Here she is with her favorite Aunty Linds!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just call me Grandma Kwitty!
Here she is with her favorite Aunty Linds!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Babies and Birdies and Blessings
I so enjoyed my last giveaway!!--and the lovely MaryMarsh was so pleased with her prize that she wrote me a nice little piece in her blog. Thanks MaryMarsh--you're a sweety!!
Speaking of Giveaways.....I was the extremely lucky winner of a giveaway by StarryDeborah. She is a very talented mixed media collage artist and I won this GORGEOUS Paris collage from her! Oh, I just love it, and am a little sad that the picture doesn't do it justice! I guess that is the way it is with most art, right? There is so much more to it in person...depth and texture and emotion. Thanks so much StarryDeb--I absolutely love it and it looks so good on my blue wall!
I did a new style of birds this past week--you know, just shaking things up a bit! This style is more old-fashioned and lends itself very well to vintagey wallpaper prints --see for yourself!
I love them! Of course, I am still doing my old style too and have some new ones in the SHOP that have some nice Christmas colors--swing by and see!
You will never guess what? I became a Grandma yesterday!!! Remember my step-daughter Misty? Well, surprise, surprise....she was pregnant and didn't tell us. It's all a bit of a soap opera and I won't go into details but--good always comes from bad--and we have a GRANDCHILD to go meeet today!
AND--our lovely and talented friend PINKY had her baby on Sept 31st--and put up pics of the little fella on her blog --swing by for a nice AWWWWW! moment.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Brief Hiatus
The good news is that Paul is under the care of a very good doctor down there, one of the best around--so at least we know that he is getting wonderful care. I just feel worried and can't seem to concentrate on anything this week.
So, I'd really appreciate it if you would take a minute and send up a prayer for him and his family. Thanks so much!! ((Hugs))
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Next, it's time to rally the troops--and by that I mean "wake up the cats".!! lol Rosey was kind enough to offer to draw the names for us
Daisy, not wanting to be left out, insisted on posing with the winning names:
First drawn is Mary Marsh!! yeah, congrats Mary!
And the second name drawn is Dolly!! yeah, congrats Dolly!!
Check out this comment from Dolly--she totally deserves to win a prize for this fine and creative example of schmoozing!! lol
Dolly said...
"Schmoozing it is....
M.... marvelous
R... royalty
S... sweet as sugar
K... kreative
W... witty
I... intelligent
T... too cute
T... talented
Y... young at heart
need more??????charming, funny, sensitive, big hearted, pretty as a pea, queen of crafts, princess of blogland, nice, cute, purrfect,warm and fuzzy, extremely creative, saucy, kind, gentle, a lil ray of sunshine in my day, fun to visit, great to chat with, and oh did I say a real cutie pie too?
How am I doing so far?If that doesn't work then just look into my puppy dog eyes...Hmmm...Or how about a bribe...I will clean your house for a week, scoop the litter box for a month, cook you dinner everyday for a month, I don't do toilets or take out the trash... I have to draw the line somewhere you know!
Smiles and Hugz,Dolly"
My thanks to all who commented and played along with my silliness--I enjoyed it very much!!!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Weekend Promotion Time!!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WEEKEND SPECIAL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
This WEEKEND --Oct. 3rd, 4th , and 5th--I'll be offering a FREE Page Percher bookmark with each order (my choice of colors)
for example:
AND each purchase will get your NAME IN THE HAT for a free Christmas ornament--name to be picked on Sunday evening at 10:00cst.
If you are the lucky winner of the Christmas ornament, I will include it in your package when I mail out your order.
Also--don't forget to sign up for the my blog drawing--before Saturday evening (tomorrow)--just leave a comment HERE!!