Hola a todos, ya va quedando muy poquito para San Valentin y espero que todos recivais muchos regalos (nunca se sabe, siempre pueden haber admiradores secretos!)
Podria hablaros de lo liada que estoy, del trabajo que hay por delante, pero eso, ya lo sabeis...¿No?
¡Dentro de poco menos es la Japan Expo Sud en Marseilla, y ahi estaremos!
Espero poder ver muchas caras conocidas, comer muchos croisants y ¡¡¡solo tengo dos semanas para aprender frances!!!

He recibido muchos emails desde francia preguntando por nuestra presencia en el salon, asi que por primera vez ( y que no sirva de precedente) Hare parte de esta entrada en ingles.
Hi all! Thanks for all the emails asking about us in Japan Expo Sud.
This is going to be our first time outside Spain and we are really excited with it!
I usually keep in secret all an expo details (such decoration, items for sell…everything!) but for this time I’m going to be a little more open mind.
As you can see we are a big blythe lovers! I started to bring doll related things to the shop because I just own dolls, I never thought there was all around the world a lot of crazy doll people like me. We are going to have on the expo million doll clothes (or more). From the super-cute dresses from Isidora Morales (one of a kind!) to the greatest urban style from Somedoll and never forget the simple and basic from Coolcat.
Do you have BJD dolls? Don’t worry, because we are going to have clothes from Arcadia Dolls (for me one of the best bjd clothes designers!)
In our place you will find too cute Korean clothes (for person xD) , our own brand clothes, accessories from Japan…
Hope to see you there!