Monday, March 3, 2025

Mary Poppins on Stage - 2023

SCT Sketch Class - Instructor: Alison Davis

Photo downloaded from the internet since we couldn't take photos during the performance. 


Fort Lauderdale Tour - 2020

SCT Let's Scrapbook Together - March Class

  • Instructor: Meghann Andrew 
ooops - can't find the photo. I'll add later...

Cathy's 70th Birthday - 2023

Class at SCT Crop and Create - Papercrafting Event. 

Instructor: Virginia 


Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas - 2023

Class at SCT Crop and Create - Papercrafting Event. 

Luxor Hotel where we saw the BLUE MAN GROUP!

  • Products: AC - Vicki Boutin
  • Instructor - Vicki Boutin


Helicopter - 2023

Class at SCT Crop and Create - Papercrafting Event. 

The helicopter we took to see the Grand Canyon.

  •  Product: AC - Vicki Boutin
  • Instructor: Vicki Boutin

Crop and Create Card Making Event - 2023

Class at SCT Crop and Create - Papercrafting Event. 

  • Products: American Crafts - Vicki Boutin
  • Instructor: Vicki Boutin

Friday, February 28, 2025

Mom's 90th with surprise guest - 2023

Class at SCT Crop and Create - Papercrafting Event. 

  • Product: mostly American Crafts - Vicki Boutin
  • Instructor: Vicki Boutin