cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label Star Cushion Cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Cushion Cover. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sewing Day with Curtis, Cushion cover, Sewing Boxes, Ribbons Box, Tissue Box Cover, Patchwork table cloth

World Cup is finished and the winner was Germany!, but to my heart it was Argentina the one with guts and heart. Congratulations to all the Argentinians!


La Copa del Mundo se termino y gano Alemania!, pero para mi Corazon fue Argentina  quien le puso mas fuerza y corazon. Felicitaciones a todos los argentinos!

Curtis-my friend's little 9 years old son- had a full day in my sewing room last week.
Curtis-el hijo de 9 años de mi amiga- paso un dia entero de la semana pasada en mi sala de costura.

He made -with a bit of help- a Carry Bag, a pouch bag from a tie for his Ipod....
Se hizo- con algo de ayuda- un bolsito para cargar sus cositas, un bolsito de una corbata para su Ipod.....

A patchwork bag for his sister and more...he can sew hems, buttons, anything you teach him.
Most enjoyable day!
Un bolsito de patchwork para su hermana y algo mas.....puede coser ruedos, botones, cualquier cosa que le enseñes.
Lo disfrutamos mucho!

For my friend Kaylene I made this cushion cover
Para mi amiga Kaylene le hice esta covertura de cojin
These two sewing boxes for Jan and Catherine....
Estos dos costureros para Jan y Catherine.....

This Ribbons Box for Jan
Esta Caja de Cintas para Jan

I covered this Tissue Box
Una covertura para la Caja de Tissues
and this other with some patchwork....
y esta otra con patchwork......

the bottom part
la parte de abajo

I also made this small patchwork table cloth
Tambien hice este pequeño mantel en patchwork
Here all folded up ready for the cupboard
Aqui dobladito para el armario

and here my latest cardigan near ready
y aqui mi ultimo cardigan casi terminado

Hope you are all well and making lots of lovely things.
I' m coming to visit you to get more inspirations.
A big hug!
Deseo que todas esteis de lo mejor y haciendo muchas cosas bonitas.
Pronto paso a visitaros para inspirarme.
Un gran abrazo!