Showing posts with label lone star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lone star. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 June 2011

The end of the Galaxy!

No doom laden post this!  No, indeed not, but a finish instead!  Please excuse my excitement and little joke....

The Front

The Back

I have added more quilty stitchery in those lovely blue and grey colours that I bought recently and I think I have covered sufficient ground to ensure that all stays in place.

The Detail

It is bound in leftover scraps, which doesn't sound very nice but actually I think it looks great.   As it was leftovers this is not bias binding but just straight grain instead.   Must do more scrappy binding! 

I am over the moon about this quilt (heehee) which is my own design and has just sort of evolved as I went along.  I am just so excited - I love it so much!  Have to say using pre-used fabrics makes for a soft cosy feel.

Nearer my year end target - one more UFO down!  Haha!   Maybe I should add a little green man somewhere??


This quilt has a history:

Monday, 13 June 2011

In a galaxy far, far a quilt!

(Sorry if you are fed up of seeing this one but I was on a roll here...)

After sewing all those completed star blocks onto the galaxy quilt I still had a few diamonds ready cut out.  

I could not make a star out of one or even two of the remaining fabrics - but three or four would make a star so these latest ones are scrappy indeed.  And do you know what?  I think I like them best of all!  

My galaxy is full up now and so I got it layered and basted ready to be made into a quilt at last.... but what did I use for the back of the quilt?  Well it was quilt UFO number 14 which you haven't seen yet......!  Until now ....

I made this quilt top at the same time as the lone star and out of the same recycled fabric.  I had intended to make two quilts for twin beds but decided they go together so well I would just put them back to back!  And the other attraction was one quilt less....makes my target easier to hit I hope. 

I did have to add the piano key border top and bottom but I think it looks good - haven't tried one of those but I know Bonnie Hunter likes them a lot and do you know what?  I do too! 

May the Quilting Force be with you!


Saturday, 11 June 2011

A galaxy of stars!

Well I am prone to a bit of exaggeration .... but I cannot call my lone star, lonely star nor in fact lone star anymore so unless you can suggest another name that suits it better then it will be a galaxy of stars...

Here it is with the stars I made previously and found hidden away with my leftover fabric .....

...............and I have every intention of adding  a few more.

As the fabrics are recycled, some from Oxfam and some I bought from Worn & Washed, many are quite faded. 

I considered whether I should include them against the white background but then I thought of the stars in the night sky that you can almost see but not quite as distinctly as others and thought these might just have been on a longer journey....?

Hope you like it


Friday, 10 June 2011

Not So Lonely Star

Yesterday I found some white muslin in my stash which my mother had bought to make a wholecloth quilt I think.  She didn't make it but gave it to me.  I have not thought of making a wholecloth quilt, lovely as they are,  so I finally cut into it to use as my base fabric for this quilt.

I have shown you my lone star which I made quite some time ago from recycled fabrics but then I didn't know quite what to do with it next.  It has lain in a cupboard for many years and I called it lonely star in my previous post and here it is...

Now it is happily mounted in the middle of this white muslin and one other star has joined it.  

I thought I was going to have to make more stars to keep those two company but lo and behold! what was lurking among the leftover pieces?

More stars, which will join these two - why I think I will soon have a whole galaxy!  Watch this space.... 


Saturday, 21 May 2011

Lonely Star!

Here is another UFO! 

This one is made from recycled fabrics - shirts from charity shops and some new fabric (the lime and green stripe).

 This project ground to a halt when I had to decide whether to applique the star onto a background or try to piece the background in.   I'm leaning towards applique to give it a bit more strength but am open to suggestion...?

I also want to make some small satellite stars to surround this bigger one so it need not be lonely anymore...!  I like asymmetry so the star won't be central but will hopefully be balanced by the litttle stars....oooh I think I'm getting my mojo back on this one!

Do you ever lose your way mid-project and if so how do you get back on track? 

I think this blogging thing is good at getting me to take another look at these projects - seeing the photos on the page somehow gives me a bit of distance and I start seeing solutions rather than the many obstacles.  I even start liking them again!  

That's a good thing - right?!


Friday, 22 April 2011

Lonely Star

This is another UFO project that has ground to a halt.  I made the star and then didn't know whether to applique it onto a backing fabric or piece in the background sections.  And that's where I stopped.

As this fabric is recycled apart from the green stripe and lime green I have now decided it will be best to applique it onto a background.  I will move on with this project.  I will also make some satellite stars to surround it in the same fabrics.  Little blocks - that will be fun!

The fabric came from charity or goodwill shops, especially Oxfam!

Do you work with new or recycled fabric?  Do you mix them up?



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