cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label knitting case. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knitting case. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2012

Some more sewing and Christmas gifts- Mas costuritas y regalos de Navidad

I keep going with more patchwork in shopping bags-so more Christmas gifts

Sigo avanzando con mas patchwork en bolsos de compras-asi que mas regalos de Navidad.

All of then have pockets inside
Todos tienen bolsillos adentro

This runner patchwork- a gift for somebody special
Este caminero con patchwork- un regalo para alguien especial

This other bag
Esta otra bolsa

and a case to keep my knitting needles
y un porta agujas de tejer para mi


Is done like this: this is the outside piece
Esta echo asi: esta es la pieza de afuera

with iron- on interface from the reverse
con entrela planchada atras

This is the internal piece with lots of pockets
Esta es la pieza interior con muchos bolsillos

and here finished
y aqui terminada

All these lovely things send to me by Chizuko my japanese friend from Osaka.
She always sends  very delicate and  tasteful gifts!
Todas estas preciosidades me envio Chizuko mi amiga japonesa desde Osaka.
Ella envia siempre regalos muy delicados y exquisitos!

My cardigan is near the end but is too hot to touch wool the last few days.
I hope I finishes soon.
For now all my love to each of you.
Coming to see you soon.
Mi cardigan esta casi terminado pero hace tanto calor estos dias para tocar lana.
Esopero terminarlo proto.
Por ahora todo mi cariño para cada una de vosotras.
Pronto paso a verlas.