cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label child sweater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child sweater. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grandchildren's visit, cardigan ready and new saroyan

We had 2 of our grandchildren  for a few days of their School winter holidays.Luckily we had great sunny days, so we spent many hours at the beach and other outings.
Tuvimos 2 de nuestros nietos por unos dias de sus vacaciones de invierno. Felizmente tuvimos unos hermosos dias soleados, asi que pasamos muchas horas en la playa y otras salidas.

Stephie's cardigan is ready and she was happy to take it home


El cardigan de Stephie esta listo y ella estaba feliz de 
llevarlo a su casa.

Ready pack to put it in her bag.

Listo para colocarlo en su bolso.

They left and I started to knit again!

Now I am with another Saroyan" in a very pale smoke grey merino wool of 3 plys, it's a 
bit longer than 1 m. long today and I hope to reach to 2.5m

Se fueron y empeze a tejer de nuevo!
Ahora estoy con otro "Saroyan" en una lana merino gris humo muy claro de 3 hebras,
hoy mide un poco mas de 1m y espero que llegue a 2.5m

A big hug to all my friends. I miss you very much, 
so I'll be visiting you soon.
Un gran abrazo a todas mis amigas. Las extrano un monton, 
asi que estare  visitandolas pronto

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One for Mitchell - Uno para Mitchell

My grandson Mitchell is about to turn 8, so he is getting this sweater with his favorite "Transformer" on.

Mi nieto Mitchell esta por cumplir 8 anios, asi que recibira este sueter con su favorito "Transformer"

This bunch of roses and lilies from Jessi. I only give her some ocassional knitting lessons.
She is too generous!

Este ramo de rosas y lirios recibi de Jessi. Solo le doy algunas lecciones de tejido de vez en cuando.
Es demasiado generosa ella!

And this "bunch of wool" from Bendigo. Like a typical wooladdict, I feel like in "cloud 9"

Y este "ramo de lanas" de Bendigo.Como una tipica lanadicta, me siento en la "novena nube"

The first will be the blue at the back for Jimmy

El primero sera el azul de hacia atras para Jimmy

Friday, February 27, 2009

Stephie at 10 and her Teddy

My grandaughter Stephanie turned 10 recently (HARD TO BELIEVE!), so the last few weeks I was busy knitting this summer cotton cardy for her, plus one similar for her favorite Teddy. All packed in a pretty box with geetting cards plus some $$$$ from John, it all arrived to her on time via Post,.... and she was delighted, as they said.
Stephie a los 10 con su Osito: Mi nieta Stephanie cumplio recientemente 10 anios (DIFICIL CREERLO!), asi que estas ultimas semanas estuve muy ocupada tejiendo este saquito de algodon para ella, mas otro parecido para su osito favorito. Todo bien empaquetado en una caja bonita con tarjetas y algunos $$$$$ de John, todo le llego a tiempo por Correo,...y ella estuvo encantada, asi lo contaron.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

2 more.....

This Blue Denim for Ariane. She designed.
She is not for anything frilly.
"I am a Tomboy" she would say herself.

And this light plum V neck wool for Jimmy

and I am about half way with Renato's

Saturday, May 24, 2008

While visiting John in hospital

My son John gave us a shock with his accident. Jimmy and I spent long weeks at his bedside. So to keep my calm as much as possible I knitted a few more jumpers.......

One with kittens for Stephanie. She is a cat lover so I manage to knit a row of kittens at the bottom of her cardigan and the sleeves.

And for Mitchell this green with blue and white trim cardigan

And this beigge V Neckline pullover

After these 3 I knitted a denim blue for Arianne, but not picture yet,
and at the moment I am about halfway with Renato' s

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One more for Pixi and many more for the others

This Blue Denim for my son John,

this Bottle Green with a "Fair Isle" trim for my friend Nilsa,

This Ice Blue Alpaca for myself, it' s so soft and warm.....

This pink, grey and white cotton is also mine.

This pure wool hot pink with teddies for Stephie. She' s in teddies mood" at the moment.

This rag for Stephie' s cat. Design provide by her

This grey cardigan for Tracey

And finally one for Pixi!

Pixi is the daughter of my dear friend Olga, and as nice person as her mum.
So here is a cardigan that I just finish for her. It was meant to be her birthday gift, but is too long until July..... and since is ready.....


I knitted it in a lovely 8 Ply purple wool, with a few roads of cables.
Perfect for every day of jeans and running around in her busy life.