cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label Beanie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beanie. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Fair Isle Vest, patchwork runners, Beannie, Socks and more grannys

We had 2 never ending rainy weeks and myself not feeling very well with my sinus, but my knitting and sewing kept going... 
My Fair Isle Vest is ready. Will go perfectly with my ivory shirt and dark jeans.


Tuvimos 2 semanas de lluvia sin parar y yo no sintiendome bien con mi sinusitis, pero mi tejido y costura siguio sin parar....
Mi Chaleco Fair Isle esta listo. Ira perfectamente con mi camisa  marfil y jeans oscuros.

This 3 patchwork runners for the sunroom where we usually sit to enjoy the winter sun.
Jimmy reading and I-as you can guess-click clacking my needles .
Estos 3 camineros patchwork para el sunroom donde generalmente nos sentamos a disfrutar del sol invernal. Jimmy leyendo y yo como han de imaginar dandole con mucho placer a mis agujitas.


This black beanie for Craig-another of my son' s friend
Este gorro negro para Craig-otro amigo de mi hijo

This "Parramatta" socks of another friend
Estos calcetines "Parramatta" para otro amigo

More grannys done (71 today in total)
Mas grannys echos (71 total de hoy)
And this banana bunch Jimmy brought in the garage today and there are some more left in the plants.
This "ladies fingers" variety  is very sweet.
Y este bunch de bananas Jimmy trajo al garage hoy y quedaron mas en las plantas.
Esta variedad "dedos de dama" es muy dulce.

Coming to visit you soon.
Lots of love to everyone.
Ya vengo a visitaros pronto.
Mucho cariño a cada una.