cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label men vest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label men vest. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wool Vest for Jimmy, Patchwork Square, Bags, Skirts, Pants, Flowers, etc

Jimmy is happy with his new vest! Pure wool light and warm, just the way he prefers them.


Jimmy esta feliz con su Nuevo vest! Pura lana, liviano y abrigado, justo como el los prefiere.

Folded up and in his cupboard ready for the first cool day.
Doblado y en su armario listo para el primer dia fresco.

This abandoned patchwork is also finished.
Este patchwork abandonado lo termine tambien
And this easy Patchwork Bag
Y este Bolso facil de Patchwork

A few skirts and pants for Donna....
Algunas faldas y pantalones para Donna....

and this Star Bag for Kaylene
y este Bolso con Estrella para Kaylene

This beautiful orchid came from my friend Nilsa, she is always
very generous to me.
Esta Hermosa orquidea vino de mi amiga Nilsa, ella es siempre tan generosa conmigo.

I started this new cotton cardigan
Empece este nuevo cardigan de algodon

I have to tidy up my sewing room before a new sewing project, at the moment
is a disgrace!
A big hug to each of my crafty friends. Soon you will see me visiting
your blogs. I am addicted  to them.
Lots of love!, Dolly
Tengo que ordenar mi taller de costura antes que cualquier Nuevo proyecto de costura, al momento es una verguenza!
Un fuerte abrazo a cada una de mis amigas artistas. Pronto me veran visitando vuestros blogs.
Estoy adicta a ellos.
Mucho cariño!, Dolly

Friday, January 11, 2013

Nell's Shalom cardigan, boxes, etc

Nell's Shalom wisteria alpaca cardigan is ready.
I will take her next wenesday.

El cardigan Shalom de alpaca wisteria para Nell ya esta listo.
Se lo llevare el proximo miercoles.

I was inspired by Rosa with her wonderful blog (
and I made some stars to decorate boxes.
They are really easy to make. I spent more time cutting the little squares than making the stars.

Me inspire con el maravilloso blog de Rosa
y hice algunas estrellas para decorar cajas.
Son realmente faciles de hacerlas. Me llevo mas tiempo cortar los cuadritos que hacer las estrellas.

This old tin box where I keep so many things was the first to be covered.


Esta caja vieja de metal donde guardo tantas cositas fue la primera en ser renovada.

And finished like this.


Y termino asi.

A close up


Mas de cerca

Then another one.

Luego otra.

Finished like this
Termino asi

 And a third one.....
Y una tercera....


Here the 3 of them.
Aqui las 3.

Also a purse for my make ups in my bag.


Tambien una cartuchera para mis maquillajes en mi bolso.

The inside


El interior

Jimmy's vest going slowly but surely


El chaleco de Jimmy avanzando lento pero seguro

Have a great week!
A big hug to each one,
with love,


Que tengais una hermosa semana!
Un gran abrazo a cada una,
con cariño,


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A vest for Andrew

I was caught this summer with this wool vest for John' s friend, Andrew.
I promised him a knitted gift and he chose this colour and design.
The only problem was to start at the very end of the cool season, november....
and have to finish with this heat!

But he is happy and that counts more that anything.

Un chaleco para Andrew: Estuve atrapada este verano con este chaleco de lana para un amigo de John, Andrew.
Le prometi un regalo tejido y el eligio el color y el disenio.
El unico problema fue empezarlo bien al final de la temporada fresca, Noviembre.... y tener que terminarlo ahora con este calor!
Pero el esta contento y eso cuenta mas que nada.