Showing posts with label Stitching Noni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stitching Noni. Show all posts

August 15, 2016

Hello... long time no visit!

Wow.... it is so long since I have come over to this blog to say hello...  Looking at the blog feed I can see it was December 2015 when I last posted!  So to make up for it how about a finally finished Margaret Sherry piece!

I stitched these little mices over a couple of months and had originally planned to keep them as one piece for a bell pull... but then I changed my mind!  I finished them off as a hanger for a Christmas in July swap last month.

I must admit that these three little guys are my first MS stitching finishes for quite some time... I do have some WIPs sitting around that I must get back to one day!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Til next time...hugs xx

December 26, 2015

Send a Smile from Russia

Merry Christmas everyone!!

I had a lovely early Christmas present.... after months of thinking that the package Lena-Lentochka sent from Russia had been lost in the mail I finally received the package!

It took over 4 1/2 months to travel from Lena in Russia to myself in Australia... one very slow boat indeed!

Thank you Lena for the smile.... I am so pleased that it finally arrived safe and sound as when I was checking with the Post Office they had no record of it arriving in the country....

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas... all the best for 2016

Hugs xx

November 17, 2015

MS Stitching Update

Hi everyone!  Long time no posting... and long time no MS stitching!  But finally I have something to show you...

I have just looked back over the blog posts and noticed that the last time I posted on this blog was February 2015.... oh my goodness - I am hanging my head in shame!!

So who wants to see what MS stitching I have been doing over the last few months?

First up of course was the "Send a Smile" Exchange that I sent to Angel.  Link to Angel's post is here...

(Unfortunately I am yet to receive my exchange piece that Lentochka sent to me... given the length of time since it was posted I suspect it has been well and truly lost in mail - oh well these things happen)

While I have a couple of MS design in my stitching basket at the moment I haven't been very good at stitching on them....

Update below:

Spring Bouquet - last stitched on in April 2015

Merry Christmas Kitty (free kit) - last stitched on in July 2015

Trio of Christmas Mice (Free Kit) - finished in November 2015 (yippee!!)

As I said, not a lot of MS stitching done this year but at least I do have some finishes!!!  Hopefully next year will be a better year for MS stitching.

Til next time, happy stitching!
Hugs xx

August 5, 2015

Send a smile exchange - Noni to Angel

Hi girls,

I have some great news to share with you!
The  parcel from Noni arrived this morning at my door.
And for sure i am dancing a happy dance.
Look at this pretty package with a sweet card, threads, nail file, chart book,the supercute souvenirs from Australia and super pretty MS cross stitch with a lovely frame!
Really love this cute little mouse!
Thank you soooo much Noni, you are making me smile big time!
Big hugs to you, and of course to all the other stitchers on this blog!

February 15, 2015

Hello again....

Goodness me, it has been so long since I posted here.... and so very long since I have stitched a Margaret Sherry design!  Last year my stitching plans went slightly awry as my job went super crazy and I went back to working 5 days a week.... with less hours to stitch each week, and even less energy not a lot got done!

But 2015 is getting off to a great start and I sort of have some updates for you.... no finishes yet but who knows what the next couple of months will bring!

So here we go for a bit of an update on my MS stitching:

SAL #5 - Spring Bouquet
My last update on this lovely design was way back on 27th April 2014..... and this is what Kitty looked like then

SAL #5 - Spring Bouquet
Status as at 27th April 2014
and after a little bit of love and attention courtesy of the Crazy January Challenges I was doing last month, this is what Kitty looks like now! Actually this is not all because of the January challenge - I had done a little bit more in between my April post and January, but not a lot!

SAL #5 - Spring Bouquet
Status as at 20th January 2015

During January I also started stitching on the some of the MS free gifts that I had sitting around.  Pics below:

Cross Stitch Crazy Issue 171 - Free Gift
Free Gift - World of Cross Stitching - Issue 220

Free Gift - World of Cross Stitching - Issue 220

Free Gift - World of Cross Stitching - Issue 220
So after a rather lengthy absence of stitching on Margaret Sherry designs I am certainly trying to make up for it now!

Hopefully I will be back again in a very short space of time to show you some finishes of the small Christmas designs above!

Til then, happy stitching

April 27, 2014

SAL #5 - First update

Well hello, long time no post!!!  It has been a little while since I last stitched on a Margaret Sherry design, but last night I finally started on my SAL #5 - Spring Bouquet.

Now, I know there isn't a lot to show at the moment, but I really wanted to let you now that I have finally started on this really sweet design.

April update - started 26/4/2014
SAL # 5 - Spring Bouquet

The fabric that I am stitching on is a 14 ct Aida - white with pink spots.  I think that this cute design will look really lovely on such a feminine looking fabric.  As you can see I have started in the middle... which unfortunately means I will be hitting all that "lovely" white on the kitty very soon!!

Hopefully I will be able to come back again real soon to show you more of my stitching on this cute design.


January 17, 2014

SAL #4 - "Puppy Love" finished!

Just thought I'd drop in really quickly and do an update on my attempt at SAL #4 "Puppy Love".

I had intended to finish these little cuties before the end of 2013... but time and tide wait for no man and certainly not for me!  Even though I was stitching right up to midnight on 31st December 2013, I didn't actually put the final back stitch in until a couple of days later.

May I present Margaret Sherry's "Puppy Love"

I really did enjoy stitching these gorgeous puppies and I am a little bit sad to have finished them... but while they may be packed away safe and sound at the moment, I will bring them out in a couple of weeks to do the final finish on them.  Still trying to work out what to do but I suspect they will be made into a hanging for either the craft room or one of the spare rooms.

You may notice that I didn't do all the french knots on the lettering.  While I don't mind french knots normally, trying to do them on the lettering was driving me spare... so I decided that life was short enough without stressing over french knots!  In the end I have only stitched them for the punctuation - I don't think they are missed as the design looks just as nice without them!

I am looking forward to starting the next SAL especially the Spring Bouquet kitty.  Hopefully the lovely Margaret Sherry will have some more gorgeous designs out this year in our favourite mags that we can drool over and stitch.

See you again real soon when I come back to show you all the "making up" that I have been doing on my other SAL's that we have stitched over the last few years.


December 29, 2013

Secret Santa from Ireland to Australia

Merry Christmas!!

I have now received my Exchange Gift in our Christmas Exchange.  This lovely package arrived in my mailbox on Christmas Eve (perfect timing) and was from Heather in Ireland.

I was truly spoilt by Heather as she also included in the package some lovely Dragon Floss hand dyed threads from Polstitches, gorgeous Santa ribbon, gold ribbon, bell pull hangers and a pack of pink spotted aida as well as a.... Margaret Sherry kitty cross stitch kit - "Purr-turbed". 

This is my first Margaret Sherry kit... I know it seems strange given how much I love her designs, but all the designs I have in my stash are from the UK cross stitch magazines.  Thank you Heather, I absolutely love the exchange gift you sent me and Santa will be on our Christmas tree every year from now on!

Thank you Nia for hosting another fantastic exchange and for hosting this wonderful blog and friendship group.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all the best for the New Year!

Stitching Noni

December 21, 2013

From Noni to Olli ♥Christmas Excange♥

My waiting time is over, a surprise parcel has arrived! My Secret Santa is Noni. She spoiled me with nice things (see pictures), it all says Merry Chrismas! The Christmas card hangs on a cord with the other cards, the banner on the wall, the wooden board between the fir branches on the front door and the green bird in my improvised Christmas tree.

Noni, thank you!

November 8, 2013

Halloween Exchange - from Dominican Republic to Australia

Happy Halloween! (belated Halloween...)

Hi girls, it's my turn to show you what a gorgeous package I received from **Ysa** (Detallitos de Ysabel) this week.

Halloween Exchange Package from **Ysa**
Halloween Kitty
Ysa sent me the most delightful Halloween kitty and a package of goodies including threads and beads, charms, ribbons, pegs, a lovely orange tea towel that has a great border just right for stitching, a lovely post card as well as a souvenir key ring.  I think that the tea towel will look rather good all stitched up for Halloween next year!

Thank you Ysa for the most brilliant exchange package.  I absolutely love it all... kitty is just delightful... He will be on show all year round not just at Halloween!

Til next time, happy stitching


July 25, 2013

All the Way from Australia!!

Thank you so much Leonie - Noni for the great Blogaversary exchange gifts!  I love everything so much and already added the scissor fobs to my scissors and to the new cute scissors you sent me as well!  They are both so very cute and the little fairy is very dainty that you made.   Your creation of the box with the your excellent stitching of the sheep is just gorgeous and will be a keepsake forever.  I haven't decided what to use it for, but it will definitley be stitching items!!!  :)  There are so many!!  I was thinking possibly a box to hold threads and such for a project as I work on it, instead of a zip loc baggie!!  Will be much more fun and quite professional!! lol   

I will for sure be using the threads and ribbon you sent as they are always part of my stitching in finishing an item.  I have put the Australia pin on my summer cap and already people have noticed it and wanted to touch it since it came from so far away!  lol  And I let them too!!  It made them smile as well as me.  I haven't started the Oregano kit yet, but I have it in my stitching to do soon. 

Thank you so much Noni for your great package and all your time in making me such a special box!!  I hope to be able to exchange to you one day so that I may return some wonderful smiles to you too!!  :)   Anne

July 21, 2013

Blogaversary Exchange - From Malaysia to Australia

Hi there!

Gosh, haven't we had a wonderful exchange this time round.  We have seen some absolutely gorgeous packages going around the world and arriving at their destinations in record time :o)

And now I am here to show you what I received last week from Fara in Malaysia.

Isn't this the cutest Hedgehog?  I love the ballerina hedgehog design and Fara has done a lovely job of turning this little cutie into a pretty pink bag. Perfect for storing ribbons or threads in and for showing off in the craft room! :o)

Also in the pretty pink box Fara sent some lovely purple butterflies, cute animals pegs, metallic tape, a pretty pink tin and a chocolate notepad, as well as some pink pot pourri and a lovely souvenir from Malaysia. Now I just have to go there one day and see the tallest towers for myself!

Thank you Fara for a lovely package that you sent me for this exchange.  I absolutely love it all.

And a big thank you to Nia for organising this great exchange, and thank you to everyone for making it a great success...  Hopefully the last of the packages will arrive at their destinations soon and we will have 100% sent and received!!

Til next time, happy stitching


July 10, 2013

And then there were 3!!!

Halfway there!

Yes, that's right... 3 puppies down, 3 to go!! They are so cute and I have really enjoyed stitching these 3 puppies and I am quite looking forward to stitching the other little puppies... But I am putting them away for a couple of weeks now while I stitch something else.

Looking forward to seeing all the exchange packages as they arrive at their destinations. Well done girls, looks like we have a great success rate for this one.. :)

Til next time, happy stitching

Stitching Noni


June 9, 2013

SAL #4 Puppy Love - June 2013 update

Puppy, where are you puppy?

All of a sudden I appear to have 2 and half puppies!  There was a while there when I thought that I wouldn't get the first puppy finished... and now I am here to show you that I have actually managed to now stitch 2 and a half puppies!

I must admit that I sort of fell out of love with this design last month... but now all of a sudden I am back in love with it and going along at a great rate of knots.

Puppy Love as at 8 June 2013

Fingers crossed the third puppy will be finished very soon... and then we will be onto the next one.

In the meantime though I need to get my needle and thread warmed up and into the next exchange piece!

Til next time, happy stitching everyone!

Stitching Noni

May 10, 2013

Gifts from Noni!!!

I'm so happy, so happy!!! Came to me a wonderful gift of Noni from far away as Australia!!! Making riding a long time more than 2 months. But the gift is not too late, because Easter is celebrated in Russia on May 5. We now go to the Easter days, and gifts from Noni brought to my house a lot of joy, happiness and fun!!!

Look what a beautiful cushion with the bunny! So neat and wonderful job! And the cute bunny so funny.))) In Russian his name ZAICHIK.

 There was still a lot of bright sunshine gifts! Delicious chocolate eggs and bunnies, Easter ribbons, stickers, chicken in a basket, cloth, fragrant soaps and scissors with the hare. That's how many rabbits and chickens sent me Noni!)))

 Dear Noni, thank you so much for your kind letter, and for the wonderful gifts for the holiday!!! I really enjoyed it!!! I am very happy!!!)))

Many thanks to Nia for the organization of our wonderful Easter sharing!!!


April 6, 2013

Friendship & Easter Exchange

Hello!  It is time to reveal what the postie delivered this week... Two adorable packages from the other side of the world.

The first package to arrive came from Rita in Portugal.

Gift from Rita

Rita sent me a lovely handmade card, some postcards with pictures of Portugal and some lovely embellishments   Rita sent me the card and pretties as a thank you for the exchange package I sent her as part of our MS Lovers Blog Winter Exchange.  Such a lovely surprise - Thank you Rita, I adore everything that you sent :o)

The second package was my Easter Exchange gift which came all the way from Judith in Germany.

Easter Exchange from Judith
Close up of the gorgeous bunny pillow

The pillow is delightful.  I love the design - in fact I nearly stitched it myself for the Exchange but changed my mind at the last minute.  Also in the package is a book of cute Easter German cross stitch designs, a thread holder, a cute little bunny bag with some lovely embellishments and some choccies.  Aren't they all so lovely?  Thank you Judith, this is a lovely exchange gift.

As yet I still can't show you what I sent to Lentochka as part of the exchange as I haven't heard yet if it has arrived safely in Russia.  Hopefully we will hear soon of it's arrival and all will be revealed.

So now that makes two packages that I have sent that I am still waiting to show off to you - a pixie parcel to Eleana and my Easter Exchange to Lentochka.  Fingers crossed we will hear any day now that they have arrived and all will be revealed :o)

Thank you again Judith and Rita for my gorgeous packages - they really made my day :o), and thank you Nia for organising our Exchanges.  I love being a part of these exchanges - all the love and friendship that goes into the stitching and packages is wonderful.  I hope that the last couple of packages arrive soon and that everyone will be smiling.

Til next time, happy stitching


March 22, 2013

SAL #4 - Puppy Love Update


Thought I'd just drop in quickly to say hi and show you where I am up to with SAL #4 "Puppy Love".

I have started the first puppy and he is now almost done... not quite though - he is still missing an ear!

This is just the cutest design to stitch.  I am really enjoying seeing this puppy come into being...

Here he is so far....

I love seeing all the gorgeous packages that have started to arrive for our Easter Exchange.  Mine is still winging it's way to it's destination and as yet the postie hasn't dropped anything into my mail box... but I am sure that it won't be long before two more mail boxes have a nice surprise :o)

Til next time, happy stitching

Stitching Noni

March 1, 2013

Summer is done!

Hello, long time no post here!  I have been stitching away most nights on the Easter Exchange and alternating with Cool Cats Summer.

At long last I have something I can show you all, and by showing you I can put a big green tick against SAL #3.  Happy dance!!

I finished the last of the back stitch on Cool Cat "Summer" the other night!  Wow, that was a tough one (all that white and cream) but he is now all done.  And just in time for us in the Southern Hemisphere to finish Summer and move into Autumn.

Now that I have finally finished all three of the original SAL's I can start SAL #4 with a clear conscience!  Well, almost a clear conscience as I haven't made them all up yet... but that part will happen soon.

MS Cool Cat Summer - SAL #3
And here they all are.... stitched and waiting for some place to go!

Finished SAL #3 Cool Cats
Finished SAL #2 Christmas
Finished SAL # 1 Culinary Cats
I can't wait to finally start the next SAL - "Puppy Love"... this weekend is the beginning of a new stitching adventure.

Well that's it for this update from me.  I will be back with an update on the Easter Exchange and "Puppy Love" soon...

Til next time, happy stitching
Stitching Noni

January 2, 2013

Finishing 2012 with a flourish....

Happy New Year!!

Well, 2012 is over and 2013 is just beginning....  I managed to get most of my Margaret Sherry stitching goals finished this year and I am now looking forward to seeing what the new year has to offer.

My final stitching for 2012 was my little Santa from our SAL #2.  That is now all finished.... yippee!  Just need to work out what to do with Santa - but that is for another day this week!!

I have only one more kitty to stitch and then I will be finished SAL #3 - Cool Cats....  I don't think I got around to showing you Spring when I finished him... so here he is...

So that's Autumn, Winter and Spring done... just have to stitch Summer.  I am hoping that I will get Summer finished in the next couple of weeks and then I will come back and show you the final finishes for Cool Cats.

Once Summer is stitched I will have completed all 3 of our SAL's.... wonder what the next one will be?

Thank you everyone for a great year on our group blog - the friendship that I have found through this blog is amazing.  I have loved being a part of the exchanges and SAL's.  The stitching and crafting are fabulous... the support and inspiration from you all has been brilliant.  Thank you Nia for hosting a great place for us to meet and for all the hard work you put in keeping us on track with our stitching... I look forward to another great year ahead!

Can't wait to see what new designs that Margaret Sherry has for us over the year as well....

I hope that everyone has a wonderful 2013 with lots of fabulous stitching and wonderful experiences to come.

Til next time, happy stitching
Stitching Noni

December 30, 2012

Christmas Exchange from Australia to Portugal :)

I should already showed to you all my christmas exchange, but i've not had enough time to turn my cumputer in these last days :(
Anyway, here i am to show you what i've received from Noni, from Australia :) She have made me a beautiful ornament...just lovely! Here's a picture of it hanging on my tree :)

And she also sent me some other beautiful things. Some bits and pieces for my scrapbooking hobby as cute stickers, some beautiful ribbons and some clothes pins with santa :)

Thank you ver much dear Noni..i loved it! :)
Kisses to you all and thank you again, Nia, for organizing this great exchange:)
Have a great 2013!!:)