Tuesday, March 22, 2016

New to me - scallions from sprouted red onions.

 I chopped some with celery and pepper for a vegetable cream cheese. Yums.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Time to make the (mini) donuts

Playing with my new toy from my sis-in-law! Banana walnut donut with cinnamon frosting. This donut machine will definitely be a fast track to a full spandex wardrobe. It is dangerously easy to make sweet treats!
Hand modeling courtesy of hubs.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fresh arugula pizza

Arugula from my Grandma's garden, prosciutto, feta, fresh mozzarella, olive oil, grated asiago cheese, and a spritz of orange juice (tossed with the arugula, didn't have any lemon).


Friday, August 15, 2014

First baby food! Sweet potato.

What other first veggies should I try?

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Deep dish chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies

So decadent and yums! No mixer needed and really easy clean up when using baking cup liners.
Recipe from HERE


Sunday, June 08, 2014

Around the kitchen

french vanilla coffee with caramel on the bottom

Parmesan potato pizza with rosemary infused olive oil


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thanks hun, how can I possibly eat all this cake in one sitting!

This is what happens when you don't get up to get your own dessert.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hot barley from Sal's mom with milk, sugar, and cinnamon.

Perfect snow day breakfast!


Friday, November 15, 2013

Week in review

Brooklyn Bounty

My mom brought over some pretty Persimmons from my Grandparents Brooklyn backyard. Check out the mutated one in the front.










Hot Rods

After an internet search looking for metal rods for a possible wall clothing rack project, I came across this idea to use tension rods for temporary storage and organization.  Now I'm tempted to purchase a shower curtain rod or a regular curtain tension rod like this to see if it can hold heavy weight items.  This junky $3 one (pictured) I had in my closet could only hold the weight of a few fabric samples.  I love the idea of not having to drill any holes in the wall for this and the adaptability





Paint by Size 

I'm in the process of clearing out my studio in my apartment and creating a craft cave in a basement. I've been spending the week photographing and sorting my paintings by size.  It it stressful finding a safe place to store all my work. I want to make sure to protect them from light and moisture damage. Right now I have them stored high on wire racks but I'm running out of space, eek!

Out with a Bang!

A van smashed into our home. The driver was okay. The bricks survived with minimal damage. The shrubs shrugged it off.  Here the fire department is making sure that the van doesn't explode. Thank you FDNY!

It is still early on Friday so let's see what is in store for today!

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Monday, November 04, 2013

Mini marshmallows in bulk!

Organic hot cocoa with not-so-natural dehydrated mini marshmallows! (kraft mallow bits) Never be mini marshmallowless again!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This now concludes my "no caffeine" experiment

So I tried a month of caffeine free ~ cappuccino free living.

The GOOD- Elimination of feelings of impeding doom.  No panicky feelings that I am going to be suffocated to death on a crowded NYC subway.

The BAD- Foggy head in the morning and took me much longer to get things done.

The MEH- Equally as alert in the late afternoon and evenings with or without my morning coffee.

I realized yesterday I've been drinking "caffe` e latte" off and on since I was 5 years old, why stop now unless I have to?  However,  I will still limit intake to one capp. a day to (try to) prevent a racing heart and the associated unwarranted feelings of dread.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

On today's menu, herbal coffee.

Teeccino. A pretty good caffeine/coffee substitute.


Chia seed pudding, very interesting...

1 cup of milk
1/4 cup of chia seeds
1/8~1/4 cup of agave
1 tsp of Vanilla Extract

Refrigerate for 4 hours.
