cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label gorros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gorros. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2012

John' sweater and this and that.....

My son John's alpaca sweater is done! and right on time since is getting cooler. 

Termine el sueter de alpaca para mi hijo John! y justo a tiempo ya que se esta poniendo mas frio.

ready to take him tomorrow

listo para llevarselo manana

and a few small jobs like this beanie, very handy for small gifts.
y algunos trabajitos pequenos como este gorro, ideal para pequenos regalos.

A few sleepers...
I found  in Anama's Blogs, ( I adore her blogs, I learnt a lot from them)
this sleeper is one of only 3 grannys-so easy!
I love it!
Algunos zapatitos de dormir......
Encontre en el Blog de Anama, (adoro sus blogs, aprendi mucho de ellos)
este zapatito es de solo 3 grannys- tan facil!
Me encanta!

For Jimmy in a single colour
Para Jimmy en un solo color

Socks for gifts
medias para regalar

To make my life even happier a bundle of wool arrived 2 days ago from Bendigo,
so more "happy knitting" coming up!
Para hacer mi vida aun mas feliz, 2 dias atras llego un monton de lana de Bendigo,
asi que mas "feliz tejido" en camino!

In my sewing room lots of projects like this quilt....
En mi cuarto de costura muchos proyectos como este quilt....

Hope I finish this week.

Espero terminarlo esta semana

Jimmy made more Guabas Marmalade
Jimmy hizo mas mermelada de guayabas 

2 more jars and more flowers from Nilsa
2 frascos mas y mas flores de Nilsa

Painful moments for Jimmy every time Council workers trim trees in the footpath. They have a good reason for that, plants should no touch the cables. "But at least they should shape nicely the trees"-Jimmy says.
Momentos dolorosos para Jimmy cada que los trabajadores de la Municipalidad recortan los arboles de las veredas. Tienen una buena razon para hacerlo, las plantas no deben tocar los cables. "Pero al menos deberian darle buena forma a los arboles"-Jimmy dice.

There is another real reason why he is no feeling well these days-an old friend pass away.
Rest in peace Newin, this flowers from our garden for you.
Hay otra  verdadera razon por no sentirse bien estos dias- fallecio un viejo amigo.
Que descanzez en paz Newin, estas flores de nuestros jardin para ti.

A big hug to all my crafty friends, I remember you all the time.


Un fuerte abrazo a todas mis amigas artesanas, las recuerdo todo el tiempo.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Beanies and huts

I knitted them all a few months ago and I forgot to mention. Here they are,

A black beanie for John

Another for John in many colours
The look from the top

This was for Charlie

And these last two mine!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

a beret for Dianne

Here, an olive green wool beret I crocheted for Dianne, John' s pretty friend.
She was delighted!