Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Beach - 2013

Head of the Meadow beach in Cape Cod.

Random papers and embellies from my stash.  From an idea in a May/April 2011 issue of Creating Keepsakes magazine.


Camping in Spain - 1959

This layout was done using a SSZ kit as well.

My family plus my parent's best friends and their son, camping in Spain. 

P'town (Provincetown, Cape Cod) - 2013

This challenge involved a colour suite of deep pink, bright green, grey, black and a sandy brown.

Used another SSZ kit.


Gettin' Crabby in Cape Cod - 2013

One of the Crop & Create challenges using a SSZ kit. This was based on a sketch. I actually took a two-page sketch and made it into one page.

Crop & Create - NavCan

I just attended Crop & Create in Cornwall. This is a scrappy weekend put on by "Scrapbooks and Cards Today" magazine.  WHAT A FANTASTIC EVENT! 

I did the four challenges (the list was provided a few days before), 7 make-and-takes, one class (a three layout class but these didn't get finished.....yet), plus two layouts on my own. 

One of my challenges actually WON A PRIZE!  WOOHOO! 

CTMH WOTG - Sarita

I did three 2-page layouts with the Close to my Heart Sarita Workshop on the Go in September.  Here they are:

Meeting with my niece in Toronto, May 2013

Tour of downtown Lisbon, March 2007

Hotel in Vancouver, May 2013