cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label fair isle vest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fair isle vest. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2016

Some Patchwork, Crochet, Knitting, some tiny things, some of many hours.....

Hard to believe is already 3 months since the last time I published in my Blog! But you are always in my mind, I just need more hours in the day.


Increible que ya hace 3 meses de la ultima vez que publique en mi Blog!
Pero estais siempre en mi mente, solo necesito mas horas en el dia.
Some of the things I was making in the last 3 months

Algunas de las cosas que hice en estos ultimos 3 meses


Some Popouri Bags
Algunos bolsitos de Popouri

Many Bookmarks for Jimmy my Bookworm
Muchos Marcadores de Libros para Jimmy mi Tragalibros

Some Chocolate Bags for Easter
Algunos Bolsitos de Chocolates para Pascuas

A New Patchwork Quilt and Cushions and Table Quilts
for the Kitchen Table.
Un Nuevo Patchwork Quilt y Cojines y Quilts para la Mesa de la Cocina

And some Crochet and Knitting for myself and to give away
Y algo de Crochet y Tejidos para mi misma y para regalar.

A big hug to each one, I promise not to take so long next time.
I always remember you all with lots of love!
Un gran abrazo a cada una, prometo no tardar tanto la proxima vez.
Las recuerdo siempre con mucho cariƱo!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fair Isle Vest, Patchwork Bags and Pouch Bags, Gifts from Japan

First these 2 roses for you all. They are from our garden, my Jimmy's hard work.


Primero estas 2 rosas para todas vosotras. Son de nuestro jardin, esfuerzo de mi Jimmy.

My Fair Isle Alpaca Vest is ready
Mi Chaleco de Alpaca Fair Isle esta listo.


I made this Bag for Faye. It has many pockets, 6 outside and 2 inside.
Este Bolso hice para Faye. Tiene muchos bolsillos, 6 afuera y 2 adentro.

And this Bag for Su with the "Seminole" technic.
Y este Bolso para Su con la tecnica "Seminole"

A Pouch Bag also for Su
Una Cartuchera tambien para Su

another Pouch Bag for Catherine
otra Cartuchera para Catherine
and another still without owner
y otra todavia sin dueƱa

This doll has a new dress
Esta muƱeca tiene un nuevo vestido.

This beautiful tiny Pouch Bag made by Chizuko. She also sent me lots of lovely fabrics and a beautiful blanket, Music Book, etc as if they didn't give us enough gifts when they visit us!
Esta hermosa Cartucherita echa por Chizuko. Tambien me envio muchas telas preciosas y una hermosa manta, Libro de Musica, etc como si ya no nos regalaran suficiente cuando nos visitaron!

I have so many projects ahead, looks like I'm never going to get bored ha-ha
Lots of love to all my crafty friends. Soon you'll see me visiting your Blogs to get me more inspire.
Tengo tantos proyectos en mente, parece que nunca voy a aburrirme je je
Mucho cariƱo a todas mis amigas artistas. Pronto me vereis visitando vuestros Blogs para inspirarme mas.