Showing posts with label vintage market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage market. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Vintage Market 2!

Here we are again at the vintage market...

A pretty chair newly upholstered

The back is as good as the front don't you think!?  I did try it out and it was very comfortable.

The lady who runs this stall has a shop in Arundel called Vintage Maison..

I love that little pink scooter...

This stall was asking if people were ready for Goodwood - our local racing circuit!

My friend has a thing about vintage aprons and her daughter went away with a different one... but we both liked this one!

Can you see us all in the mirror?

My friend's mother, my friend, her two daughters and me!

Even here we couldn't quite get away from just around the corner we saw this young lady in her beautiful dress - picture's not great I know but I only have a little snappy camera!

Are you wondering if I bought anything?  Well maybe I did...

The green glass plate at the bottom with a star on it, to join my others ....


A bit of vintage fabric...
enough to make a dress perhaps but certainly a skirt...

Most of an Indian shawl...sadly a bit had been cut off perhaps damaged

And that quilt top I showed you yesterday - just couldn't walk away from that one....

Another UFO but not mine this time....well it is now!


Friday, 29 July 2011

Vintage Market!

My friend facebooked me this time!  Did I want to go to a Vintage Market?  What do you think?  Yes indeed!  It was held in the little village of Cuckfield in the old school house - itself a vintage location!   At first sight I thought this was going to be a tiny market but as we ventured in we saw one room followed by another with more upstairs and outside.  Here are some of the special things we saw....

This lady was kind enough to pose for a photo - she had some lovely pieces on her stall - pity her chair was at odds with the vintage look.

This lady didn't have a shop - she was off-loading a lot of her personal buys.  The dress she was wearing was an original she had bought from a car boot sale and I loved it too!  Doesn't she look fabulous?  

Some pretty brooches - not everything was of the period but they did have a vintage look

Cute doll and cot at this stall - some stall owners didn't want to be in the photos.....

Fancy a knitted acorn?  A doorstop I think!

Tea anyone?  Cute little fair isle jumpers for these little pots!

This stall was crowded with vintage toys

A beautiful vintage vignette ....

This looks like a scene from Country Living.....

A beautiful hand stitched quilt top made from shirting fabric and pink sashing....

These things caught my eye at the vintage market .....there will be more tomorrow!

Hope you enjoyed this little walk down memory lane at the Vintage Market!

Which one would you have taken home?



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