cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck

cockatoos in my deck - cacatuas en mi deck


Showing posts with label Amelia's crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amelia's crafts. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Amelia and her crafts, my latest summer quilt and other things

Little 9 years old Amelia-my friend's daughter spent a day at home with me so I could teach her
some sewing. She amazed everyone! Here she is making a star for herself.


La pequeña Amelia de 9 años- la hija de una amiga,paso un dia conmigo para aprender algo de costura. Nos sorprendio a todos! Aqui la ven haciendo su propia estrella.

A close up of her Star, ready to decorate a large box.
Su Estrella de mas cerca, lista para decorar una caja grande.

She also made this pencil case. She is very good to use the sewing machine.
Tambien hizo esta cartuchera de lapices. Es muy buena con la maquina de coser.

This small japanese bag
                                                            Este pequeño bolsito japones

Small box decorated with an origami flower and a second flower to use later on.
Una cajita decorada con una flor de Origami y una segunda flor para usarla mas adelante.

Here on her bed tickle pink with all her crafts
Aqui sobre su cama superfeliz con todas sus labores.

My quilt went on and on....
Mi quilt siguio y siguio....

and finally finished!
y finalmente se acabo!

here over my bed with 2 matching cushions
aqui sobre mi cama  con 2 cojines nuevos

Here a close up
Aqui mas de cerca

This other star for my friend Victoria.
Esta otra Estrella para mi amiga Victoria.

Other things in the way like cutting lots of velvets for a future winter quilt.
Otras cosas en camino como el cortar muchos retazos de terciopelo para un quilt invernal.

Lots of love to everyone!
Mucho cariño a todas!