Este top blanco es uno de ellos.
I have a long list of forgoten jobs andI keep finding new ones!!! Thanks to Mercedes from "Tejiendo en el Sur" I decided to finish them.
This white top is one of them.
It was a graceless top, but the fabric was a good quality cotton jersey, I bought some years ago with the intention to transform in something nicer. Now with my improving crochet I decided to chop the part I didn't like and instead I knitted a net for sleeves and a pretty edge for finishing.
Tambien termine estas 4 fundas que estaban esperando ....esperandoooooo
I also finish these 4 pillowcases waiting......waitingggggggg
2 azules, con aplicacion de un encaje de gripure ( que teni previamente)-listas para la cama de mi hermana Susy cuando venga.
2 blue, with an aplique of gripure lace ( which I dyed in color to match first)-ready for my sister
2 blue, with an aplique of gripure lace ( which I dyed in color to match first)-ready for my sister
Susy' s bed when she comes.
2 checked cotton, with crochet edging of course!!!
Tambien termine el Shalom para Susy-esta labor no es nada olvidada, al contrario... es la mas importante de todas!, estoy muy esperanzada con su visita!
I also finish the Shalom for Susy-this job is not in my list of forgoten things, on the the mos important of all!, I amso ansious with her visit!
Here, what was going on this week.....