cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jimmy's Birthday, one more Fair Isle Vest, more stars on boxes and bag

Sept 13th Jimmy's birthday, most enjoyable day!. He had many gifts but this coffee mug from the grandchildren is his favourite- or what is printed on it.


Setiembre 13 el cumpleaños de Jimmy, un dia de mucha felicidad!. Tuvo muchos regalos pero esta taza de café de los nietos es su favorito- o lo que esta escrito sobre ella.

My latest Fair Isle Vest is done
Mi ultimo chaleco Fair Isle esta listo


Close up of the yoke
El canesu de cerca

More stars, this bag for Faye
Mas estrellas, este bolso para Faye

and 3 more boxes
y 3 cajas mas

This white cotton jacket is in the way at the moment....
Este saquito blanco de algodon esta en camino al momento....

My brother Oscar is getting better every day, thanks for your prayers.
A big hug to everyone,
With Love.
Mi hermano Oscar esta mejorando cada dia mas, gracias por vuestras oraciones.
Un gran abrazo a cada una,
Con cariño.