M wears: Top by
Bobo Choses /
Skirt by Molo / Leggings by
Sandals by Pom D'Api.
D wears: Tee by Heart & Guts /
Pants by Molo /
Shoes by Natives.
Some urban moments from the weekend. A trip to the comic shop (M has developed a big love for comic books )
Comics 'R' Us was on the agenda. She bought 3 new comics, 2 Adventure Time comics and 1 My Little Pony comic, that she of course had to start reading as soon as we sat down. After our feet got tired after window watching and simply taking in the urban views, we stopped at
Hooked for some much needed lunch. We all munched on seafood and I got to try a beer with a confusing name.
D had been in his money box to buy some lollies on the way home, so it was very important to count just exactly how much money he had. I think his appetite was a bit bigger than his wallet because he of course thought he could pretty much buy the whole lolly shop, but came out with a single chocolate bar and was still happy (thankfully). There is something magical with just window watching, the kids looked at everything, taking in the different people and the sights and sounds. We saw a hairdresser shop with skateboards hung up all over the walls and the hairdressers had colourful short hair. D decided he wanted his hair cut there the next time (realising he might need one after seeing these photos).
There are always street art to look at here, next to a little cafe called
Tyranny of Distance - Cafe and Lubritorium (I know!! amazing coffee to boot!) we found a little alley called
Artist Lane which had artworks all over the walls. Kids had fun checking it out and it was sort of behind the hustle and bustle so we were pretty much alone checking it out. Love these forms of outdoor "galleries" and it was a great ending to our little urban weekend.