #1 - Culinary Cats update

It's me back again!  This time with an update on my somewhat slow progress on SAL #1 - Culinary Cats.  As I have previously mentioned I stitched the first 2 Culinary Cats a few months ago and then got sidetracked stitching other things.

Now the time has come to finish the third cat in the series and finish the SAL.

I started stitching the sweet little kitty earlier this week and now here he is almost half way done! 
SAL #1 Culinary Cats - Kitty number 3
As you can now see I have stitched Kitty #3 next to Kitty #1 which probably means that you have guessed that all three kitties are on the same piece of fabric.  I am thinking of turning the finished piece into a table runner or maybe a hanging.  We shall just have to wait and see what unfolds....

Til next time, happy stitching

Stitching Noni

October 6, 2011

SAL * Finish

Hello! =)

Finally I come to display my culinary cats completed. They are in my kitchen.

Doing this SAL gave me a lot of fun.

Happy Stitching!

August 31, 2011


Hello =)

I finished my SAL! Here they are! My culibary cats are so funny =D

Maybe put in a frame on my kitchen...

Happy stitching!

August 22, 2011

Culinary Cats SAL - Cat #2

Hello there!  Guess what?

I have finally finished my Margaret Sherry Culinary Cat #2..... I know I have been promising for weeks to get it finished - but now he is done!

When we last left him he looked like this....
Last update 24th June 2011
Now he looks like this!
21 August 2011

Margaret Sherry Culinary Cats 1 & 2
Some time in the next couple of weeks I will start the third and final one in the series....  so keep coming back to the same "culinary cat" channel to see when the next one starts to take shape!

Pop on over to my blog for further stitching updates!

Til next time,

Stitching Noni

June 23, 2011

3rd finish!! uhuuu :D

Hello ladies! :)

I've finished all my pieces with my Culinary Cats from our SAL :D
I have an apron, a recipe card binder and a box filled with cookie cutters!

This set is a gift for my 6 y.o. goddaughter/niece Carol =)
Mission accomplished!!! ;)

June 14, 2011


Hi everyone, I haven´t finish my SAL but I started 2 Cats, I will try to finish them until August :)

These are my 2 Wip :

Hope you like it :)


June 10, 2011

I started, so I will finish... eventually!

I may be slow but I am persistent!

I had some time off last week and did manage to get some stitching done on my MS SAL.  Culinary Cat number 1 is now finished and number 2 has been started!

Fingers crossed cat number 2 gets stitched alot quicker than number 1.  Besides stitching a birthday card this weekend, I have no more deadline stitching to do other than finish my culinary cats.  So watch this space!!!

Margaret Sherry Culinary Cat No. 1 finished!
I should also get my "Totally Tropical" cat finished in the next couple of weeks so will post a pic once that is finished.

Pop on over to my blog for further stitching updates!

Til next time,

Stitching Noni

June 4, 2011

SAL 2nd finish

One more done! :D

It's a box with cookie cutters of different sizes and shapes, that now has my jelly cat on the top and matches my recipe ring binder :)

You can read a little more and see other pictures on my blog ;)
I'm working on my last piece!

May 31, 2011

SAL 1st finish

Hello ladies :)
I've been waiting for some more updates on our SAL, no one else has finished since Alda?

Only 4 (from 11) stitchers have stitched all cats, what happened?!
Didn't you enjoy our SAL? Do you think time was too short?
Let me know your thoughts about this, so next time we can do better ;)

I've finished my first piece, a recipe ring binder :)

You can read more about how I finished this on my blog, here and here :)

May 11, 2011

Two cats together

Here's my second work with the cullinar cats. I hope you'll like it.
I will be waiting for another SAL.

May 3, 2011

My cullinar book

An original cullinar book. I used an old ring binder oh my daughter and I cover it with this original tissue. I changed the blue colour of the cats to green to fit with the tissue colours. I enjoyed very much doing this work.I hope you like it.