Across our vast country there are still pockets of Winter, but here in Southern Ontario Spring has finally arrived...
The breathtaking beauty of a flower garden in full bloom is still months away but for a quick reminder of what's to come a trip to the local greenhouse tempts the senses...
Pansies whose sweet flowers look like smiling pixies have a spicy fragrance that is captivating en masse.
The delicate petals of the ranunculus are tipped in the palest of pink...
Row after row of frilly flowered African violets create a carpet of visual delight...
And the wonderful thing about a visit to the greenhouse is next week if one comes again there's always something new and fascinating to see...
Happy Spring everyone!
Isn't it a lovely time of year?? It has seemed to just pounce on us all at once, more beauty than we deserve!
Oh How beautiful!
Oh what beautiful Springy photos! Spring never fails to please! have a lovely week. Ros
Susan I am so glad I stopped by this morning to see this! I can't wait till our garden centers start getting things in. I know I will be tempted to buy and plant (and then lose) some annuals. (we can't (or shouldn't plant anything here until June 1st) unless we have frost cloth always handy))but I just can never keep myself from trying it anyway.
Beautiful photos!!!
sending hugs
The flowers are beautiful! Your kitty is pretty too:)! Happy Spring!
beautiful blooms's lovely to watch everything come alive again isn't it after winter...enjoy as it all unfolds...dzintra
Our garden centres will begin to really get going on April 1st. Everything is late this year, but it's just given me more time to get the beds ready.
Looks at those big China blue eyes! I need a trip down to a nursery too I think. No hope of flowers up here yet. 10 inches of snow on Friday, so THANK YOU for sharing those beautiful pictures.
Oh you lucky lucky girl!!! Look at your spring! It is snowing snowing snowing here in Southwest Saskatchewan!
Oh well... what can you do?
Thank you for sharing yours!
xo Catherine
Ooh thank you! I love all these flowers. I once had all my pots filled with just such pansies.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful photographs...I can imagine the warmth of the greenhouse, and the lovely fragrance of the blooms. Delightful!
Springtime smiles to you ...
Such beautiful photos as always.
Alright, I don't get live in Canada and I in southern New York have Spring and we have had snow again....something seems to be askew!
I love your first signs of Spring and am getting impatient with it's
late arrival here. Looking back,
Miss Maddie looks so comfortable in her pink cocoon, and I think Tallulah looks quite content too.
Soon Miss Maddie will be digging in the garden.
I will be looking for Pansies next week, and hope to find some. Love their cheerful little faces!
Happy Spring to you,
So grateful for Nursey's to fill the gap between Winter and Spring! A little more temperate here in the Pacific NW though; I have Daffodils, violets, primroses, Hellebores, Hyacinth and Camillias in bloom. Tender green leaves, and fat buds everywhere. I love watching the earth wake from its winter's nap.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a note on my blog Susan! It was good to hear from you~ Your post was perfect to see today. We are drowning in rain here at my bit-o-earth, and I'm soooo tired of it. Oh well... in California we should never complain about too much rain. Its usually the opposite... not enough. xxVicki
Pretty spring flowers are so uplifting, and a visit to the local garden centre or nursery is a good start with such masses of colour and fragrance. Glad to hear spring has arrived for you Susan.
What a sweet photo of Ling-Ling - she is beautiful!
Oooooo, it's still gray and cold here. Can't wait for Spring color and being out in the warm sunshine!!! :)
Happy week to you, Susan!
~ Zuzu
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