Thursday, 23 December 2010
Christmas Gift Wrapping - Tissue & Cello
Morning bloggers, I have to be super quick today as I am looking after my little Nephew in a mo and we have an action packed day ahead! Including shopping, making, baking and playing! All my favorite things..........
This is another one of my parcels that I have been wrapping, all of my ladies on my Christmas class had one of these, and my colleague's at work.
I have just added the gift onto a sheet of tissue paper and then a sheet of dotty cello. Then bunched it all up at the top and tied a silver bow. So simple but really effective I think.
Finally I thought that you would like to see how cold it still is, here are Olives little paw prints on the icy bin shed roof.........
Don't worry she has warmed them up on my lap now! I'll pop back tomorrow and show you the cards that we made on my Penny Black Christmas class. xxx
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Christmas Gift Wrapping
Morning bloggers I am pleased to say that I have now finished the wrapping YEAHHHHHH. Here is one of the little gifts that I have wrapped with some homemade wrapping paper.
I have used some simple brown paper and stamped onto it with Serene Snowflakes stamps in Cherry Cobbler ink. I then created the tag and added a little gem to the centre. I would like to pretend that all my parcels looked this pretty but they don't. My parcels all look lovely to start with then by the time I am at the end they look as though they have been run over by a bus! LOL
See you
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
My last class project, gift card holder!
I can't believe that white stuff is still hanging around! It looks soooooo pretty but sure is a pain. My last project is a card that folds out to make a mini album and gift card holder.
Here it is unfolded to reveal the decorated pockets:
& here it is with the pockets open, revealing the little gift pocket.
I will pop back tomorrow with some gift wrapping that I have done.
See you then. xxx
Monday, 20 December 2010
Second card from the Helen and Zoe day.
Morning campers, as promised I am back with the second card that I made in my class,
I have used the same products as yesterday but have used the bauble punch too. I have re-created this a few times for my Christmas cards using the same patterned paper range it is really versatile.
I had better go as I need to try and battle into work today....that will be fun! NOT!!!!!!!!!
I'll be back tomorrow with my final class item, a gift card holder card. See you then xxxx
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Mine and Helens Christmas Day!!!
Morning bloggers, we are still snowed in so thought I would take this opportunity to catch up on my blogging. Three times a year Helen Meighan and I have a craft day and the Christmas one is one of my favorites, we have two classes and two make and takes as well as prizes and gifts. They are always fully booked on the day we release them and we really love doing them.
Over the next couple of days I will be showing you the cards that i made in my class, this is the first one:
I have used the Jolly holiday papers, Cherry Cobbler, Kraft and Very Vanilla card and the "Contempo Christmas" stamp set. The gems in the corner are the new SU ones and they are soooooo shiny. I have completely covered the tree with heat and stick and dazzlin diamonds but you can't really see it as I don't have a "Glitter" button on my camera!
I'll pop back tomorrow with my other card.
Stay safe and warm xxx
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Good morning from a very snowy Sussex!
My goodness where is all this white stuff coming from......about 3" in a couple of hours! We are all stocked up and the fires on so we are staying put for the weekend! I have some last minute crafting to do and a bit of wrapping other than that it is Christmas films with Mr Wonka and the Kit Nits!!!!!
I just wanted to pop on and show you my latest Christmas tree ornaments,
how cool are they, they are perfect on my gold and brown themed tree! They shouted at me in the garden centre and had to come home with me!!!!
I'll be back tomorrow to do some more show and tell............
Friday, 10 December 2010
No it's not my sister who is 75!
This is a card that I made for a little old lady who comes into my post office where I work, she found out that I'm a crafter and asked me to make a special card for her sister who was turning 75 in a couple of weeks. I don't often make cards for other people as I rarely get time to meet all my card making commitments as it is, without taking on more work. But she is so lovely I couldn't say no. Here is the card:
I saw her a few days later and produced the card, and she said that she had actually got it wrong and that her sister is actually 76 not 75 so she doesn't need it anymore! So if any of you have a 75 year old sister please get in bless her!
I have got a day off today (actually I have every Friday off) and am going to start the wrapping of the presents! This is where I find out that I have brought far too much and lose the will to live at around lunch time! Wish me luck............
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Papercraft Inspirations Christmas Card
Good morning everyone, I hope that you are all well today, I am off to work in a mo then back home this afternoon to finish off my book that I can't seem to put down at the moment. I love it when a book grabs me that much! It is called "Charity" by Lesley Pearce and is fab! I can pass it on if anyone fancies a read after!
Right onto today's show and tell, I was asked by the lovely Jenny, the editor, to make a Christmas card that would be represent me as a crafter and would echo the kind of card I would send to friends and family then they were all put together with the other designers cards. This is a pic of the front cover of the issue it is in:
and here is the card that features all my favorite things,
Penny Black, cats, Stampin' up! and Doodlebug! Also if you look closely a new pic of me too.............scary, I hate hate hate having my picture taken!
See you soon xxx
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
My take on the convention make and take.
Morning, you have probably all seen this card that was one of the make and takes that we made at convention.
It has been made using the watercolour technique which I didn't think I would really like but I have fallen in love with it!
So much so that that I decided to recreate it in different colours.
I was really pleased with how this has come out, I will defiantly be trying this technique again in the future!
I hope that you are all well and not too chilly, at least the retched snow has gone now.
I'll be back super soon x
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
You all missed Kyle turning 6!!!!!!
Can you believe that my nephew is now six!!!! He had a fab day a few weeks ago followed by a magic party at the local football club! Here is the card I made him:
and here is a picture of his chocolate and vanilla magic cupcakes:
I ordered the magic hat toppers from the states and if you look really closely they even have edible stars on the top!
Here is them all packaged and ready to go:
and here is the mini superstar himself, taken last week in the snow.
isn't he cuter than king cute from cuteville!!!!!!!!
I'll be back soon xxx
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Catching up again..........
I only have a few more pics to show and tell before I am finally up to date with my blogging! Today I am sharing my Stampin' Up! convention pics with you. I'm sure that you have seen all the convention pics a month ago, so you know that the venue was stunning, the projects were stunning and Shelli the owner of Stampin' Up was the definition of style and loveliness so you don't want to hear all about that again. So I wanted to share with you a collage of pictures that sums up the reason my convention was so fab:
Yup you guessed it, it's the Stampin' Stars, my Stampin' Up! family with Nat being the top star! We really had a blast and my convention wouldn't have been the same without my bestest crafting buddies!
Next year it is in Euro Disney, I haven't decided if I will be going yet but one things certain, if I do, I will have a blast!
If you would like a workshop or any SU goodies then please do not hesitate to contact me, I would love to help. Nat & I have so many exciting things coming up in the new year! I hope that some of you will be able to join in with the fun with us! It is all kicking off with a day event on the 22nd January in the Crawley area, more details to follow soon!
I'll be back tomorrow with a certain little mans birthday pics and his magic cupcakes!!!!!
Saturday, 4 December 2010
My partner in crime has moved...........
blog home, not new home! Natalie continues to share what she loves at her new blog which can be found here.
She is also doing the 12 days of Christmas and is giving away two stamp sets! So pop over and say hi!
Friday, 3 December 2010
Snow, More Snow, Bad News and Frozen Paws!
Well where do I start it has been an eventful few days here. Lets start with the snow snow and more snow! As you will all know snow has taken over the world and that includes my little piece of it. Here are a few pics for you:
Mr Wonka and I couldn't get to work Wednesday or Thursday and although it is sooooooooooooo pretty I wish it would go away now! Mr Wonka has managed to get in today and I am at home. Although I shouldn't be as (now for the bad news) I was supposed to be having an operation today in Brighton hospital but they have had to cancel it due to the adverse weather conditions! I understand fully why they have had to do this but it is so hard as I have been waiting since August and living in constant pain is very tiresome! On the plus side I have all my Christmas shopping done and magazine commissions up to date so I can relax and chill out for a few days. The hospital seem to think I will have to go back on the waiting list, I will let you know when I hear any more.
Finally I thought you might like to see some frozen paws.........
Not the best picture in the world but she has been so funny, in some places the snow is taller than little Olive so she has to hop about like a little rabbit. Surprisingly for Arthur he seems to have more sense and is firmly positioned on the sofa! LOL
I hope that you are all safe and warm where you are and making the most of the extra crafting time!
See you soon xxx
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Christmas Crimping!
Hullo Hullo from a very snowy Sussex!!!! It is soooooo pretty outside, not sure if I will venture to work yet I'll access the situation later I think. I'll try and take some snow pics and will pop back tomorrow for snow show and tell! Although I am sure you have enough snow of your own to be peeping at!

I have used the Imaginise Christmas papers and SU card and inks. I hope that you like them. It is really odd me showing you these as they were made back in the summer when it was about 80 degrees..........
Have you opened your number one on your advent calenders? This is the first year I haven't had one :(
Just a quicky today, here is the peep at an article showing how to get different effects with a paper crimper.
This is the first two pages, I forgot to take a pic of the other page! Opps sorry!
Here are the cards in real life:
I'll be back with some snow pics tomorrow! xxx
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