Showing posts with label Ana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ana. Show all posts

June 2, 2013

=^.^= Cats MS

Had not used the embroidery of SAL1. My cats were abandoned.

Last week, the sewed together with other tissues that resulted in covers for cookbook.

Liked the results? I hope so.

Ana Paula.
*Forgive the grammar mistakes, my English is rusty.

June 28, 2011

Cute dogs!

Hello Girls!
I loved making these dogs. They are cute, are simple, are so special! Who knows that there are bad days are near those cuteness. The tail always balance the slightest sign of our presence! Party is always guaranteed. While embroidering still remembered the lesson that no one ascends alone in life! =) Embroidery is also culture. I love it!
=) Ana

March 19, 2011

3nd Cat ♥

Girls I finished the third cat SAL. Yes, I know I am well advanced by one month to be quite accurate. But this is so, or I take when I have to loosen the strain of work and keep things on time, or run the risk of work increase and slow me down. I chose to move forward!Now I'll decide what to do with the fat cats and cute!
While deciding, I'm looking forward to the progress of the kittens who is participating in the SAL, so go all missing the blog! A good weekend to rest, walking and many embroidery.

My blog

March 18, 2011

♥ Cat

Hello, good night girls!
I know I'm early in the third cat SAL, but they must be well enjoy the time together and the commitment, otherwise I risk repeating the late February, I prefer doing my xxxxx go =)
How are you with your embroidery?
I still have not decided what to do with my 3 cats. Who is not in the SAL have any suggestions?

March 6, 2011

SAL 2nd Cat

Yes! I know we're on the 6th of March, and am so happy with my stuff organized and on time!I finished my second kitten ... Yes, today I stitched for hours. But it was enjoyable.
Now I don´t know if the third go forward, not to risk a delay, hopefully in April or ... I think I'll wait a little, has more grace to keep pace of play!And as you walk with your cat?
Good Sunday, good carnival!

SAL - My 2nd Cat

Second cat started! And on time!
Have a nice weekend.

March 4, 2011

My First Cat

Hello girls!
Did not I say that February had 31 days would have finished in time. But the truth is that the month had only 28 days and I was late in the SAL.
Today I finished my first cat. Despite not knowing what to make of it, liked the result.
I changed the outline color.
Apron> DMC 825
Book> Anchor 401
Cat> Anchor 352
Mouth, eyes, mustache, eyebrows> Anchor 359
Hat> Anchor 400
Because I made a big change, but it was to my liking, and you liked?
The right eye will remake the French knot he was crooked. Arghhhhh weird! Scary! Hehehehe
Bring on the Cat 2!
Good night, Ana

March 3, 2011


Already missing very little. Yesterday I could not sew, but today finalized the cross stitch. I hope to finish it between tomorrow and Friday! Let's see.
Good night, Ana.

March 1, 2011


Onward! Onward!
If the month had 31 days I think I would do the trick, but in February ended today!
I'm late! : /

February 28, 2011

SAL in progress!

I know it will not be ready tomorrow, sorry girls, much work, but at least I started today and was happy with the progress! =)

November 28, 2010


Finally the pad is ready! It took me to sew it, the picture is no filler, just to ease the picture.
Liked? Despite the unusual colors, I found that they matched well with the cats!
>>> Forgive me for possible errors in the text, I used Google translator for Portuguese / English.

September 8, 2010

My 1st MS!

Here is my first embroidery M.S.
Choose one among so many beautiful reasons, it was not easy. I chose this pair of cats.
Normally I finish all the cross stitch and only then the backstitch. This time it was unusual, I was gradually stitching and photographing for you guys!

Advancing ... Only a solitary cat!

Not so alone anymore, we now have another kitten to keep up.

And finally the whole reason terminated. I liked it very much and you?

>>> Forgive me for possible errors in the text, I used google translator for Portuguese / English.