Welcome to the UFS mirror

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Bioconductor The Comprehensive R Archive Network Comprehensive TeX Archive Network Cygwin GIMP
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project GNU Projects Jenkins CI KDE Kodi
LibreOffice LyX MySQL Notepad++ Openldap
OSGEO Putty Quantum GIS Sage Vim
VLC media player WinSCP Wireshark
Software Development Repositories
The Apache Software Foundation Ananconda Channels The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network Eclipse Foundation Projects PostgreSQL Extension Network
Python Package Index
Linux Distributions
Arch Linux CentOS CentOS AltArch CentOS Stream CentOS Vault
Debian Fedora Gentoo Kali Linux Knoppix
Linux Mint openSUSE Parrot Raspbian Rocky Linux
Scientific Linux Ubuntu
Linux Software Repositories
Brave Browser Canonical Archive Debian ELRepo European Southern Observatory
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) Google Chrome IUS (Inline with Upstream Stable) Community Project Kali Linux Packages KDE Neon
LinuxMint Repository LinuxMint Extra Repository Mendeley Packman PostgreSQL
RPM Fusion Signal Teams Ubuntu LibreOffice PPA Ubuntu OpenCPU PPA Repository
Ubuntu QGIS Repository Ubuntu QGIS LTR Repository Ubuntu QGIS PPA Repository
Other Operating Systems
Linux Kernel Sources Gentoo Portage Tree Macports Release Trunk OpenVAS/Greenbone NVT Feed OpenVAS/Greenbone SCAP Data Feed
OpenVAS/Greenbone CERT Data Feed
Data sets
Eggnog5 NCBI Blast NCBI Genomes NCBI Refseq NCBI MMDB
Pfam RCSB PDB SRTM3 Swiss-Prot Taxonomy
Usage directions

The mirror is also available via the following protocols:

Protocol URI or equivalent Available off campus
rsync rsync://mirror.ufs.ac.za/ yes

Run this script, with md5sum cda15d5f8a002b64e67f2d62bb0a0516, as root to enable the following distros and repos to update on campus:
  • CentOS
  • Elrepo
  • Fedora Core
  • Fedora EPEL
  • Linux Mint
  • RPMFusion
  • Rocky Linux
  • Ubuntu

Install Tex Live using the following command: install-tl --location http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/ctan/systems/texlive/tlnet/

Install PyPI packages, from this mirror, by running pip with the following option: -i https://mirror.ufs.ac.za/pypi/simple, or add index-url = https://mirror.ufs.ac.za/pypi/simple to the global section of ~/.pip/pip.conf

Install CRAN packages, from this mirror, by running the R function install.packages with the repos parameter specified, for example to install sp: options(repos='http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/cran/'); install.packages(c("sp"), dependencies = TRUE)

Make use of the R repos by creating the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cran.list with the following content, replace trusty with the correct release:

deb http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/cran/bin/linux/ubuntu trusty/

Make use of the biolinux repos by creating the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bio-linux.list with the following content, replace trusty with the correct release:

Make use of the QGIS repos by creating the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.list with the following content, replace trusty with the correct release:

deb http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/ubuntu-qgis trusty main
deb http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/ubuntu-qgis-ppa trusty main

Make use of the Mendeley repo by editing the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mendeleydesktop.list by changing:

deb http://desktop-download.mendeley.com/download/apt stable main
deb http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/mendeley/apt stable main

Make use of the KDE Neon repo by creating the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neon.list with the following contents:

deb http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/kde-neon/lts xenial main
deb-src http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/kde-neon/lts xenial main

Follow the bioconductor installation instructions, but run:

options(BioC_mirror = 'http://mirror.ufs.ac.za/bioconductor');

before running the BiocManager::install function.